Chapter 295 Shadow Demon Net

Time ticked by, and there was no obvious timekeeping with an hourglass, and Lynch could only count the time with the sound of his heart beating.

During this period, he waved the steel needle in his hand countless times, trying to kill the mosquitoes with one blow.

However, after hard work, it was only a piece of cut and bruise on his arm.

Without the resolute will to burn the jade and the stone, the speed of the steel needle must not be fast enough, and even before it is in place, it will not be affected by the wind and let the mosquitoes fly away first.

But if it is extremely swift and indomitable, if the strength is too big and the swiftness is exchanged for quasi-centeredness, it suddenly leaves a wound.

Lynch looked at the “sign” that had been dyed red in his hand, and sighed for a long time.

He has been pierced for a full day. According to the environment and reality, he can’t imagine that the moment he returns, his entire arm may have been pierced into a mass of rotten flesh.

He clenched his fists several times and put them down several times.

It has been three full days since Ma Yuan, the godslayer, disappeared.

In these three boring and unbearable days, the experiences he summed up several times eventually turned into useless articles.

In the early stage, Lynch continued to use the examples of countless mathematicians and physicists to encourage himself, feeling that they also developed the results after indomitable will.

But after all, Lynch himself still read the history of mathematics and physics a few times, and he still couldn’t deceive himself.

In fact, most of the mathematical physicists left behind in history, most of the most important achievements in their lives were made during the golden period of their 20s and 30s, and they are even unpleasant, except for some dedications after the 40s. For those who cultivate disciples, otherwise most of them are like eating their own money.

Compared with perseverance and “effort”, “talent” seems to be more important to solve this kind of historical problem.

For a long time, he has awakened from the palace of memory after crossing. Lynch can say that he hasn’t suffered much at all. No matter how difficult it is, he will find the breakthrough in two or three strokes, without pretending to be overnight.

Who would have thought that he would fall into this dilemma, and have been struggling for so many days and nights in the “prison state” created by the god-killer Ma Yuan.

However, in a higher dimension that Lynch couldn’t see, besides the God Killer Ma Yuan, there was another pair of eyes, watching him closely.

“This is the existence of your hope?” Sombra laughed in a low voice, “This dark well has been passed down for years of trials and proved the method of concentration. At the beginning, even you couldn’t control it accurately, so how could you pin your hopes on Can a mage apprentice realize it?”

God Killer Ma Yuan shook his head slightly, looking at the gradually invading shadows beside him, his expression impatient.

As prisoners, the most helpless thing is that they have lost their freedom, including the freedom to organize others to spy. Facing a god who knew more than half of the secrets of the Universe, he was also helpless to the other party. Anyway, he just revealed it to Lynch, the other party knew very well.

“My purpose was not to let him complete this impossible task.” Ma Yuan explained.

“On the one hand, this young man’s path really went too smoothly. Once he acted, it seemed as if the whole world’s will was obeying it. Over time, it would only make him lose his fighting spirit. So I must suffer him hard. Train his weakest concentration.”

“On the other hand, I did go and give a message to that chaos afterwards. It requires a lot of concentration, so the method I asked him to train is not a mistake.”

“Oh?” Sombra suddenly became interested, “According to the ancient prophecy, the bottom of the dark well hides the deepest secrets of the abyss. Over the years, those Devil lords and gods have quietly imprisoned their eyes and ears here. Watching everything.”

“Since you are so sure of this young man’s talent, why don’t you believe that he can do it?”

Ma Yuan fell into a burst of unsustainable laughter. “At the beginning, the sage simplified the prophecy into three simplest trial models, but who has done it for countless outstanding people who have entered the well of darkness?”

“You gods who are naturally high in the position of gods, you didn’t realize one thing.”

“What do you mean?” Although Sombra himself holds many secrets of the multi-universe, and is even imprisoned here because of this, he is still full of curiosity in the face of a rhetorical question from a godslayer.

“Sure enough, you who relied on faith halfway to get out of the house are too weak.” Ma Yuan, the godslayer, lightly mocked, “Even if you, an omniscient person who claims to be a multi-universe, still haven’t reacted to this. .”

“The three models themselves are the way to ignite their own divine fire. As long as anyone can complete these three trials in the well of darkness, it will be able to find the godhead left in the abyss and become a god smoothly.”

After listening to the black shadow, the whole body seemed to be turned into a sculpture, without a word for a long time.

The easiest and quickest way to become a god is to find the body of another fallen god and absorb the godhead from the other’s god body. After that, if you can successfully accept the remaining believer base, after a hundred years of hard work, you can succeed and become competent. The second generation of gods can basically be regarded as a replica of the previous generation of gods.

As for the other ways, no matter which one is extremely difficult, it may even take thousands of years of operation and the grasp of fate at that moment to have a few opportunities.

In fact, the stable god system basically only has the chance of large-scale change in the “Twilight of the Gods”, and other situations may not have a god rotation after waiting for a hundred years.

So now there is such a way to complete the three trials and become a god in place?

The black shadow couldn’t help but be surprised, “Why don’t I know, why do you know?”

Ma Yuan was helpless, “I am a godslayer, and I can sense it naturally. In fact, the dusk of the gods is coming ten years later. This secret will not be kept for long. It doesn’t hurt to tell you now.”

“Then do you know what godhead this will be?” Sombra became more and more curious.

“Shadow Demon.” Ma Yuan the Godslayer replied lightly.

“Shadow Magic Net? Isn’t it the one who has been pursuing hard? It’s actually hiding here?” Sombra exclaimed more and more.

In fact, the “magic energy field” that brings about the flow of occult particles is the “magic net”.

Even the gods who pass the magic to the believers rely on the channel of the magic net. It is not that the gods can not get out of the magic net, but only relying on the magic net is the most trouble-free.

The magical arts granted to believers in this way are as convenient as express delivery, otherwise they have to buy train tickets in person and deliver them to the recipient.

The “spell model” is the “decoding key” that connects this magic net to get feedback.

The so-called one link is to come into contact with the first layer of magic net and gradually advance.

God Killer Ma Yuan watched Lynch’s gaze gradually freeze, then chuckled slightly, how could it be him.

Shadow Magic Net, but countless wizards have been imagining all the time——

The hotlink to the magic net!

Even the “shadow spells” and “shadow mysteries” are just the most superficial application of the shadow magic net.

Imagine that if someone becomes a god with “Shadow Demon Net”, and then the other party relies on the Shadow Demon Net to monitor the entire Demon Net, it means that he has mastered the secrets of the entire multi-universe.

All the power channels through which the gods impart divine magic and bestowed pastors under their command will be monitored. Even the power of faith of believers is transmitted by the main road of the magic net.

Therefore, since ancient times, the god of magic who has mastered the “Magic Net”, even if there are not many mages who believe in him, will still become the most powerful god in the world.

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