Immortal Asura

Chapter 113: Little ghost siege

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Zhang Yan stared at the bloodstone in front of him very excitedly. In Zhang Yan's eyes, the bloodstone is no longer a bloodstone. This is simply a **** of wealth. He is sending a stone to Zhang Yan. It is a spiritual stone worth tens of thousands. This longevity stone is really precious.

When the price of Shouxue Stone climbed to 30 million Lingshi, only the people in Room 3 and Room 1 were still increasing the price, and the people in the remaining rooms had obviously given up the battle for Shouxue this time. Shi, as for the people in the lobby on the first floor, from the beginning, they were not able to participate. They just opened their eyes to see the bloodstone, but today the battle for the bloodstone is fierce. Two The people in the room refused to give up each other, and each time one bid was made, the other one million higher than him.

The price of shouxue stone continues to rise, from 30 million to 40 million, and by the time of 40 million, a very majestic sound sounded in room 1, this sound passed on to everyone It sounded like a thunder in his ears, "50 million!"

"50 million?" Zhang Yan was wondering if his ears were wrong, and the people in Room 1 suddenly charged 50 million more? This is simply incredible. Even everyone in the auction was shocked. Everyone was wondering if they heard it wrong. Even Zhang Laodu respectfully asked: "Excuse me, you have 50 million Spirit stone? "

"Yes, I have 50 million spirit stones. This is my bottom line. If anyone still bids, I will give up." The person in Room No. 1 had a hint of anger in his tone. Apparently he had lost his patience and did not want to. After bidding with the person in room three, he confided his own bottom line directly and showed up directly to see how the person in room three chose.

"Are there any higher prices for the 50 million spirit stones?" Sure enough, the person in Room No. 3 didn't say a word, waited until Zhang Lao asked three times, and the person in Room No. 3 did not continue. The price increase, the last 15-year-old bloodstone was bought by VIP One, but the price of this stone was unprecedentedly high, which also set a new high for Huangquan in recent years. .

When Zhang Lao announced the ownership of Shouxue Stone, it also meant that the auction had come to an end, and everyone had eased from the previous excitement. They talked about the recent intense auction and left the auction house. Zhang Yan It was sitting in the room waiting for the auction house to send him the spirit stone, but it was 50 million top-quality spirit stones. Zhang Yan thought it was incredible. Zhang Yan was so excited that he did n’t dare I believe all this turned out to be true. With 50 million top-grade spirit stones, Zhang Yan no longer has to worry about spirit stones.

Zhang Lao personally pushed Shou Xueshi to the person in Room 1. After Zhang Lao got Ling Shi from the room, he immediately turned into Zhang Yan's Room 2 and said to Zhang Yan with a smile: "This is The 50 million top-quality spirits obtained in this auction are also the price of the soul-soul charm promised by our auction house. Please collect them. "

Zhang Yanqiang resisted the impulse to run past, suppressing his inner excitement, and forced to calmly said, "Very well, your auction house can be regarded as credibility."

Zhang Yan reached out and took the storage bag in Zhang Lao's hands. With a sweep of his soul, he instantly found out that there were 10 million top-quality spirit stones in it, and the storage bag in Zhang Lao's hands was also sufficient. There are five. Zhang Yan thought that there are so many 50 million top-quality spirits, even he couldn't fit the storage bags. Zhang Yan took the five storage bags and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hospitality, If I have any treasures in the future, I will definitely go to your auction house. "

"You can see that we were charming and glorious at the time. Then please take care of yourself. I won't bother you if you have any other things. You can buy whatever you like. You can enjoy 20% off by showing your token." Zhang Lao turned and left the room.

Zhang Yan saw that the auction was over, and it did n’t make much sense to stay here. It ’s better to go back to the inn and eat a good meal. Because there was no spirit stone in his body before, he just ate a bit of it, but now it ’s different. But the ring has a huge amount of 50 million, and this time, even if you eat more, you can consume it.

Zhang Yan got up and left Room No.2, and just saw the people coming out of Room No. 3, and they saw two people coming out of Room No. 3. One was an old man with gray hair, but the spirit was shaking, the other It is a beautiful woman in a purple tight dress with a veil on her face and a hat on her head, covering her entire face. The reason why Zhang Yan dare to conclude that she is a beauty is because Zhang Yan saw it at a glance. Recognize who this person is.

I saw Zhang Yan stepped forward quickly and said with a smile, "Why are you Meng Yao here? Didn't you find a reincarnation ship?"

When Meng Yao saw Zhang Yan, she was surprised. Then she said unexpectedly, "Why are you here? Didn't you follow Yan Luo?"

The old man on the side looked at Zhang Yan with some doubts, but found that Zhang Yan was just a warrior who had been repaired three times. He could not help frowning. "Miss, if we still have it, don't waste time here."

Meng Yao heard Zhang Yan and apologized and said, "I have important things to do, so I leave first," Meng Yao turned and left.

Zhang Yan looked at the back of Meng Yao and the old man and could not help but shook his head. Zhang Yan knew that the old man saw that he was so low, so he didn't put himself in the eye, but Zhang Yan didn't take it to heart either, just said in confusion: " Important thing? In addition to the major event of reincarnation, what else is more important in this Meng Yao than reincarnation? Can Meng Yao be allowed to come here in person? And looking at the old man next to her, it gives Zhang Yan a deep sense of indifference. The sense of test seems to be stronger than that of the soul-eater. "

"Bring such a strong person to do business here? Could it be possible to find any treasure?" Zhang Yan figured in his heart, and finally shook his head. "Regard her, love what and what, my first thing is to save the fat , Everything else will be discussed later. "

Zhang Yan shook his head and left the auction house. After returning to the inn, Xiaodian still slouched and greeted the guests. When he saw Zhang Yan coming back, he couldn't help asking: "Why are you back again? What do you want to eat this time?"

Zhang Yan said boldly: "Give me all the delicious food here."

"All? But it's close to the six thousand spirits, are you sure you want them?" The shop's second child opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise.

Zhang Yan nodded, and threw it directly to the shop's two or six thousand spirit stones, "Enough? You don't have to pay me back if you have more."

Although the shop's second heard that it was strange, he didn't dare to ask more. He immediately prepared dishes for Zhang Yan. The dishes came up shortly. This time, Zhang Yan had enough to eat. The whole person was eating the dishes on the table with concentration. When Zhang Yan was eating, he saw the soldiers running outside thinking he was covered in blood.

The warrior ran into the inn quickly, shouting loudly to the inside: "Little ghost is attacking the city, everyone is going to help," and after running out, he ran out of the inn and continued to talk to other places while walking and returning. Shouted, "Little ghosts are attacking the city, everyone is going to defend the city."

Zhang Yan was eating the incense, and when he heard that the little ghost was attacking the city, he couldn't help putting down the chopsticks in his hand, and at this time, the people in the inn also stepped out of the inn and walked towards the gate.

Zhang Yan also couldn't stand by, and immediately followed the crowd toward the gate, and saw a large number of warriors rushing towards the gate on the way, while others hid in disorder, for fear of going to the gate.

When Zhang Yan rushed to the gate of the city, I saw a crowd of little ghosts gathered outside the city, extending into the darkness, and there was no end in sight. There were also many ugly ghosts. These little ghosts generally hit the gates. The warriors in the city also came out to guard the gates, and met these little ghosts under the city.

The strength of the warriors in the city is generally much higher than that of the imps and ghosts. Each warrior can be one hundred, but there are too many of these imps. After killing one, there will be another one that continues to come over, and the defender of the city The warriors could not absorb the aura in Huangquan Road like Zhang Yan. They could only wait for the spiritual power to run out and quickly retreat to replenish it.

In this wave after wave of warriors resisted the offensive of the ghosts under the city, and the large number of these ghosts seemed to be endless. They could not be killed at all. Zhang Yan also jumped down to help kill these ghosts. I saw Zhang Yan The blood-red spiritual power of the stone sword in his hand flashed, and each sword waved was a small ghost killed, Zhang Yan seemed to be a harvester, harvesting the ghost's soul.

When Zhang Yan was killing, an old man walked out of the city and saw the old man gently wave his hand and a white light flashed. The little ghost outside the city died instantly. The old man then waved two more hands, outside the city. The besieged siege has been wiped out, and only the most peripheral ones that have not been scratched by the old man's spiritual power are alive.

Zhang Yan returned to the city wall and looked at the old man floating in the air, and couldn't help but said in shock: "It's a strong practice!"

I saw the old man yell, "We don't want to be your enemy, and we're going to retreat quickly?"

Zhang Yan frowned when he heard the words, and said that the imp had no intelligence. Who was this old man talking to? However, after thinking about Zhang Yan, I realized that such a large-scale siege must be controlled by someone behind it, presumably the old man was talking to the manipulator behind the scenes.

Sure enough, the old man's voice had just fallen, and all the ghosts around him retreated, and when the old man saw the ghosts left, he turned around and flew back to the city.

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