After hearing Pepper's words, Tony frowned suddenly, but his eyes still did not leave the instrument, but only replied lightly:

"Tell them that I won't see you today. "

There was silence on the other end of the microphone for a moment, as if communicating something.

Immediately after, Pepper's somewhat flustered voice was heard.

"Tony, they said you were poisoned by heavy metal, when did you get poisoned?"

"They say there's a cure. "

Even the voice could hear Pepper's panic and fear, and in an instant, an angry look flashed across Tony's face.

Without saying a word, he walked out with a gloomy face, Jiang Chen smiled meaningfully, patted the back of the little spider and followed.

After going up to the living room, Jiang Chen saw Nick Fury sitting on the sofa with a big grin, and Coulson standing behind him carrying a big suitcase.

Despite his reluctance, the black braised egg still forced a smile and said hello after seeing Jiang Chen.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang Chen, we meet again. "

Jiang Chen smiled and waved his hand at him, signaling that he didn't have to care about himself.

Then he walked to the side, his arms clasped to his chest, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, looking like he was watching a good show.

He knew exactly what was in the box Coulson was carrying, and he knew what Nick Fury was doing this time.

It's nothing more than the value of Tony's strength as Iron Man from the video on the Internet, and that box should be the relic of Tony's father, Howard Stark.

Hidden within those relics are the new elements that Tony has been looking for.

The plan of the black braised egg is almost impeccable, and if it were not for Jiang Chen's existence, Tony would definitely be co-opted.

However, they seemed to be a step too late, and just two minutes ago, the problem of Tony's palladium poisoning had been solved by the magic stone.

Now Jiang Chen really wants to see what Nick Fury's reaction will be when he knows about this incident after Nick Fury, a black egg from the inside out.

Tony next to him was stopped by Pepper as soon as he came out of the basement, and after finally calming him down temporarily, Tony walked in front of Nick Fury with a black face and did it.

"Tony..."Nick Fury was the first to speak, but as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Tony shaking his fingers.

"Oh, oh... , Mr. One-Eyed Dragon, we are not familiar enough that you can call me by my name. Tony said in a foul tone.

To be honest, he had a bad impression of Nick Fury, quite badly.

Why didn't Tony keep hiding his palladium poisoning and didn't tell Pepper, because he didn't want her to worry?

Now the problem has been completely solved because of Jiang Chen's magic stone, and this matter has already been regarded as a thing of the past, and Pepper will never know.

It's good now, this black braised egg has been exposed to everything, and if Tony hadn't wanted to hear what the purpose of this thing was coming to the door, he would have kicked them out a long time ago.

After hearing the unkindness in Tony's tone, the expression on Nick Fury's face also stiffened slightly, but the next moment it returned to nature.

"Alright, Mr. Stark, let's get straight to the point. "

"I know your problem now, I have your father's relic here, and it is possible that there is a new element hidden in it that can replace the palladium element. "

"Wait, how can my father's relics be in your hands. "

Tony abruptly interrupted Nick Fury, looking at him with a look that had gone from unkind to vigilant.

"Your father, Howard Stark, is one of the founders of our S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury explained lightly.

"I'll believe what you say, but what about the evidence?"

Saying that, Tony glanced at the black braised egg with some suspicion, obviously still skeptical of his words.

After realizing that Tony was much more difficult than he thought, Nick Fury took out his phone and clicked on a folder, which contained a group photo of Howard and the others.

After Tony saw it, he asked Jarvis to check it again, and after proving that it was not PS, he finally accepted the fact that his father was the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then he said directly and neatly:

"Okay, tell me, what do you want, money, or the technology of my armor?"

Tony's three views have always been very positive, he and Jiang Chen are fundamentally the same people, and they both believe in the principle of equivalent exchange.

There is never love for no reason in this world, and there is no hate for no reason, even when Jiang Chen sold him something, although Tony was bargaining, he never said anything like free.

Now, this S.H.I.E.L.D. won't come to the door for a long time to play, but it's at this time that they come up, and they know with their butts that they must have ulterior motives.

Seeing that even so, Tony still didn't have the slightest kindness to himself, Nick Fury could only make a big move.

"Mr. Stark, you don't have to be so wary of us, we have absolutely no ill will towards you, if you don't mind, listen to me tell a story first. "

"Oh?" Tony nodded with interest, motioning for the black braised egg to continue.

"During World War II, the Nazis had an organization called Hydra, and they were pervasive and had the most advanced technological weapons of the time, some of which could not be replicated until now. "

"The leader of Hydra is named Red Skull, and he is an ambitious and strong leader, and he has gradually grown Hydra, which was originally a spy and intelligence organization, to spread all over the world, and finally has become a greater threat than the Nazis. "

"At that time, in order to fight against Hydra, your father and several very famous figures at the time jointly created S.H.I.E.L.D., aiming to fight against Hydra and maintain world peace. "

"In the end, after a difficult battle, even the 'Captain of the United States' was sacrificed, he defeated the Red Skull and cleaned up the Hydra. "

Next, due to the extreme lack of internal personnel caused by the continuous fighting, coupled with the joy of victory, S.H.I.E.L.D. started a program called Paperclip, and began to recruit a large number of scientists from the country of Dé to serve it. "

"As a result, Hydra did not completely perish as people knew at the time, but instead infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., and they have been lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D., absorbing our power and growing until today, it has formed an unimaginably huge scale, and even I guess there are people in the government now. "

"Wait, that evil organization called Hydra you're talking about has been lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D.," Tony said with some surprise.

"Yes. Nick Fury nodded bitterly.

"And who are?"

"I am the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

"So what have you been eating, according to you, that hydra has grown to this point, and you haven't felt anything wrong all the time?"

As he spoke, Tony's eyes began to become weird when he looked at the black braised eggs.

"In fact, we know that Hydra exists as a businessman who recently told us about it. Saying that, Nick Fury also looked at Jiang Chen not far away, and the expression on his face became more and more bitter.

"Right now we're in a standoff with Hydra, and I can feel that they've been working on some kind of plan. "

"Although I don't know what exactly this plan is, they have been planning it for decades, and the scale is certainly not small, and it is not impossible to even completely collapse the order of this planet. "

"So, after talking for a long time, what are you looking for me for?" Tony's face unconsciously became serious.

"We need you, Tony Stark, we need the power of your mind, we need the power of Iron Man. Nick Fury said sincerely.

This is his ultimate move, playing the emotional card!

The intelligence department of S.H.I.E.L.D. analyzed Tony's personality and found that under the unruly appearance, this playboy in the eyes of everyone has a strong sense of responsibility and justice.

Nick Fury doesn't believe he's elevated the topic to saving the world, and Tony will remain indifferent.

In fact, the black braised egg was not wrong at all, and Tony was as moved as he expected.

However, Nick Fury ignored Jiang Chen's existence, and subconsciously underestimated Tony's previous friendship with him.

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