"Welcome. Huh?" Xiao Wu, who was sweeping the dust with a feather duster, looked strangely at the guests who came in. One was dressed in white casual clothes with a stern expression, and the other followed In the back, the expression is tense, like the enemy.

    Who is this? Why are you here?

    "Do you two have pets to clean? Or is it for rat hunting?"

    "Is your boss there?" The man in white spoke first.

    "You're looking for our boss, unfortunately, he caught the rat." Xiao Wu continued to clean, "You can make this call if you are in a hurry, now , the one on the poster."

    The man turned his head and wrote down the number: "I'll come back tomorrow."

    Xiao Wu Xin said that he really came here to kill rodents. He didn't expect that their store's rat trapping business had spread so widely, and some people came here on purpose.

    "Wait a minute, what's your surname, I'll tell my boss later." Xiao Wu remembered something and chased out with a feather duster.

    "Han, single name 'Yu', the royal of the six arts of the gentleman."

    A food processing plant.

    "Strange, why is there hair suddenly?" An Yinong touched his forehead, his body temperature was normal.

    He is now at the gate of a packaged food processing factory in the suburbs. It is backed by mountains and faces water. Although it is remote, the environment is very good.

    And the vicinity is not concrete, but loess, which is very suitable for mice to survive.

    Not far from him, more than 20 mice have been piled up, each of which is smooth and smooth, showing that the food is excellent. In this pile of ordinary mice, there is also a small mutant mouse.

    Probably the degree of variation is too low to meet the standard of food.

    After swallowing the rat king and evolving again, Jingzhe became more and more picky about food. In the past, as long as it was a mutant mouse, it would be eaten by a normal mouse. Now it is the non-high-quality mutant mice that do not eat.

    A mouse with a weaker mutation is not even qualified to eat it, only worthy of being played with and then killed.

    "Why didn't you come out for a long time, are the mice inside more troublesome?" I've 'looked' at the factory for a while, and the rats in it are not that bad, so they shouldn't be able to delay the shock for five minutes.

    He took a few steps to the door, but the factory owner at the door stopped him: "I'm sorry."

    An Yinong sensed something was wrong: "What do you mean?"

    Just as he said his words, two short black-faced men jumped out from both sides, holding guns that are not allowed in China. The factory owner looked at him with his hands behind his back: "I advise you not to move, they are mutants."


    The original owner was an ordinary person, so what attracted these people should be Jingzhe?

    "Did you come here for the sting? Because it is a mutant animal, or is it a second-order mutation?"

    "Second-order mutant mutant beasts should not be owned by ordinary people like you." The factory owner, who had a friendly face before, changed his face, and he grabbed a brick Press hard and the bricks shatter into powder.

    "The child is innocent, but he is guilty." The factory owner threw out a sentence.

    An Yinong finally frowned: "I don't have time to waste on you."

    He put his hand on the ground, and the earth seemed to become a part of his body, and he could hear and see Jingzhe.

    It was motionless, in some speeding car.


    His anger rose after he relaxed a little. The recent life has been so peaceful that he almost forgot that even in a peaceful country, there are a group of people who don't want to be quiet.

    Swish, the wind brings strange movement. Because of the call of a certain existence, the mutant mice that were hidden deep in the cave came out. Their teeth are extremely sharp, they can bite through steel bars, and their claws can cut a hole in the marble.

    "Old, rat! So many rats!"

    "You too..."

    More and more mutant mice gathered together, like a very fast black tide, drowning these people in the moment they changed their faces.

    "Hello?" An Yinong stepped over the door. He held a mobile phone in one hand and connected to Xiao Wu's number. Electric light wraps around fingers.

    "Xiao Wu, I have a little trouble here, and I may not be going back tonight. It's nothing, someone wants to steal Jingzhe. Don't worry, I'll take care of it.

    "Guests? I'll talk to you when I get back."

    On the road.

    White Crow and his assistant were sitting in a specially made car. This car looks ordinary, but in fact it can't even shoot through artillery shells, and it has a complete defense system. The driver is a second-order mutant of the combat department.

    "Sir, there is a reminder over there in the capital, you can only stay here for two days at most, and we have to go back tomorrow." The assistant whispered. The association asked Bai Ya to go back, but Bai Ya refused, and it was difficult for the assistant to be in the middle.

    "I won't go back, that person is very important to me." The white crow looked straight ahead, "I know what they are looking for me to go back to, because they lost contact. Let's talk about the Ocean Expedition team. Tell them it's a near miss."

    "Is that so?" the assistant asked hesitantly.

    "Say so."

    Their car had already driven over the bridge, and a car came across the bridge, which seemed to be from a courier company. The two cars passed by, Bai Ya saw the driver in the car, his eyebrows were raised, and he felt a sense of disobedience.

    But he wasn't going to meddle in these things, he closed his eyes and got ready to take a nap.

    "Boom!" A purple dragon roared down out of thin air, fell from the sky and smashed **** the speeding courier car, the white crow only heard a boom behind him, he Turning around, the delivery van looked like a piece of burnt brown bread.

    And the back door of the black bread opened, and two men and women with shaking legs came out.

    The car where the white crow was leaving, the courier car parked in the middle of the bridge, and the surrounding vehicles glanced curiously, seeing that the driver and the three of them were fine, so Didn't stay much.

    "Boss, our car was struck by lightning, and now it fails to drive. It's on the bridge." , if he wasn't a mutant, he would have been stunned by lightning by now.

    "Yes, I...No, I didn't lie to you, I don't know how it happened. Maybe because we happened to be at the highest place on the bridge, Got a thunderbolt?" The driver, whose education level was not high enough, couldn't understand.

    "The goods? The goods are all right, boss can rest assured.

    "What should I do now? How about you send a car to tow me, boss, or I can't get down. Shh, the traffic police are here, I'll hang up first. "

    The traffic police have come, asked him what happened, and put warning signs on the front and rear of his car.

    "Better go to the hospital to check." The traffic police who understood the process expressed sympathy.

    The driver is articulate. He falsely complained that his salary was about to be deducted, and said that he had called the towing company, and then fooled the traffic police.

    The driver returned to the cab, he pulled an iron plate, and the man and woman had already sat back in the carriage.


    "No big problem, they are all alive." This car is a second-order mutant mutant beast, and the body has been strengthened, the situation is much better than theirs .

     "That's good, now I'm waiting for the boss to send someone." The driver rubbed his numb arm, "It's been a few months, why is there still Drought? It fell on us so coincidentally? It's really unfortunate."

    Before he finished complaining, the window was knocked twice.


    The driver looked over and saw a harmless young man who was greeting him.

    Ten minutes later, the tow truck came, and the driver wiped his sweat and complained that they came too late. Drive north.

    The car arrived at a private repair shop, and an honest-looking middle-aged man walked out of the repair shop, and behind him there were a group of young people who didn't look easy to mess with people.

    "Just in time for you to change a big truck, we have already bought that road, don't worry about someone checking." He opened the lock outside the back door, and then Knock, "My own person, open the door."

    The big iron gate slowly opened, but what the owner of the car repair shop saw was not the man and woman before, but a group of mutants with grinding teeth and claws beast.

    "…Ah! Ahhhh-"

    With a snap of your fingers, the roller shutter door of the repair shop suddenly fell, and it became very dark in the repair shop, only one light was on.

    The mutant beasts were kidnapped, and they were all in a bad mood and needed to vent. They poured out of the carriage, each looking for 'enemies', and they went up to their own Deadly kill move.

    "Don't kill." An Yinong got out of the car.

    He doesn't care about mutant animals killing people, but other people will. If they kill people, they will inevitably be feared by other humans.

    "Don't, don't kill me." The driver fell to the ground, with a circle of green vines around his neck, which made the driver so cooperative.

    "Don't worry, you are still useful to me." After saying that, An Yinong looked at the mutant animals who were letting go, "Jing Zhe, it's fine to be stunned. "

    The most lethal among these animals is Jingzhe, the cat is a natural killer, it is still a comprehensive evolution of the hunting direction, and it knocks out two thugs in one encounter .

    It's claws are still cheap, and it actually uses other people's faces as cat scratching boards, leaving a few **** cuts on their faces.

    Tsk tsk tsk, not ordinary vengeance.

    "Catch that guy!"

    In this gap, a speed-type mutant has fled to the door. Like a tiger, the golden shadow was as fast as lightning, and it knocked the man down in the blink of an eye.

    It bit the man by the neck and dragged him back.

    The mutant animals had had enough fun, and had enough venting, they dragged the weak chicken humans who had lost their combat power to the middle position and piled them there at will.

    These former arrogant mutants are now piled up like dead mice.

    They are all second-order mutant animals, and their aggression and fighting power are not comparable to first-order mutant animals. So An Yinong can see all kinds of bizarre 'death', which really makes people's teeth hurt.

    For a moment, he reflected on himself and asked the animals to let them breathe, whether it was kindness or cruelty.

    An Yinong found out the boss, that is, the owner of the car dealership who opened the door at the beginning, the boss who called the driver, and let someone (animal) wake him up .

    The owner of the car dealership saw him, and he was still thinking about how to protect himself. , tell me all. 】

    The owner of the car dealership was stunned, his mouth opened uncontrollably.

    At first, An Yinong thought that these people were smuggling mutant beasts for 'money', but the driver told him that these animals would be sent to someone standing overseas secret base.

    He thought that they stole the mutant beasts for the purpose of experiments, such as the experiment of 'pharmaceutical research that can mass-produce super soldiers'.

    But the owner of the car dealership gave another view.

    "With the current technology and firepower, what we need most is not super soldiers, but special abilities. But researching abilities requires enough samples. There are many people and many animals, and these animals are the best research samples."

    【Who is the person who instructed you and how to contact him? How did you get in touch? When did it start? 】

    An Yinong asked a lot of questions, and took out his mobile phone and pointed it at the owner of the car dealership. The owner of the car dealership struggled, but it was useless. He told everything he knew.

    The owner of a car dealership went to Japan by chance sixteen years ago, and was bribed to become a spy during the seven-day tour. At first, he just passed some unclassified news, but after the global mutation, he was assigned to steal mutant animals.

    There is also a woman codenamed 'Oriole Bird' like him.

    The animals they steal range from ordinary mutant pets to second-order mutant animals, the rarer the better.

    Little Japan has several secret locations in China, but the owner of the car dealership knows only one, which is in this province. This car is going there.

    【Who is the Oriole? 】

    The owner of the car dealer reported a name, and An Yinong was stunned. He didn't expect to hear this name under such circumstances.

    The other person who was studying with the teacher at that time was barely Senior Sister An Yinong, but the relationship was very ordinary.

    Now I suddenly know this, it really feels like a lifetime.

    "When this incident breaks out, the entertainment industry will have to clean up again."

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