I'm Shenji, what are you doing?

Chapter 43 Saber and Joan of Arc


Irisviel screamed, her hands involuntarily grabbing Saber's clothes.

Saber patted Irisviel on the shoulder, but did not pull out the Invisible Sword. She just asked: Queen of the Demon Realm, what are you?

I'm not here to find you.

Scathach pointed his gun forward, surrounded by the remains of monsters. Caster used them as shields to block the former's attack.

Caster is my prey and the target that my Master must kill. I have been looking for him these past few days. You don't want to steal my prey, do you, Saber?

Don't come between me and my saint, Assassin!

Before Saber could answer, Caster's roar filled with great anger broke through the dust.

If Saber is really that Joan of Arc, I won't understand the charm, but it's a pity——

Speaking of this, Scathach's eyes showed one part sarcasm and two parts sympathy.

Although Saber is very similar to Jeanne d'Arc, she is not the Jeanne d'Arc you love after all.

Similar? How similar?

Irisviel's curiosity was aroused by Scathach's words, and her doubts were exactly what Saber wanted to ask. Even Caster temporarily suppressed his anger.

Scathach tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied: The historical status is the same. One is the saint who saved the country in France, and the other is the wise king who saved the country in Britain. The appearance is also the same, especially the face, which is almost exactly the same. I was there more than 600 years ago. I once observed that saint through clairvoyance. If my memory is correct, you only have a little difference in the color of your eyes. But the most similar thing is your essence. You are both people with strong personalities and noble hearts.

I see.

Saber nodded thoughtfully, the coldness on her face lessened a lot, and she spoke to Caster in the most solemn manner.

I don't know anything about you and that saint, but I'm sorry, I'm not your saint.

The strange thing is that after hearing what Saber and Scathach said, Caster not only did not feel disappointed at all, but instead looked happy and intoxicated.

Ah, my saint, your gentleness is still so intoxicating. But please don't worry, even if your heart is blinded and your memory is lost because of God's injustice, you are still the same you. I will definitely break the shackles of God and bring you back to the world. You save.”

Caster went completely crazy—no matter Saber, Irisviel, or Scathach came to such a conclusion at the same time.

This guy didn't hear what Saber and Scathach said at all, or he didn't intend to listen from the beginning. As for Saber, he just made a random conclusion based on his own fantasy, and he firmly believed in this conclusion. Under the control of this thought, Caster couldn't listen to anything.

It seems there is nothing more to say. Scathach changed from holding the gun in one hand to holding the gun in both hands. The cold temperature in the mountains became even more biting. Saber, Miss Irisviel——

No need for Scajado to say anything, Saber already understood her thoughts.

I wish you good luck in martial arts, Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.

After saying that, Saber pulled Irisviel into the sports car, put it into gear skillfully, and drove away. Compared with the new driver Irisviel, Saber has A-level riding skills and can control almost all means of transportation. He is a real experienced driver, and he is very skilled at driving.

Wait, Jeanne!

Your opponent is me!

Caster stretched out his hand to stop him, but was forced back by Scathach's shot. He could only watch the goddess in his heart go away.

It wasn't until the pure white sports car disappeared into the night that Caster turned around and glared at Scathach with extremely hateful eyes, as if he wanted to crush her to ashes.

It's you, is it you? God's lackey, the villain who prevented me from meeting the saint again! You have separated us once, and now you want to stop us again. Die, die, die!

The anger and hatred turned into reality, emanating from the magic book in Caster's hand, giving birth to countless monsters that did not belong to this world.

At the first sound of death, it seemed as if countless small monsters stacked up on sea anemones and corals appeared along with the black magic mist.

The second time he shouted Die, huge tentacles that looked like an octopus or a squid emerged from the ground and danced wildly.

The third cry of death was indescribable. An indescribable disgusting monster fell from the sky. It was not a creature that belonged to the earth, but a crazy and terrifying creature from the dark universe.

The demons are dancing wildly!

Facing a scene that could make an ordinary person's mind collapse, Scathach's heart was filled with not only any negative emotions, but also a kind of heartfelt joy.

The magic power that turned into substance slowly flowed through Scathach's hands and through the scarlet spear. From a distance, it looked as if there was a flame burning.

Finally, we can have a good fight.

The breath he exhaled lifted up a corner of the veil. The moment the veil was raised, the circle of small monsters closest to Scathach exploded, as if someone had stuffed explosives in their stomachs, causing martial arts to explode. Minced meat splattered everywhere.

In the disgusting filth that filled the sky, Scathach's men and guns merged into one, like sharp arrows fired from a siege bed crossbow, mercilessly crashing into Caster's monster formation.

The tragic fate of their companions did not make the other monsters retreat. Driven by the summoner, they pushed forward one after another, filling Scathach's vision like a tide.

Scathach has no fear. No matter how many people there are, they will not pose a threat to the real strong ones.

The magic spear thrust out and a tentacle exploded.

The magic gun swept across, and five small monsters flew backwards in confusion.

The magic gun was fired continuously, and the disgusting monster was also seriously injured.

In just a few minutes, dozens of monsters had fallen to Scathach's gun.

However, this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the huge army of monsters.

Monsters with tentacles constantly sprout new tentacles where they were cut off.

A new, identical monster was born from the destroyed remains of the monster.

What's even more troublesome is that new reinforcements are constantly emerging from the filthy sea of ​​blood that is constantly spreading outward.

Under the continuous summons of troops, the distance between Scathach and Caster not only did not close, but became further and further away.

“O servant of God, be consumed by my wrath!”

In the endless darkness, the humanoid demon holding the human skin magic book screamed sharply and harshly.

As if from hell.

PS: I am not God's lackey, I am the God-killer. - BY Master

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