Immortal Asura

Chapter 155: Don't Worry

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Although Zhang Yan had a little expectation in his heart, he was not very accurate about this true dragon ring. Although Zhang Yan had already confessed his blood, but this true dragon ring has not been moving, and Zhang Yan did not know this ring. What ’s so special, everything needs to be explored by Zhang Yan himself, but today this ice spirit fish that can be released, just this, makes Zhang Yan feel that this true dragon ring is not simple, but he has not touched it completely yet through.

Fatty and Guishi caught dozens of ice spirit fish in one breath, all of them were put into their ring by Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan saw that he had caught a lot, and he couldn't catch it blindly, even if it was The good things can't all be extinct the ice spirit fish here, how to keep some, can not help but call the fat people up.

After the fat man came up, he didn't see the ice spirit fish. He couldn't help but ask a little strangely: "Where did you put the ice spirit fish? Why is there no one? We took a lot of effort to catch these ice spirits. You do n’t have to put it back again, right? ”

Zhang Yan heard a mysterious smile and said, "Relax, you must have ice spirit fish to eat in the future. I did not put them back, I just put the ice spirit fish in my ring."

"How is this possible?" The fat man also knew that it was impossible to store living rings in the storage ring, so he looked at Zhang Yan with a surprised look, and the ghosts on the side were also very puzzled.

Zhang Yan smiled giganticly: "I do n’t know exactly what happened, but my ring can really live. After you died before, you kept it in my ring. You are not Anything? "

The fat man was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. The whole person stuttered and said, "So this is really a special ring for you, is it a spiritual ring in the legend?"

"It's impossible, even the spiritual ring can't reach this situation. In my opinion, this ring is more mysterious and more precious than the spiritual ring. After all, there may be only one ring in this world that can store living things." The ghosts on the side also said a bit surprised.

Zhang Yan waved his hand and said, "Well, don't mention these, no matter how good it is, it's just a ring for storing things. There is no other use for it, even if it is an artifact?"

"Let's not say these useless things, we have been out for a while, presumably that Yuer should have been awake, let's go back and see this Yuer, after all, that is the love of Brother Zhou Qi." Zhang Yan said with a smile.

Meng Yao nodded when he heard the words, and said with great anticipation: "Yeah, that ’s still our ancestor of the Meng family. If we have the protection of our ancestors, our Meng family will be greatly strengthened, then the crisis of our Meng family ancestors. Someone can solve it. Let's hurry up. I want to meet my ancestors. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you think so. Although Meng Yuer is the ancestor of your Meng family, you are not unaware of her current situation. Her life is about to run out. Our priority is to Help her enter the land of reincarnation so that she can resurrect her life. Even if she ca n’t resurrect her life, helping her to survive is also a good choice, so she does n’t have time to take care of your Meng family at all. ”

"You're right, the ancestors are now hard to protect themselves, how can they save our Meng family?" Meng Yao said a little sadly.

"But don't be too sad, as long as Meng Yuer successfully boarded the reincarnation ship, and after a few years, when she comes out of the land of reincarnation, the strength of your Meng family will definitely rise. After all, you can There is such a powerful ancestor as the backing, plus you have a patron of the ghost emperor in Huangquan Road. By then, I am afraid that the strength of your Meng family will surpass all the families of the capital city, even the capital of the city. Look at your face acting. "Zhang Yan persuaded.

Meng Yao shook his head when he heard the words and said, "Even with our ancestors, our Meng family is still only the four major families of the capital city. We are only the families supporting the city's main government. We will never be able to compete for the city's master's family in the city. "

"Why? Isn't the Zhong family so powerful?" Zhang Yan said puzzledly. "Even the Meng family with Meng Yuer sitting in the town is not Zhong family's opponent?"

"Of course, the situation in Bacheng City is not as simple as you think. Why is the Zhongjia always the owner of the Bacheng City, and it has not changed since ancient times, and even the dynasties or the kingdom of God from the outside world are very much to the Zhongjia You are polite, and you are all afraid of hitting the Zhong family by three points. Do you think it is just because they are looking for the Zhong family to do business?

"So this Zhongjia is very strong?" Zhang Yan said meaningfully.

Meng Yao nodded and said, "Of course, in the capital city, no one can defeat the Zhong family. Unless it is the imperial monarch, the Zhong family is almost invincible. There are only a few top-level forces in the royal world? Which one is not very mysterious? So although this capital city is just a city, there is no force dare to underestimate us. This is one of the reasons. You Don't underestimate our capital city. "

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "I haven't underestimated the capital city. I know that the capital city is always strong."

A few people spoke and returned to the top of Baodu Mountain. The ghost prince still didn't follow him, but waited at the middle of the mountain. After all, his status was there, and the ghost emperor could give him a status of ghost priest, let him not Engulfed by the devils in Huangquan Road, it was already a great kindness, so he didn't dare to expect too much, and could only do his best to work for Zhou Qi.

After Zhang Yan came to the top of the mountain, he saw Zhou Qi sitting quietly with Yuer in his arms, watching Yunjuan Yunshu in the distance. There was a joke between the two, as if there were endless words. Only each other, full of love, Zhang Yan could not help but said very enviously: "I never imagined that there would be lovers like you in this world, it is really rare."

Zhou Qi heard his words and stood up and said, "You are back? It happened that Yuer also woke up, and I will introduce it to you," Zhou Qi said to Yuer and introduced them to Zhang Yan.

Yuer also greeted Zhang Yan and them one by one, but when Meng Yao was here, Meng Yao suddenly knelt down and saluted Yuer directly: "Meng Yao, a disciple of the Xiameng family, has seen Meng Yuer's ancestors. "

When Meng Yuer heard that her body was shaking, her whole body was shaking with excitement, and she hurried to Meng Yao's body and helped Meng Yao to her feet. She held Meng Yao's hand and said, "Good boy, I didn't expect you to be My Meng family, no wonder you look so beautiful, our Meng family women have been beautiful since ancient times, tell me what happened to the Meng family now? "Meng Yuer said, tears could not stop flowing After all, after all these years, Meng Yuer always felt that she owed the Meng family, and she also missed the Meng family very much.

Meng Yao heard that she told the entire situation of the Meng family and Meng Yuer. She did not hide one or fifteen to ten, but did not mention the matter of her being hunted down. When Meng Yuer heard that the Meng family was pretty good, she was relieved. , Could not help but look up and down Meng Yao, said with a smile: "I see your qualifications are good, have you practiced the three souls of our Meng family? What kind of realm have you practiced?"

Meng Yao couldn't help but say, "Don't tell me, I've practiced the Three Souls to a young age, and this time I entered Huangquan Road because my father is now the owner of the Meng family and let me in Looking for the time when you lost your fortune in Huangquan Road, but I did not expect that I finally found you. This is really the blessing of our Meng family. With your presence, the strength of our Meng family will be greatly improved. The city's voice will be greater. "

Yuer sighed when she heard the words, picked up the flute flute in her hand, and stroked it gently, saying, "It's all because I was bad, but even brought our Meng family heirloom here. Let us The Meng family has lost its treasures, and now it's all right, let me forget the flute to teach you. "

Meng Yao shook her head and said, "This is your ancestor's weapon. How can I ask for it? Not to mention that this is the holy weapon of our Meng family. Only in your hand can it play its role. Put it in my hand. Isn't it a waste of forgetfulness in it? "

"Stupid girl, let me hold you and you hold it. While I have energy now, I will teach you the essence of the three souls of our Meng family. By then you will be the successor of the Meng family. It's yours sooner or later, and besides that I don't need this forgetful flute now, and I'm more at ease with you, "Yuer said, looking at Meng Yao very fondly.

After hearing the words, Meng Yao reached out and took the Fuyou Di, and confessed his blood. After confessing the master, Meng Yao took out Fuyou Di and played it gently in his mouth. The flute sounded melodious, very beautiful and beautiful. Yuer was also patiently pointing Meng Yao to the mystery of the three souls of the Meng family.

When Zhang Yan saw that Meng Yao had such an ancestor to guide her, she couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that it won't be long before Meng Yao's strength will increase by leaps and bounds. At that time, I am afraid that I will not even be his opponent."

Soul Eater has been standing on the side of the mountain, his eyes are looking at the sky in the distance, as if watching something, and thinking about it from time to time, wait until this time the Soul Eater came over and laughed The author said: "The reincarnation ship is about to be born. It is also time for us to go forward and look for it. If it is later, I am afraid that we will miss the reincarnation ship. It will not be my problem to help you."

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