I'm Shenji, what are you doing?

Chapter 78 The battle between the magician and the magician killer (10)

Just when the ground was shattered by Kirei's step and her palms were about to come out, Justeza's waist-length hair moved automatically without any wind. The long hair passed through Justeza's armpits and criss-crossed. , weaving layers of net bags to cover Kirei's hands.

The net pockets with multiple composite structures accurately held Kirei's palms, but Kirei had no intention of quitting the attack. Instead, he gathered all his strength and continued to push his palms. As long as this palm hits, it will be enough to determine the winner. No matter how tight the net bag is, without the support of magic power, it is just hair.

However, Kirei's Wind-facing Sun Palm, which he poured all his strength into, missed. The moment Kirei's hands touched the net bag, he realized that he was wrong. Instead of the expected soft touch, it felt as hard as steel. Not only the net bag, but also the extension of the net bag, the long silver hair also bounced straight, like steel wires.

This was an unbreakable barrier that fixed the distance between Kirei and Justeza at fifty centimeters.

Yustisa is a spiritual body, and her ability to transform into a physical entity is based on the third method. Under the infusion of magic power, her hair will not lose in strength and toughness to the pseudo-noble phantom Thousand Threads and Hundreds of Knots.

Kirei pushed his hand forward, and Yusitisa followed his hand and retreated. The distance of fifty centimeters remained unchanged, and as time went by, the loose knots were quickly recovered.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kirei no longer hesitated, and the strength he had accumulated for a long time exploded like a mountain torrent. If Justeza continues to remain in this state, Kirei can guarantee that her scalp will be lifted open by this force.

Fortunately, Justeza had Scathach by her side. When Justeza was developing magic, she had already anticipated this possibility and had an emergency mechanism woven into her hair in advance. Once the hair is exposed to some level of impact, the curing will be released.

Kirei's palm force triggered this mechanism, and Justeza's hair pocket softly spread out.

Although the Wind and Sunrise Palm is powerful, it is based on hitting the target. If it fails to hit, it is meaningless.

The world of Xingyue does not have the setting of internal force in martial arts novels. Even Li Shuwen, the great master of Bajiquan and known as the unparalleled striker, may not be able to hurt someone from fifty centimeters away by relying solely on his fist strength, let alone Is it Kotomine Kirei?

Yustisa felt nothing except the cold wind on her face, and Kirei's fatal blow was neutralized.

At this time, Yusitisa's thousands of threads and hundreds of knots have returned, and the four whip lines have divided into dozens of thin threads that surround her from all directions, like a huge spider web.

But Kirei is not a butterfly in the net, he is an agent more terrifying than a large carnivore, a killing weapon.

As soon as the spider web approached, Kirei took out three pairs of black keys. His arms could not touch Yusitisa, and just added the key blades of the black keys. With the strength of his wrists and fingers, it was easy to pierce Justine Sa at close range.

How could Yustisa give Kirei this opportunity? She quickly retreated while using her hair and Thousand Threads and Hundreds of Knots to reorganize her defense system. Six black keys were successfully intercepted, and the nearest one was not even close to her chest. 10 cm.

Kirei was not surprised that the black key failed to penetrate his opponent. After several rounds of fighting, he had fully experienced the power of this mysterious woman from the Einzbern family. If this woman had been allowed to participate in the first three Holy Grail Wars, the Einzbern family would not have been defeated so early.

It would be great if the Black Key could inflict damage on that woman, but if it couldn't, Kirei could take advantage of her opportunity to reorganize the defense network to easily break free of the spider web and create distance.

Yustisa obviously doesn't intend to let Kotomine Kirei go, and the thousands of knots once again derived new changes.

This time, all the silk threads controlled by Yusitisa's right hand were woven into a long rope that was more than ten meters long, and the magic power flowing in it reached an unprecedented height.

A kaleidoscope of changes·whip line!

Accompanied by a short verse of chanting, the whip line drew a huge arc, sweeping across the 180-degree space in front of Justisa with frightening wind pressure.

With a crisp click sound, a towering ancient tree over a hundred years old that was affected by the whip line crashed to the ground, which was enough to prove that the power contained in the whip line was no less than Kirei's full-strength punch.

The whip line was just the beginning. From the beginning to the end, Yustesa didn't think that Kirei would be hit by the whip line. All she wanted was to force Kirei to dodge. Scathach once said that no qualified warrior would let his feet leave the ground easily. So, if Kirei wanted to avoid the sweep of the whip line that was eighty centimeters above the ground, he could only lie down.

When Kirei lay down, Yustisa's follow-up attack began.


The silk thread controlled by Yusitisa's left hand was divided and twisted into more than ten strands. The tip of each strand was attached with strengthening magic. With the blessing of magic, the strength and speed of the silk thread reached the standard of military crossbow arrows.

At the same time, the whip line blocked by the big tree was quickly decomposed, reassembled into a repeating crossbow, and fired at Kirei on the ground from the opposite direction.

The forward volleying crossbow aimed at Kirei's vital points, and the reverse volleying crossbow blocked the space around Kirei. Under such intensive attacks, no warrior could survive, just like countless fierce generals in history were shot to death by random arrows.

Just the words of a warrior.

However, Kirei is not only a warrior, he is also a magician, and he is good at body strengthening magic like Shinji.

When he felt a fatal threat, Kirei whispered the spell taught by Tokiomi Tosaka.


The whole body strengthening magic, although it only lasts for a few seconds, is enough to make the various attributes of the human body reach a level comparable to that of a heroic spirit.

With the addition of strengthened magic, Kirei used his hands and feet to escape Yustesa's fatal blow with an incredible posture, and rushed into Yustesa's arms with jaw-dropping momentum and speed. His hands moved forward and back, left and right, and struck out in series.

The second of the eight unique tricks of Bajiquan - forcefully open the door from left to right!

Different from the wind facing the sun palm, the left and right hard door opening fists follow different trajectories. Yusitisa's long hair can seal one but not the second. As long as one fist hits, the outcome will be determined. There is no suspense.

Yustisa seemed to be frightened by Kirei's sudden attack, and stood motionless on the spot, letting Kirei's fists penetrate her body, and even Kirei's entire body passed through her body.

Surprisingly, there is no resistance, no blood, and no real feeling of hitting.

This is illusion!

Kirei's heart thumped, but he didn't panic. He pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth and held his breath while concentrating. Illusion is different from other magic. What determines the effect is not the amount of magic power but the strength of mental power. Twenty years of Bajiquan career has already tempered his heart as hard as iron.

The scene in front of him became blurry, and the sense of dislocation between reality and illusion invaded Kirei's brain.

In a daze, Kirei saw Justeza who was reorganizing her offensive in the opposite direction, and Irisviel who was standing next to her with her eyes closed and activating the barrier illusion - she had recovered from the backlash of the magic. .

Just one Justeza has already made Kirei feel troubled, and with Irisviel's assistance, the outcome is unpredictable, and tonight can only end here. Kirei made a quick judgment. He took a deep look at the castle where Kiritsugu was, and retreated as quickly as possible before the effect of the enhanced magic wore off.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Kirei had left the inner barrier that Irisviel released the illusion. She opened her eyes, looked at the woman next to her who was almost exactly the same as herself, and asked, Do you want to chase her?

Justeza didn't respond, as if she didn't hear Irisviel's question.

That, that. Irisviel stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Justisa's eyes.

Justina woke up from a dream, she looked at Irisviel blankly, and then ran away, as if she had seen something extremely terrifying, her speed was not much slower than Kirei.

Irisviel was left alone, confused.

It seems like I haven't done anything, right?

PS: Master Li's unique move Tiger Hard Climbing the Mountain is also one of the eight unique moves of Bajiquan, and theoretically, people who have mastered Bajiquan should be able to master these eight unique moves. Master Li, the eight-move combo is indeed Stronger than ghosts and gods.

PS2: It’s a new week, please continue to ask for clicks to collect and recommend votes.

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