Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9810: The evolution of three special vegetation

The quantity of this magic weapon is really sufficient.

It's just like a mountain.

Of course, the level of the magic weapon is not particularly high, and there is not one magic weapon above the level of ancient weapons.

It's not that Fujizu doesn't have such magic weapons here. He has devoured so many powerful people, so there must be some magic weapons above the level of ancient weapons. It's just that magic weapons of this level are more precious.

Even Fujizu would not give it to others easily.

However, Lin Feng was satisfied with being able to obtain so many magic weapons that were inferior to ancient weapons.

Lin Feng did a rough calculation and found that there were nearly a million pieces.

Lin Feng's personal guard, the Undead Legion, is now basically armed to the teeth, so Lin Feng does not plan to continue to distribute these magic weapons to the Undead Legion for the time being.

If this group of undead legions continues to be armed, it will be armed with mechas obtained from Sauron.

However, it is difficult to refine things like mecha in large batches.

Only small batches of equipment are available.

Lin Feng will look at the situation later, and if he can recruit some undead monks to replenish them, then he will issue these magic weapons.

If new undead monks cannot be recruited, then Lin Feng will probably distribute these magic weapons to the Kyushu Allied Forces later.

Anyway, no matter how you control it, these magic weapons will not be used in vain.

After collecting the magic weapon, Lin Feng hugged the Tengzu and said, "Thank you.

"Everyone takes what he needs," Fujizu said.

Although Fujizu was a man who killed without batting an eyelid, and he never spoke in a nice and angry tone.

But in fact, Lin Feng felt that he was pretty good.

As for him devouring so many monks to increase his strength...

The world of cultivators is a place where the weak prey on the strong.

Very cruel.

He has the strength, and if he does this, others can't say anything.

Lin Feng and others left immediately.

They returned to the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship smoothly.


The ancient starry sky ship Xuanyuan continued to fly towards the depths.

Lin Feng went back to retreat.

in time and space.

Lin Feng divided the Wanhuan Divine Liquid he obtained into three equal parts.

One equal portion of the sapling of the building tree. One equal portion of the magic lotus.

Part of the Ten Thousand Flowers Fairy Vine.

In fact, strictly speaking, Lin Feng's Jianmu Tree sapling was cultivated from a piece of lightning strike wood from Jianmu Tree. It is not directly cultivated from special seeds, but the Jianmu Tree itself was cultivated from special seeds. Therefore, although Lin Feng's Jianmu Tree saplings are not cultivated from special seeds, they still have some similar characteristics, so the Jianmu Tree saplings can absorb the Myriad Divine Liquid.

The saplings of the Tree of Jianmu were already quite impressive. Now after absorbing this part of the Myriad Divine Liquid, the saplings of the Tree of Jianmu became extremely excited. The branches became more and more lush, and the power of life that was born became more and more powerful. In addition to densely covering Lin Feng's body, a large number of branches also poured into Lin Feng's time and space and the big world, adding endless vitality to these places, making these worlds seem to be completely new.

It is not without reason that the Jianmu Tree is called the World Tree.

This kind of ancient tree can change the pattern of a world, allowing the world to continuously evolve and become stronger.

Even in Lin Feng's big world, a black shadow is secretly devouring the power of the Jianmu Tree. This black shadow has been dormant in Lin Feng's big world for a long time. He is constantly letting go. Become stronger yourself.

In addition to the continuous evolution and transformation of the Jianmu Tree, the Magic Lotus also completed an astonishing transformation after absorbing the Myriad Divine Liquid.

The magic lotus itself can construct extremely powerful defensive power to protect Lin Feng. It is roughly equivalent to the defensive power constructed by a quasi-pioneer-level defensive magic weapon. It is quite powerful. But now, the defensive power of the magic lotus has been greatly improved. , if it was equivalent to the defensive power formed by one quasi-pioneer defensive magic weapon before, then it is now almost equivalent to the defensive power formed by two quasi-pioneer level defensive magic weapons.


When the magic lotus is fully activated, it can also provide two to five times the combat power of the monks. However, this improvement will bring relatively long-term side effects, that is, there will be a weakening period of about ten days, which is quite fatal. side effects, so Lin Feng has never used this magical power. Now the side effects have changed from ten days to nine days, which is a good improvement, and Lin Feng attaches great importance to the combat power-increasing effect of the magic lotus.

As mentioned before, there is no way to stack magical powers that actively increase combat power with other types of magical powers that actively increase combat power. They can only be stacked with passive magical powers. For example, Lin Feng displayed thirty-three times the combat power. There is no way. It can only be superimposed with magical powers such as Dragon Elephant Critical Strike and City Linking Technique.

But the increase in combat power given by the magic lotus is different.

Because when Lin Feng wants to use the properties of the Magic Lotus to increase his combat power, he only needs to give instructions to the Magic Lotus. It is the improvement bonus released by the Magic Lotus, not by Lin Feng. In other words, the Magic Lotus releases the bonus. For Lin Feng, the attack bonus is neither an active magical power nor a passive magical power, and can be superimposed.

But you need to wait for the side effects to disappear completely before they can be superimposed. Otherwise, the side effects will always be there and it will be miserable after use.

As for the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Vine, after absorbing the part of the Ten Thousand Fantasy Divine Liquid, it also completed an astonishing transformation. This transformation caused the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal Vine to sprout new buds. This situation made Lin Feng's spirit suddenly jump. Vibrate.

The Ten Thousand Flower Immortal Vine is definitely a heaven-defying treasure. Once it matures, pollen will fly all over the sky. Countless monks will be bathed in the pollen world. They can quickly realize enlightenment and greatly improve their cultivation in a short period of time. It is simply a mass cultivation. Lin Feng is also looking forward to this top-notch special vegetation for powerful monks.

At this time, the black power lingering outside the black light group that Lin Feng had obtained before showed signs of rapid contraction. This change immediately attracted Lin Feng's attention.

Lin Feng quickly summoned the black light group in front of him. Looking at the black light group, he couldn't help but show joy.

This is the treasure placed in the coffin.

And that coffin was the coffin where a top boss from the Gate of Eternal Life was buried.

Lin Feng guessed that the treasures inside were probably the treasures circulated within the Gate of Eternal Life.

But what kind of treasures they are exactly is unknown.

And now, the black power outside the treasure he got is finally completely contained.

This treasure was finally going to appear in front of his eyes.

The entire process of the dark power converging lasted about three days.

Finally, the dark power completely converged.

The treasure inside finally appeared. (End of chapter)

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