Immortal Asura

Chapter 110: Huangquan Auction House

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This dish of steamed iced fish is very delicious. Zhang Yan eats it more and more, but unfortunately, iced fish is too expensive. After Zhang Yan eats it, he can only pout. The so-called penny stumped the hero. Zhang Yan now has a personal experience of the meaning of this sentence. Although he loves to eat himself, he can only think about it. Looking at the spirit stone that is about to run out, Zhang Yan can't help but think of a way to make money, which is to auction his own Lingwen Rune, Ling Wen Rune are very popular no matter where they go. They were auctioned in Qingyuanzong before, and they also earned a lot of Lingshi at that time.

This time Zhang Yan is preparing to auction a palm soul soul rune, and he will definitely earn more spirit stones. At that time, he will just want to eat and eat, thinking of this Yan stood up and left the inn.

When I walked outside, I saw a large number of warriors running in one direction. Zhang Yan felt very strange. He couldn't help but hold a weak young man and asked, "This brother, I don't know you are in such a hurry. What are you trying to do? "

"I heard that there is a bloodstone auction at the auction today. We all rushed to watch the lively event. If it was late, there would be no place," the young man hurriedly hurried to the front with a word.

As soon as Zhang Yan heard it was auctioning the bloodstone of life, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Zhang Yan also followed the steps of the crowd and quickly walked towards the auction.

The auction house is the tallest building in the city, but it also has three floors. It is the city's item trade center. Warriors who trade with each other buy things at the auction or exchange some items with each other. The auction not only auctions items, but also acts as a middleman and provides an exchange platform for the two warriors, so it is the most prosperous place in the entire city.

Zhang Yan came to the entrance of the auction and looked at the five big words written on the plaque at the Huangquan Auction House. Zhang Yan could not help but snorted. "This auction house's name is quite domineering and unique, but I don't know if it is a black shop like Huangquan Road What about? "

At this time, the entrance of the auction house was already full of people, and a bunch of people in Wuxuan were all crowding into the auction house, patting on the opposite side, "I heard that the bloodstone is still a piece this time. A rare century-old bloodstone, this time I want to open my eyes and see who can get this bloodstone. "

"Yeah, the last ten years of lifebloodstones were sold at a sky-high price. This time, one hundred years of lifebloodstones may not be able to sell how many spirit stones."

Zhang Yan was also very curious listening to the conversation of the crowd, but there were too many people at the door, and he could not get in for a while. Zhang Yan had no choice but to line up behind him, looking around Zhang Yan's boring place. At that time, when I saw a door next to me and no one was leaving, Zhang Yan could not help but walk towards the door next to him.

The door next to the main gate was guarded. The two saw Zhang Yan approaching this side and immediately reached out and stopped Zhang Yan. "This is the only way for VIPs to go. Please show your VIP token, otherwise please leave here." . "

Zhang Yan was embarrassed immediately, let alone VIPs. He was here for the first time. He couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Can't you just go here if you are VIPs?"

The guard looked at Zhang Yan with contempt, and said in disgust: "A warrior like you who is a low-profile warrior who has no background yet, you can go there honestly, if it's late it's full If you do, you wo n’t be able to enter. This VIP channel is not accessible by anyone who wants to enter. ”

"That is, leave quickly and don't stand in the way of the others. The VIP status here is precious, but not someone like you can offend," the other person snorted and said with a high voice.

When Zhang Yan heard the words, he was instantly angry, and his face became ugly immediately. He snorted and retorted: "What are you guys? But two guard dogs, dare to call here? Wait a minute, I let You ca n’t eat it. ”

"Boy, who do you say is a dog?" One of them immediately asked Zhang Yan with his finger and asked.

Zhang Yan didn't fear this person at all, and raised his head and said, "Of course, who is the gatekeeper? I say who the dog is. How can a dog with a low eye look at a person who is not a dog?"

"Boy, I think you're looking for death," the two of them suddenly became furious when they heard that, they started to fight Zhang Yan.

And Zhang Yan didn't fear them at all. They were just two martial arts warriors. They were not enough to look at Zhang Yan. I saw Zhang Yan's cold hum, and his hand was a punch, which hit him in an instant. On the face of the janitor closest to him, he punched the man directly and hit him on the door of the VIP passageway. Both front teeth were knocked out.

Another person found that Zhang Yan was so strong that he did not dare to rush up there for a while, but ran to help the fallen person. Zhang Yan's fighting sound directly attracted the crowd who was squeezing into the auction house. Everyone's attention, for a while everyone forgot to enter the auction house, stopped to look at Zhang Yan's side, saw Zhang Yan beating a doorman, could not help but shouted: "Good! Good fight!"

"Okay! It's time to fight, these two guys have been arrogant because they are a gatekeeper all day long. Okay? Okay? I finally encountered a stubble!"

"If it weren't for the face of the auction house, I would have hit them already. What the **** is it, nodding to the people in the VIP channel and gesticulating like a grandson, and when we enter, we are like a big brother like a brother. Not bullying? "


There was a lot of discussion, and an old man came out of the auction house. When the old man appeared, everyone closed his mouth immediately. No one dared to say a word. I saw the old man came to Zhang Yan's front, his face slightly slightly. Looking at Zhang Yan angrily, he asked, "A friend is the one who hit us?"

Zhang Yan nodded after hearing the words, "Yes, I did hit you. What do you want? Is it possible to only allow you from the Huangquan auction house to hit me, and I cannot fight back?"

The old man heard the words and said, "Is this your first move?"

Zhang Yan immediately snorted and said, "I have a very precious thing. I want to ask your auction house for an auction, but these two dogs have seen me low, but they stopped me from entering, and they said bad things to me. I retorted that I was going to hit me. Is this the style of your Huangquan auction house? "

"If this is the case, I dare not sell this baby to you for auction. If you swallow it alone, I will not dare to find you," Zhang Yan asked loudly.

"Since you want to auction something, please follow me for identification. If it is indeed a treasure, then you are naturally a VIP of our Huangquan auction house. I will also let someone here to apologize to you, but if you are unreasonable If that's the case, then don't blame us for being ruthless, "the old man said humblely.

"Appraisal is appraisal, isn't it appraisal? It's like I dare not," Zhang Yan followed the old man and came to the auction house and came to the appraisal office at the back.

Here is a pale-haired old man who is holding a stone in his hand to investigate and finds that someone is coming. Then he puts down the stone in his hand and asks with a smile, "Why is there something for auction?"

The person in charge of Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Lao Su, this boy said that he has a treasure to be auctioned at our auction house. You can identify it and see if it is a treasure."

Su Laowenyan was in front of his eyes. His biggest hobby was Jianbao, and he had lived for so many years, and he thought he was well-informed. He never eyed the things that came to him, and he could n’t help but ask. Zhang Yan, "Young man, show me your treasures."

Zhang Yan heard a little hesitation. After all, he was not very familiar with this place. If the auction house snatched his own soul charm, he would have no reason to hesitate and hesitated.

The old man seemed to see Zhang Yan's heart, and said with a smile: "Relax, there are countless treasures that have been identified in my hands, but I have never seen them. As for security issues, you don't have to worry about it. Our big auction house Is there any credibility? Take it out. "

"That's hard to say. The quality of the people you janitor is really worrying about the credibility of your auction house," Zhang Yan said doubtfully. "But since you are here, let me have a look, I just don't know You don't know it. "Zhang Yan reached out and took out a town amulet. This one was the one that Zhang Yan had used before.

The old man in charge on the side heard the words and sneered, "It's a joke, there hasn't been a treasure in the city that Su Lao doesn't know."

When Su Lao saw that Zhang Yan had taken out a Lingwen Rune, he couldn't help but shine, because Su Lao himself was a Lingwen master. He had a strong love for Lingwen, and reached out to take Zhang After Yan's town amulet, Su Lao carefully investigated.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Su Lao is more and more shocked. He thinks that he has specialized in Lingwen for many years. He has rich experience but he has never seen this Ling Wenfu. Su Lao was so excited that his hands were shaking. Looking intently at the soul charm in his hand, he said at the same time, "It is a natural way to cleverly capture the lines of heaven. This spirit rune is a treasure."

The old man on the side saw that Su Lao was so excited, and he was still praising the spirit tattoo, and immediately knew that this was indeed a treasure. The expression on his face was immediately relieved a lot. Become very friendly.

Su Lao stopped watching for a long time before he stopped, admiring in his mouth: "This is really a perfect spiritual symbol, who can inscribe such a perfect spiritual symbol, must also be an expert, I don't know if you know this person, my friend? "

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