I’m Really Scared

Chapter 200 Night Falls

From sunset at dusk to nightfall, although the process seems slow, the speed at which the sun really sets is actually very fast.

Especially now that it is winter, the night in Hangzhou comes very early, and the sky will be completely dark in a few minutes.

As for the battle just now, whether it was fast or slow, it was enough to make the night cover everything.


The light next to it flickered twice and turned on instantly.

Bian Xingyun took two steps, looked at the rapidly slanting shadow under his feet, and suddenly stopped at the warehouse door.

——no screams.

She suddenly realized this.

This is very abnormal.

In the high-voltage electric field that is strong enough to seriously injure B-level supernatural beings, anyone who still has a sense of pain will definitely perform what a normal human being should do in the face of extreme pain.

And screams, whether they are screams of terror or pain, are necessary.

But now, apart from the roar of thunder and lightning, there is only the sound of wind engulfed in snow.

Guan Shan, who was supposed to die in pain and become the main theme, was silent.

Not good! He's not dead!

Bian Xingyun was alert and turned around suddenly.

Nothing happened in front of my eyes, only the ongoing thunder pool and the quiet streets in the night.


Bian Xingyun took two steps back and frowned, did she think too much?

If Guan Shan's physical strength is not high enough, it is possible to be killed in an instant. In this case, it is true that he will not make any more screams.

But Guan Shan is also a person with supernatural powers that strengthen the body system, so the probability of this is very small...

Don't be careless!

Bian Xingyun took a deep breath, determined to activate the remaining electric field, and directly used the high temperature to bond the wounds on his body together, stopping the continuous loss of blood.


She snorted, closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes were extremely sharp, and she clenched the whip in her hand.

Even if he is not dead, it is impossible for this person to withstand such a strong current.

Bian Xingyun can be sure that this person will only suffer more serious injuries than himself!

Even if he is not dead, this person will not be her opponent!

Panting for breath, Bian Xingyun vaguely heard the sound of the police siren. The movement here and the fleeing landlord called the police, and even the speed of dispatching the police was much faster.

The special security team can't hold on for too long. The news must have spread by now. We must take the things away quickly.

Bian Xingyun walked into the warehouse, and the first thing he saw was the furnace suspended in mid-air and a human figure wrapped in light.

It is a completely neutral, complex mechanical body like a puppet. The shell is translucent, and the mechanical structure inside can be clearly seen. The left arm of the puppet does not have a palm, but a muzzle, which looks very sci-fi.

Although Bian Xingyun didn't know what it was, he could tell that the furnace in front of him was the device that produced this humanoid mechanical body.


She stretched out her hand and opened the folding space that was developed with the participation of space-like supernatural beings. A light blue light suddenly shot out from the silver gemstone on her arm armor, covering the furnace in front of her, and then quickly closed it.

At this moment, Bian Xingyun suddenly turned his head to avoid the strong wind coming from behind, but at the same time, her abdomen was pierced by a sharp weapon at the same time!


She was very calm, instantly stopped the opening of the folding space, and at the same time seamlessly transformed into an electric field.

From her body, the last electric current burst out!

With her own superconducting ability as the conductor, she can expand the power of the current to the maximum!

Anyone who touches her will be attacked by this terrifying electric current!

You really didn't...

Bian Xingyun sneered, and the moment she turned her head, her expression froze, and her words stopped.

Because what was in front of her was not Guan Shan, but a huge black monster!

This behemoth has no face, and it is almost integrated with the night, with two sharp and slender horns growing out of its forehead,

With two huge wings hanging down from behind, it can withstand the ceiling of the warehouse just half squatting, completely blocking the exit of the warehouse, full of oppressive feeling.

The shadow it cast was enough to completely cover Bian Xingyun, and a single palm was enough to crush her.

It does not come from the night, it is the night itself!

And what pierced Bian Xingyun's body was not a weapon.

It was this monster with a finger as sharp as a sword!


The electric current from Bian Xingyun only jumped a few arcs on the monster's skin, and then disappeared in the black hole-like night.


The monster let out a soul-stirring growl, slowly raised its hand, and lifted up the pierced Bian Xingyun.

What's going on... What is this... Where did the ghost thing come from?! The monster in the box?! But didn't that thing appear at all, didn't it have to meet the conditions to be summoned?! Why did it appear now?! !!

Bian Xingyun's face was pale, her thoughts were in a mess, and the fear from her heart made her tremble all over, and she struggled vigorously.

But apparently to no avail.

The monster just gently folded its palms, so that all those sharp end bone spurs fell into Bian Xingyun's body, forming an inescapable cage.

Bian Xingyun looked at the approaching monster face, terrified, but still activated the ability again and again, driving the current to the maximum.

Die to me! Die to me! Die to me!

Zi la--! Z-la--! Z---!...

But each time, the arc only existed for a few seconds before disappearing in an instant, unable to penetrate even the epidermis.

Give me...give me...

Bian Xingyun's voice trembled, because the monster seemed to be tired of watching her tricks at last, and the closed palms gestured to open again...

And Bian Xingyun, who was pierced by his fingers, is gradually being torn apart.

Bian Xingyun struggled, but he seemed relieved, and finally...

歘! Slap!

Blood was spilled on the warehouse floor.

But Bian Xingyun still didn't die immediately, her supernatural ability could give her cells enough vitality, and at the same time make her vitality extremely tenacious.

At the moment, however, it just prolongs her more pain.

What she didn't expect was that the real nightmare was yet to come.

The monster lowered its head and slowly approached her, opening its mouth full of sharp teeth.

Bian Xingyun's pupils constricted, he watched helplessly, and finally collapsed: No... no no no no... no! Please! No!!!!


Silence was restored in the warehouse.

Guan Shan stood in the middle of the pool of blood, looked around, lost in daze and thought.

who I am? where am I? what am i doing

His memory stayed at the moment when the thunder and lightning came, and out of a strong premonition of the crisis, he chose to use the new prop he had just obtained——.

In short, the dungeon is over, that's right... the process is actually not very important.

Guan Shan shrugged, and put away the furnace and its products.


The strong light of the high beam came from behind, and a police car stopped at the door of the warehouse, and the police pointed their guns at Guan Shan.

The landlord pointed here in a panic: That's it, that's where I saw it...

The leading policeman shouted: People inside, give up resistance immediately, otherwise...

Before he finished speaking, he saw a young figure appearing at the door of the warehouse, and all the guns were aimed at him immediately: Don't move, police—

Guan Shan shook the ID in his hand, interrupted: Police!

Everyone present was stunned.

Guan Shan coughed twice, and said: The special security team will take over this case, you can go now! If you have any questions, you can ask your superiors now!


ps: Thank you for the great use of soap, Yue Miao, the reading giraffe, crow white pupil, the old ruler A, book friends, just a small talk, Dugu Xuanguan, the imaginative me in the book, fighting expert doctor, c, ah Piao Piao Piao Piao, Nan Nan Zai, Bian Que tested poison, I am still a young man, gentle and dedicated, I always deserve a name, a long-standing reputation, and a reward!

Because it's been a while, there may be some omissions in the list. In short, thanks to all the readers who rewarded this book!

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