Immortal Asura

Chapter 161: Yan Luo You Di

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Zhou Qi looked at Zhang Yan strangely and said worriedly: "Brother Zhang Yan, your repair is relatively low, it is better to hide in a car. The strength of the bull's head and horse face is still relatively strong, you must be careful."

Soul Eater also watched Zhang Yan closely, and was ready to help Zhang Yan at any time. After all, Zhang Yan's life was his life. He didn't want Zhang Yan to have any accidents, but Soul Eater knew that Zhang Yan was well-intentioned. Although sometimes impulsive, but also after he thinks for a long time, he will only take a shot when he has a certain degree of confidence. Zhang Yan is not a reckless person, so the soul-eater is not too worried and does not say much. What, just watching Zhang Yan aside, in case something happens.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "Please rest assured, I'll try to see if my zhenmu amulet is good or not. If the yunmu amulet can deal with these bullheads and horse noodles, we will be much faster."

"Be careful," Zhang Yanzheng turned back to speak, a figure suddenly emerged from the thick fog behind him. This figure was just a minotaur, and Zhou Qi shouted in surprise.

Zhang Yan also felt the minotaur behind him. Before he turned his head, he immediately spurred the soul charm in his hand, and saw Zhang Yan's spiritual power flood into the soul charm, and the soul charm also At this instant, a dazzling amount of white light was released. This white light was much stronger than the dense fog around it. It instantly penetrated the dense fog around it, and at the same time it also shone on the body of the bullhead ghost in front of the second floor.

Suddenly a loud scream came, and then white smoke suddenly appeared on the minotaur's body, as if it had been burned in the hot sun. The whole minotaur's body was emitting white smoke violently, at the same time The Minotaur's body also slowly disappeared, and eventually all turned into white smoke and disappeared in front of Zhang Yan.

The Soul Eater on the side saw the situation shine, and the Soul Eater did not expect that Zhang Yan's town soul amulet had such a powerful effect, and Zhou Qi was surprised. Zhou Qi had not seen a town soul amulet before. This time I saw the power of the soul charm in Zhang Yan's hands, and I couldn't help but admire: "You soul soul charm is simply the nemesis of those of us who are soul bodies. Who invented such a magical charm?"

Zhang Yan heard that she just smiled and did n’t answer Zhou Qi ’s question, but said with a smile: “I do n’t know that my town soul charm has an effect on these ghosts, but since my town soul charm is also very good for Niutou Mamen Effect, then we can take advantage of my town soul charm, and hurry up, the light of the town soul charm shines, presumably these ghosts dare not approach our four spirit chariot. "

Zhou Qi heard the words and nodded, signalling the ghost to speed up. The ghost shook the reins in his hands, shouting "driving", and saw that the dead horse suddenly looked like a wild horse, and spread away. The hoof is running wildly. Although the dense fog around it is still very large, and the visibility is less than two meters, the Necropolis horse knows the road, and the Necropolis horse is here as if it were a light car. The speed was raised at once.

And Zhang Yan was standing on the top of the carriage, and the soul-stabilizing charm in his hand was still emitting dazzling white light. The ghosts who were irradiated around did not dare to approach the Four Spirit Chariots easily. The dense fog gave up the Four Spirit Chariots one after another. A wide road allows the four spirit chariots to flow unimpeded. Occasionally, some unbeliefing ghosts rush out, but before they rush to Zhang Yan's side, they have been thoroughly wiped out by Zhang Yan's soul-breaking charm. The suppression of it turned into a ray of white smoke dissipating in the nether land, and it became a part of the dense fog around it completely.

This time with the deterrence of the town soul charm, no ghost came to stop the Four Spirit Chariot, and the Four Spirit Chariot rushed fast in the thick fog. It did n’t take long to rush out of the dense The thick fog of the land, at the same time, Zhang Yan's hands have consumed two of the soulsouls. After all, the soulsouls are consumables and cannot be maintained for a long time. However, their speed can also be accelerated a lot, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to walk out of the thick fog.

After the thick fog emerged, there was a barren land in front of it. There was not even a grass on the land. The remains of human warriors were everywhere. At the same time, there were some weapons that had not been known for a long time and had been weathered. Most of the weapons cannot resist the invasion of years, and they have become rusty remnants, which is useless.

Zhang Yan looked at the cruel sight in front of her, and couldn't help but ask a little in shock: "Why can there be so many people here? What happened?"

"These people who died here were all lost in the thick fog. Some of them finally came out, but when they came out, they were dead, so they died not far away. And the bones you see are just the corpses of warriors that have been accumulated for tens of thousands of years. This is because these warriors have a relatively high cultivation. Even if they die, they still have strong spiritual power on the corpses. Withstand the years of erosion, those low-powered warriors have long gone without bones, and these white bones here are only the least part. The bones in the dense fog are more than double, but the dense fog is too big. , We didn't notice it at all. "

Zhang Yan heard the words and looked back at the dense fog, and could not help but say with emotion: "In order to be able to live again, I don't know how many people have died here."

"When did you become so sentimental? Isn't that your character?" The fat man said with a smile, "Let's hurry up."

Zhou Qi also said, "Yeah, we are almost at the Blood Lake. As soon as we pass the Blood Lake, we will reach our destination."

The group continued to make the four spirit chariots move quickly forward, and at this time everyone looked together in a direction not far away, Zhang Yan said with some confusion: "It seems that there is someone fighting, but How do I feel so familiar with this breath? "

"It's Yan Luo," Meng Yao said suddenly, "This breath is Yan Luo and they seem to be fighting against others."

Zhang Yan immediately told Zhou Qi when he heard: "Can we hurry up and take a look? The one who fights with someone is a good friend of mine."

"Since it's your friend Zhang Yan, let's go over and see what's going on, and there are still warriors fighting here," Zhou Qi said, and immediately instructed the ghosts to fight. Drive.

After crossing a barren hillside, Zhang Yan immediately saw the front of a stone pile in the distance. There were two groups of people confronting each other, and there were already a dozen dead people lying on the ground. Zhang Yan knew them at a glance. There has been a fierce battle between them.

Meng Yao on the side said, "Why are they all here?"

"How do you know all these people?" Zhang Yan asked in confusion.

Meng Yao nodded and said: "The two black and white twin sisters Yan Yan stood together with wouldn't need me to introduce you, would they? You've seen this at a banquet in the city's main government hall before. The heirs of this generation, and the two men standing in front of them are also twin brothers. The red-haired is the brother Cui Wei, and the blue-haired is the younger brother Cui Miao. They are the only family in the four capitals of Bacheng that you do n’t know. The two brothers of the fourth family are also very strong. The weakest among us should be me, the strongest is Yan Luo, and if they are joined together, the two brothers of the Cui family are the strongest. "

"But how can they fight with others? The strength of the three of them together is very strong. They can compete with the three of them. Presumably their opponents should not be underestimated."

Zhou Qi heard the words with a smile and said, "The strongest among these people is just Emperor Wu Xiu. You can rest assured that we can deal with it easily."

Zhang Yan nodded his head and said, "I have the bottom of my heart with you, and we will decide on the situation at that time."

During the conversation, the Four Spirits chariot was approaching the crowd. Both people were shocked to see the Four Spirits chariot. Yan Luo said with some confusion: "This is the four spirit chariot of Zhou Qigui, how can it appear? Where is it? "

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