Immortal Asura

Chapter 171: bet

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Zhang Yan smiled and said: "They have burned a lot of people from Tianzong, and there must be many masters. It is unwise to conflict with them now. Besides, our current priority is to help Yuer find the reincarnation ship. If this is the case, There was a conflict with them at the time slot, and it was not good to have any accidents. "

Soul Eater nodded when he heard the words. After all, Zhang Yan said something very reasonable. Zhang Yan was thinking about the overall situation, but the Yan Yan was just too arrogant. It made the Soul Eater really angry. He has never seen such an arrogant person for so many years. Those who dare to be so arrogant before him have already died.

"When do you think we should board the Naihe Bridge?" Zhang Yan asked the soul-eater at this time. After all, the soul-eater was very familiar with it. This time, it was up to the soul-eater to find the reincarnation ship.

Soul Eater said without hesitation: "Of course, the sooner the better, the better. After all, the reincarnation ship may be born at any time. If it is too late in the past and misses the reincarnation ship, the loss will be too much for us. It ’s big, we feel that we are working hard here, and it ’s a waste of time, right? ”

Zhang Yan heard the words and said anxiously, "So what are we waiting for? Hurry up."

Zhou Qi heard the words and said, "I think it's better for you to wait here for us to come back. After all, no one on the bridge can protect us, even if we can't protect ourselves, because the test on the bridge is for everyone It ’s all there, and everyone ’s trials are not the same, so everyone has to protect himself and have no time to take care of others, and the cultivation of the three of you is too low. It's a very dangerous thing for you. "

Soul Eater nodded and nodded and said, "Indeed, it ’s very dangerous on the bridge. Your cultivation is too low. It ’s better to wait here. After all, you could n’t help in the past. For your safety, wait here. "

Meng Yao nodded his head and said, "Then we will be here with those of the Zhong family who are waiting for you. After all, not all of the Zhong family members passed by. They are just the two very powerful people in the past. Elders. "

"That's fine. You can be safer following what they say, and I can rest assured," Zhang Yan said with a smile.

When Meng Yao heard the words, she was very surprised and said, "What can you rest assured? Is it possible that you have to go with them and fail,"

"Of course," Zhang Yan nodded and said, "Since they have already come to Huangquan Road, they have all come here. Wouldn't it be a shame if I didn't go to see the legendary reincarnation ship?"

"Boss, don't make a noise, this time is not a matter of regret or regret. Now your safety is the most important thing. After all, here is the bridge. After you step on it, you ca n’t look back, even if you regret it. It's useless, you still wait for us here with us. "

Zhang Yan heard the words with a smile and said, "Just rest assured, when have I done something that I am not sure about? I ca n’t help me with the neighbourhood, and you are here to watch how I cross the bridge.”

Everyone saw that it was useless to persuade Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan wanted to give it a try. They could only helplessly stop talking. After all, Soul Eater knew Zhang Yan's hole cards. Zhang Yan had some soul monuments in the sea. The soul attack on the bridge should have no effect on him, and Zhou Qi on the side knew it, so he didn't say much, just smiled and said, "You need to be careful."

"Relax, you just have to take care of yourself, you don't have to worry about the rest, we will see you across the bridge."

Zhang Yan followed Zhou Qi to separate the crowd and walked in the direction of Nai Heqiao, and the son Zhang Yan was in front of the burned Tianzong, and there were two elders from Zhong family, and Zhong Xu was also there When Zhong Xu saw Zhang Yan, he asked strangely, "Are you going to set foot on the Naihe Bridge?"

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "Of course, since they are already here, don't try this Naihe Bridge, don't you see the legendary reincarnation ship in the past, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Zhong Xu heard a laugh and laughed, "It really is Brother Zhang Yan, I really have the courage, but I have the same idea as you. Since all have come, of course, I have to see the reincarnation ship, so this bridge is as My experience has passed, if it doesn't pass, it can only prove that Zhong Xu is not capable, haha. "

"Huh, ignorant guy, you just want to cross the Naihe Bridge because of your repair? Really looking for death," Yan Yan snorted and continued to ridicule Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan frowned and said, "I don't know if I'm looking for death, but I know that you must be near the Nai He Bridge that I passed. I'm afraid that I will pass the Nai He Bridge by then, and someone will die , That really makes people laugh. "

"I will die on it? It's ridiculous. My grandfather's successor will be inferior to the waste from a little Qing Yuanzong?" Yan Yan snorted.

"Just because you want to cross the Naihe Bridge? It's a joke, I'm afraid you will have a hard time walking on it."

As Yan Yan's words just ended, people laughed and laughed at Zhang Yan, "Who is this kid? How dare you talk to our Yan Yan son like this? You just don't want to live?"

"Yeah, I have never seen anyone dare to talk to Yan Yan, so this kid is just trying to die."

Yan Yan looked at Zhang Yan coldly, "Dare you dare to gamble with me? Look at the two of us who first crossed the Naihe Bridge?"

"A bet? Is there anything you dare? Do I still be afraid you won't succeed?" Zhang Yan also snorted and said, "I just don't know what the bet is?"

"The bet is simple. If I win, I want your weapon," Yan said with a sneer. "Of course, if you die on the Naihe Bridge, that's fine."

Zhang Yan heard a snoring sound. He knew that Yan Yan had been hitting his stone sword. He couldn't help snorting and said, "Your wishful thinking is good, but it may disappoint you. I won't lose Yes, but can you give me anything of value? "

Yan Yan reached out and smiled and said, "If you win, I can give you a magic weapon. Whatever you choose?"

Zhang Yan heard the words and shook his head and said, "Spirit? That doesn't make much sense to me. I already have a weapon in hand. What do I want your trick to do?"

"Then what do you say you want? As long as you say it, I can satisfy you," Yan Yan said very arrogantly.

Zhang Yan heard a snorted voice and said, "What I want is martial arts. You burn Tianzong's body skills and martial arts. I wonder if you have any?"

"Don't you be too greedy, take care to kill you," Yan Yan said coldly.

Zhang Yan snorted and said, "This doesn't require you to control it. As long as you can come up with a martial arts technique that satisfies me, then I will bet this game with you."

Zhang Yan said this for his purpose. After all, Zhang Yan ’s posture is only a human-level Qingyun step, and the upper limit of his speed is very limited. Zhang Yan wants to change to a deeper posture as soon as possible. The speed can be improved once again, and it is also very helpful to Zhang Yan. However, his martial arts skills are very rare. Zhang Yan had to take advantage of this opportunity to gamble with Yan Yan. After all, Yan Yan ’s Burning Heaven Sect is the kingdom of God There must be many high-level martial arts skills.

Yan Yan frowned, thinking for a moment, and finally said, "I have a martial arts skill on my own, it is a medium-level body, if you agree, we gamble, and if you don't agree, it's fine."

"Yes, as long as there is a martial arts skill, then you are ready for your martial arts skill," Zhang Yan said with a smile.

Yan Yan snorted without saying Ha, but in his heart he was very happy. It seemed that Zi Yan could not lose to Zhang Yan at all, and the magical sword in Zhang Yan's hands was about to be his own As long as this bet was heard by everyone, then even if Zhang Yan was unwilling to give it to himself, there would be a reason for him to grab it, so that outsiders would not say that they were deceiving the Emperor Tianzong.

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