Under the silver moon, above the ruins, Scathach held the red magic gun in his arms, bathing in the moonlight.

The face covered by gauze faced the direction Caster left, and there was a hint of regret in the eyes that were the same color as the magic gun.

It arouses my desire to fight, but it cannot be satisfied, so is it an appetizer?

With Scathach's A+ agility, it was not difficult to catch up with Caster as he left, but she couldn't do that.

It's not that I'm worried about falling into Caster's trap, but it's because this is a densely populated residential area.

There is a rule in the world of magic, which is to keep it mysterious and not be known to ordinary people, let alone have too much impact on the world. The battle between the servants will bring a lot of damage to the surroundings. Caster's fighting method is to continuously summon monsters. Once the two start fighting here, the entire residential area may be destroyed. The Matou family cannot bear the consequences. Scathach did not want to cause so many casualties because of himself.

It wasn't until Caster's breath was no longer felt that Scathach put away the magic gun, turned around and said, Sorry to trouble you, the magic can be lifted.

Little bits of golden magic suddenly diffused in the empty air, like fireflies in summer, and like the scattered fragments of fireworks.

In the center of the fireflies, the pure white saint appeared, and the magic power dissipated immediately. The sound of the two servants fighting and the collapse of the house did not wake up the surrounding residents because Justeza was there before the battle started. He arranged magic to block vibrations. Whether it was vibrations from the earth or the air, they were confined within the house and were not allowed to spread. She has witnessed three Holy Grail Wars and is deeply aware of the destructive power of Servants.

Justeza glanced at the ruins in front of her, then at the monsters that began to disappear from the world as Caster left, and asked, How?

Scathach smoothed his slightly disheveled hair and said, The unqualified Caster is an opponent barely used to kill time. Let's kill him next time.

Justice nodded, walked to a corner of the ruins, and used magic to gently remove the rubble, revealing the boy who had lost all his family members overnight and whose fate was unknown.

There is a rune printed on the boy's back. It is with the protection of this rune that he can survive the disaster unscathed.

What should I do with this child?

The servants fight, the master supports (harmony), leave it to Shinji, he will take care of it.

As Scathach said, when the first Servant War began, Shinji had already begun to think about how to deal with the aftermath.

He only affected the world line of the Matou family. Ryunosuke, who had nothing to do with it, was not affected and summoned the last servant, Caster, as before.

According to Justeza's description, the opponent has a book's Noble Phantasm, wields an alien tentacle-like monster, and can receive Scathach's sword. The identity of the servant can basically be determined to be Gil de Rais.

Gilles de Rais, a French marshal during the Hundred Years' War between England and France, a national hero of France, and an ally of Joan of Arc who saved the country.

However, after Joan of Arc was captured, Gil suffered a great mental shock and retreated to the territories of Mashkule and Tiforz to study black witchcraft. As a result, he killed many children and was later sentenced to the fire type. He became one of the real-life prototypes of the villain Bluebeard in Western fairy tales.

Gil himself is not suitable for the class of Caster. It can only be said that the establishment of Ryunosuke Uyu's specious ritual can be regarded as a summoning ritual was a coincidence caused by an accident. However, this accident created the worst combination in this Holy Grail War.

Because he had served as a French marshal and had a brilliant record, Gilles had considerable tactical qualities. This was well proven by his timely retreat without entanglement with Scathach.

Although according to historical records, Gil's greatest strength as a soldier was not his own force but his financial resources, after all, he was a comrade who fought alongside Joan of Arc. He had experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, and his force was definitely not bad. Moreover, in other works of the Fate series, he has also appeared as a saber, and it is not difficult to block Scathach's sword.

But that's all. Gil's fighting methods are relatively simple, and decisive methods need to be prepared in advance. There is no way that he can be an opponent of Scathach in an encounter.

So Shenji just sighed, In the original world line, Assassin provoked the first battle, and now it is the same. The inertia of the world line is really terrible. He stopped paying attention to the battle situation and turned to thinking about the aftermath.

Looking through the flow chart he had written again, Shinji had an idea.

Teacher, please erase this child's memory of tonight and the memory of living with his family, and then send this child to the vicinity of the Holy Church.

Scathhay stretched out his fingers and carved out two new runes. The effects of these runes were sleep and forgetfulness. Love is deep, hate is deep, without these, the child will not feel pain.

Love is deep and hate is deep. Without love and hate, this child with a miserable life experience would not feel pain.

As for revenge, Shinji will do it for him. No matter whether the world line will change or not, he will not let Ryunosuke Uyu survive this Holy Grail War! It's not out of any sense of responsibility, but simply disgust for people like Ryunosuke.

Justisa, when the master arrives, you can find a phone booth nearby and call the Holy Church. Remember to use magic to change your voice first. What to say, I will tell you word for word.

One of the seven masters who is a participant in this Holy Grail War sends a message to the supervisor of the Holy Grail War, Father Kotomine Rimasa.

In the early hours of tonight, a servant battle took place in a residential area in the northwest of Fuyuki City. The two sides were the servants I used and the Caster who was summoned a few minutes ago.

The fighting resulted in the collapse of a house in the center of the residential area. There was no further impact on surrounding residents. Please follow the supervisor's responsibilities and handle the aftermath as soon as possible.

In addition, Caster's master is suspected of killing three ordinary people in a private house in order to summon Caster. Judging from the method, it is very similar to the serial murder case recently announced by the police.

The only survivor in the house has been rescued by myself and placed near the church. Please go out and search for him immediately after the communication ends.

Since the survivor is a child who is only a few years old, I took it upon myself to use magic to erase the memory of this night and his family. Please make arrangements properly for the church that believes in 'God loves the world and helps the poor and the sick'.

The above is the unnamed magician.

Father Li Zheng, who was awakened from his sleep by the sound of the phone, put back the receiver, feeling completely sleepy.

He put on the black robe, walked out of the chapel, found the child placed on the bench by the roadside, and sighed half in compassion and half in anticipation.

Is it finally starting?

PS: When the master arrived, there was only one child left in the family of four.

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