I’m Really Scared

Chapter 160 Shirakawa Village

Falling in love with youkanshu.com, I'm really scared

Lin Shuman's eyes were full of horror, looking at the shadow clone in front of him.

Anyone who suddenly appears next to something that looks at least nine-like in the usual imaginary ghosts will be scared like this...

If it weren't for Lin Schumann's mental quality, he would have been directly scared and fell under the car now!

Lin Shuman moved back cautiously, turned on the headphone channel, and asked hesitantly, What is this... What? Did you get any phantom items again?

Lin Shuman reminded seriously: If you get an animate item in the future, if you can't completely determine its function, it is best to ask someone to identify it first, otherwise there may be problems.

Although phantom items have a wide variety of functions and can provide great help, most of them will cause some bad effects on people and are also very dangerous.

Especially this kind of scary looking...

Not an animate item.

Guan Shan shook his head and explained solemnly: This is the technique of shadow avatar, I can fully control it, don't be afraid.

Lin Shuman was stunned for a moment, then thoughtfully: Have you also learned Ninjutsu from Yingzhou?

Guan Shan looked modest: It will be a little bit.

Lin Shuman suddenly realized that since there were records in the archives that Guan Shan was suspected of using European witchcraft, it seemed impossible to learn so many Yingzhou Ninjutsu.

Here Lin Shuman feels that Guan Shan is multi-talented, but Guan Shan feels that Lin Shuman seems to be a little lacking in heart.

Believe it too...

Guan Shan was very happy. Sometimes he really thinks that this exclusive customer service is very cute, and he can believe whatever he says.

But think about it, in the restaurant, Lin Shuman, a D-level ability user, was foolishly robbed of the pistol by him who had just obtained the simulator... It is not surprising.

This kid is not very smart Ako.

At this time, Guan Shan is also adapting to the existence of this shadow clone.

But fortunately, the same as those skills acquired before, all the skills in the simulator system can basically be mastered without a teacher, and they will be proficient very quickly.

Guan Shan is now focused on three things, driving and chatting while still controlling his shadow avatar.

If Guan Shan is asked to describe this feeling, it is like playing a game to control the character's actions. The intelligence of the shadow clone is basically equal to 0, and the viewing angle also has a certain delay.

This thing is estimated to be a toad, poking and jumping.

I hope that it can run more smoothly after the level is higher, otherwise this reaction speed, if you really participate in the battle, you may only be a meat shield...

Fortunately, Guan Shan really didn't have much expectations for this level 1 shadow clone.

All I can say is that the future is bright.

So on top of the fast-moving off-road vehicle, two people squatted together.

If a passerby sees it, it must be another urban legend...

The car drove all the way towards the remote mountainous area.

Guan Shan asked Bian Jie to check the relevant information of the destination - after all, it is a coolie for nothing, no need for nothing.

Although Lin Shuman can be checked, Bian Jie, as a member of the Meridian team, is equivalent to a local snake. If he asks him to check, he will definitely be able to find more things.

Ajie said on the co-pilot: This Qiuning Mountain Baihe Village belongs to a key poverty-stricken area. President Li came here seven years ago to do volunteer teaching. I didn't expect to be able to help here with publicity. After all, charity is a concern. It is far inferior to those hot social hotspots.”

Guan Shan nodded. His previous knowledge of the president of his own newspaper was basically a strong woman from a very good family background-although even Liu Rui couldn't gossip about Li Zhiying's specific background,

But at least it can match Comrade Xiaoshen's family background, maybe even better.

She is usually invisible in the newspaper office, and she is always entertaining, planning, and dredging relationships. Only occasionally does she come to inspect her work. In addition to being unselfish, she is extremely efficient.

In the eyes of Guan Shan, who doesn't know much about his own president, Li Zhiying is naturally a work-oriented person, and he didn't expect to be so nostalgic.

It took almost two days to drive from the base to the Qiuning Mountain area, and thanks to the location of the Wuhao base itself, it was already remote enough.

Here, go up from here, it's Baihe Village.

Guan Shan pointed to a mountain road ahead.

This road is paved with stones, and the bottom is full of mud, but it is wide enough for vehicles to pass through. Obviously, in order to connect the village with the outside world, a lot of work has been done in the past few years.

Guan Shan first called Li Zhiying: Hello, President, I'm down the mountain.


The first thing that came from the phone was a noisy snowflake sound, as if the TV signal was not very good.

But such a voice only lasted for a second or two, and when Guan Shan frowned, Li Zhiying's voice came.

Hello? Guan Shan? The signal here is not very good. I'll come and pick you up later. Send me the location.

Okay, sorry for your troubles, I also brought a temporary photographer over to help with the camera.

Guan Shan took out the camera from his bag and shoved it into Ajie's hand, nonsense.

Li Zhiying was a little surprised: What you think is quite comprehensive.

Wherever, this should be done.

Guan Shan politely humiliated the snake for a moment, hung up the phone, sent the location to Li Zhiying, and got out of the car to look around.

He looked at the mountain forest in front of him. It was already evening, and the light of the setting sun rendered everything orange, and it was gradually darkening.

Hey, what is this?

Guan Shan squatted down and reached out to touch a small stone statue in front of him.

This stone statue looks like an oval stone, covered with moss underneath, and it can't be seen as a stone statue from a distance.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are vague engravings on it. I can't tell what it looks like, but it seems that there are huge eyes on the head and a pair of wings behind it.

Guan Shan had a bad premonition in his heart, and then he looked around and found that there were such stone piers along the road.

There are even traces of suspected bowls in some places... very much like they have been worshipped.

well known...

In horror-themed works, when there is a combination of mountain village and strange statue, it is most likely that the protagonist will start to suffer.

Guan Shan twitched the corners of his mouth: It shouldn't be so unlucky, right?

He comforted himself: President Li taught here seven years ago, and he must know a lot about this place. Where there is any problem, it's just the customs, it should be fine...

Out of concern, he asked Ajie to ask.

Ajie said that he hadn't heard of any traces of psychic activity here. These stone piers should be some kind of belief spontaneously in Baihe Village.

There is no trace of the activity of the power user...

Guan Shan breathed a sigh of relief, but he still had a little pimple in his heart.

Li Zhiying rushed over quickly, but she came over.

President Li, who changed into a simple attire, looked very capable, with a plain face but still beautiful and beautiful. When he came up, he said to Guan Shan, I have almost finished the negotiation, but there is a shortage of people to sort out the manuscript. I have been busy for so many days. I haven't taken any promotional photos yet, so you came just in time.

Li Zhiying said strangely: By the way, I haven't asked you yet, why did you come to Liaoshen? I remember that you were injured when you asked for leave...


Guan Shan immediately changed the subject: Do we have to go up?

Li Zhiying shook her head and said, No, you guys can drive. I'm leading the way ahead. It's not very far. My car is on top, but it's a bit troublesome to drive down. You have to take a detour, so I just walked down.

Guan Shan nodded to show his understanding, then returned to the car and started the car.

He looked at Li Zhiying in front, and stuck his head out the window to remind him to pay attention to the slippery road, but suddenly found that Li Zhiying's shoes were not stained with mud at all.


ps: Thanks to 310406, Blow Me Like a Cloud, Book Friend 20200203225331928, Fang Yan Shu Yu for the rewards!

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