Thor stood stunned in the dead silence of the street, the rifle he had snatched from the thugs in his hand slipped and fell to the ground with a crisp 'snap' sound.

There was no dust, only blood flowers, the blood of one of the unknown civilians.

Looking at the silent corpse, Thor's whole body felt like he had fallen into a glacier, and his brain, which was overwhelmed by the flames of war, instantly calmed down.

He looked at the blood-stained town tremblingly, and the words Jiang Chen had told him subconsciously appeared in his mind.

'All I see in you is arrogance, narrow-mindedness and recklessness, you are a thug at all...'

'The first thing you have to do as a king is to be able to protect your subjects...'


"No, no, no, it shouldn't be like this." Thor was like a fool and kept muttering to himself.

As he spoke, he knelt directly on the ground covered in blood, holding his head and looking up to the sky and roaring.

But the infinite self-blame and guilt in my heart cannot be eliminated by yelling, and after the roar, there is endless silence.

Just as the divine light in his eyes gradually faded, a faint cry for help suddenly sounded.

Although the sound was extremely subtle, it was no less than a thunderclap in Thor's ears.

At this moment, before Thor's consciousness could react, his body took the first step and ran like a madman to the source of the sound.

After seeing the little girl leaning against the wall in the corner, Tolton, who had burst into tears at some point, seemed to see some light, and threw himself on the ground without hesitating the stones on the ground.

"Please, please, don't live, don't live!" Thor pleaded softly in his voice, as if he was afraid that he would extinguish this last hope by speaking louder.

With trembling hands, he put his fingers on the little girl's neck, and at this moment it seemed as if the time had been stretched infinitely.

Thor swore that he had never felt such long and torturous for a moment, not even when he had performed the succession ceremony before.

The next moment, feeling the slight pulse, Thor's tears flowed out as uncontrollably as the floodwaters that opened the floodgates.

"She's still alive, she's still alive, I've saved at least one person." Thor said vaguely as he hugged the little girl who had passed out in his arms.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Thor:

"Give her this, or the last one will die."

Thor turned his head to look, only to see that Jiang Chen was already standing behind him at some point, handing over a small red bottle.

Feeling the girl's weaker and weaker breathing, Thor couldn't care so much, and directly took the little red bottle and put it into the girl's mouth.

After seeing that the girl's face was bloody again, and her breathing had slowly stabilized, Thor sat down on the ground with a blank gaze as if he had lost his strength.

However, Jiang Chen sneered at this time:

"How did you promise me, Thor Odinson?"

Looking at Jiang Chen's cold gaze, Thor's eyes slowly flashed bloodshots, and a nameless fire instantly surged into his heart.

"You have the ability, why don't you stop them."


Thor stood up suddenly, rushed over and grabbed Jiang Chen's collar, and roared hoarsely.

A cold light suddenly flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, and he directly broke his hand, and then directly slapped him over.

"Why, you ask?"

"This is the opportunity I gave you, and it was you, Thor, the god of thunder, who promised me that I would protect such a civilian."

"But there are more than 10 of them, and I can't take care of them alone, and besides, I don't have any divine power now." Thor instinctively excused.

If there was a mirror now, Thor would be able to see how flustered he was at the moment.

No matter what race it is, as long as there is wisdom, it cannot avoid a natural inferiority, that is, subconsciously shirking one's own responsibilities and wanting to make one's heart less guilty, just like Thor now.

But Jiang Chen didn't intend to let him go like this, and said in a cold voice mercilessly:

"I told you, your divine power has only been sealed, and if you were really determined to protect them this time, your divine power would have returned to you long ago."

"You think about what you did, and before the enemy came, you fought with the object you were protecting."

"When the enemy came, he didn't care about the civilians, and only cared about charging into battle."

"If you had calmly deployed at the beginning and not been burdened by your useless pride, these people would not have died."

"But, but... I don't understand the language with them, yes, I don't understand the language with them, I can't communicate at all, yes, yes..."

As if grasping the last straw, Thor said incoherently, looking at Jiang Chen, there was already a hint of supplication in his eyes.

He begged Jiang Chen not to continue, he prayed that Jiang Chen could leave him some hope.

But Jiang Chen still didn't have a trace of emotion, and his tone was still so calm and cruel.

"Did I say you couldn't ask us for help? Each of these agents can act as an interpreter for you, and you can have them help you kill your enemies when the thugs dispersed, but did you open your mouth once from start to finish? "

Thor was silent, if the current situation in Asgard that Jiang Chen had described before had only touched his heart, then his words now were like slashing directly at his soul and then sprinkling salt on a bloody wound.

At this moment, the divine light in Thor's eyes was completely extinguished.

Maybe he is not suitable to be a king at all, and a king who can't even protect his subjects can only be regarded as a waste.

In the future, Asgard's enemies can only be stronger than these extremists, and people like themselves can only bring the kingdom to fall.

Just when Thor fell into infinite self-doubt and was about to be completely abolished, Jiang Chen suddenly turned around and said lightly:

"Let's go, there's another town going to be attacked in the afternoon."

"I... Do I still have a chance? Thor jerked his head up and said in disbelief.

"Yes, at least you protect someone, don't you?"

"Without you, this town would have been completely destroyed, and those thugs would continue to live in this world to cause murder."

"Please wait a minute, at least let me bury these people."


Jiang Chen just watched as Thor buried the corpses in their homeland.

After a while, Thor, who had become a clay figure, walked over with the little girl in his arms and bowed deeply to Jiang Chen.

"Thank you for giving me a chance as a loser."

Obviously, his body was covered with blood and dust, and his face also had bruises and tear stains, but at this moment, Jiang Chen saw a trace of the maturity of the later generations from his body.

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