Immortal Asura

Chapter 177: Yuer on board

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Zhong Xu also said hello to Zhang Yan, and then left the house with the Zhong family and walked towards Naihe Bridge.

Just before leaving, Zhang Yan instructed: "If you encounter Meng Yao and the fat man outside, remember to help me take care of them and tell them that I will go out soon."

"Relax, I will take care of you," Zhong Xu nodded.

After the reincarnation ship boarded by Fen Tianzong left, no next reincarnation ship has come out, and the people here have also left more than half. Only less than 30 people are waiting here for the reincarnation ship. Anxious here is waiting for the reincarnation ship, and some people are even more worried: "The people of the Zhong family in the capital city have already left. Is this reincarnation ship gone?"

"No, we can't do it this way, right?"

Zhang Yan heard the words and looked at Soul Eater with some worries. "Yeah, isn't the reincarnation ship gone?"

Soul Eater shook his head when he heard the words and said, "Every time this reincarnation ship is born, it won't be so fast. Besides, I haven't found a perfect reincarnation from the depths of the reincarnation. How could the ship be gone? "

"Hopefully," Zhang Yan said lightly.

As the crowd waited for nearly an hour, a light passed from the thick fog again, and everyone suddenly exclaimed when they saw the situation: "And there is another reincarnation ship out."

Everyone, including Zhang Yan, stared closely at the distant ship. Only when a reinstated ship appeared from the thick fog, everyone was discouraged, and everyone was a little bit frustrated. He said doubtfully, "What's going on with this ship? How can it look like this? This kind of reincarnation ship doesn't have to be seen to know it is fake. Whoever falls in love with it, I won't board this ship anyway. Reincarnation. "

Zhang Yan was also a little surprised. I did not expect that the reincarnation ship in front of it was very different from the previous one. I saw that the reincarnation ship was almost a foot long, let alone Gauguin. The entire hull looked like an independent ship. The boat is average and very short. This boat is really a flat boat. The whole boat is a very small boat and there is no bow. Only a simple lamp stands on the bow of the boat. The light is also from the lamp. It came out.

The boat was slowly moving towards this side, Zhang Yan glanced strangely, and then just wanted to exit to ask the soul eater, but the soul eater turned and looked at Zhang Yan and nodded, and then nodded. He gestured for Zhou Qi and Yuer. Of course, Zhang Yan knew the meaning of Soul Eater, but still asked with some confusion: "Are you sure?"

Soul Eater nodded and said, "I'm sure I felt a strong breath of the land of reincarnation on it. This ship must be a reincarnation ship deep in the land of reincarnation. This time, even if I can't live again, the lowest You can live for thousands of years, so rest assured. "

With the approval of Soul Eater, Zhou Qi was so excited that he didn't know what to say, but he turned around and hugged Yu'er. His eyes were full of perseverance, and he said very lovingly, "I will hold the calf. The mountain is waiting for you. "

"When I come out, I will definitely look for you the first time," Yuer said with tears.

Immediately afterwards, Yuer looked at Zhang Yan and Soul Eater and said, "Thank you two for your help, Yuer will surely remember your great grace and grace," and he bowed and saluted.

Zhang Yan immediately waved his hand and said, "You have to leave quickly, this reincarnation is about to come."

During the talk, the reincarnation ship came to a distance near the shore. This reincarnation ship was closer to the shore than the previous one. It stopped at a distance far from the shore. They are very disgusting, no one wants to board the reincarnation ship, only Yuer is waiting for the ship to turn around.

Soul Eater smiled and said, "You don't have to wait for it to turn around, just jump over your cultivation."

When Yuer heard the words, he jumped directly, and then stood firmly on the reincarnation ship. After standing on top of it, Yuer burst into tears and said, "Wait and I will come back to you."

Zhou Qi's eye circles were also flushed, and tears twitched in his eyes, but Zhou Qi still resisted to let himself cry, and nodded with a smile and said, "I will always wait for you to come back, but you must come back."

"When you get to the place of reincarnation, you have to be careful, everything is safety," Zhou Qi said worriedly.

Two people stood alone on the shore and one stood on the ship. The two lovers who were about to separate were very reluctant to talk about love, while the people around them shook their heads and said unfortunately, "Such a beautiful one Woman, it's a pity that there is no such thing. "

"Isn't it? Is this person stupid? How could she get on this reincarnation ship? Such a broken reincarnation ship must not be real, and it's ridiculous to look forward to the land of reincarnation." There are The warrior accused Zhou Qi.

However, Zhou Qi didn't have time to pay attention to these people. While Yu'er hadn't left yet, Zhou Qi took time to say goodbye to Yuer. The two seemed to have endless words, until the reincarnation boat got out of Zhou Qi's sight, Zhou Qi returned Standing there looking into the distance, there was a reluctant expression on his face.

Zhang Yan couldn't help but said, "Yu'er is a place of reincarnation, a place of life extension. You should be happy for her. Don't be so distressed. Besides, the land of reincarnation is not going to come. It won't take her long. Will come back to you. "

"I also know this is the case, but watching Yuer leave me, I still feel a little bit reluctant," Zhou Qi said with a frown.

The people all around shook their heads and sighed, "You young man is really inexperienced, and she will let your woman board the reincarnation ship just now. Wasn't it since she died?"

"Young man?" Zhang Yan heard a laugh and laughed, looking at the old man who said aside, "Senior, although you are older, you are already close to Shou Yuan, but you can't rely on the old to sell the old here, then you The young man in front of him is a lot older than you. If you call him a young man, you really don't know what you think. "

Zhou Qi really looked at the old man coldly, and now his mood is very complicated, and he has no energy to deal with them. "Let's go back. Since Yuer has successfully set foot on the reincarnation ship, we should hurry out, after all, outside There are still people waiting for us, and I don't know what happened to my Four Spirit Chariot. "

Zhang Yan nodded and said, "Let's get out of here, I'm not assured that they are outside with fat people."

Having said that, the three Zhang Yan stepped on the Naihe Bridge again, but this time they walked back, and there were still many people on the Naihe Bridge at this time, and they were walking towards this side, these people also wanted to board The people in the reincarnation watched them walking very hard towards this side. Zhang Yan could not help but shook his head and said, "This is destiny. In order not to let myself die like this, these people are really hard enough."

"Yes, everyone wants to practice to the peak of martial arts and carry the destiny to ask the Emperor, but how many people have that talent? Most people are ordinary people with ordinary talents and strengths. They In order to continue to practice and to die, I can only struggle here, "Zhou Qi said with emotion.

Zhang Yan also said, "In the final analysis, I am still afraid of death. The martial arts practice martial arts is not to be able to break their own shackles and increase their longevity? But in the end, it is still impossible to avoid death. Is there a real eternal life?"

Zhou Qi heard the words with a smile and said, "Of course there is, don't you think I'm not restricted by Shou Yuan? But I'm not human anymore."

Soul Eater snorted and said, "Although you are no longer limited by human life, you have reached your upper limit. No matter how you practice, you can't increase your cents. You can only be A ghost emperor, and you can only live in Huangquan Road forever, and are always restricted by the laws of Huangquan Road, you can never go out. Is your eternal life really interesting? "

Zhou Qi said with a smile: "As long as Yuer is there, everything is interesting."

Zhang Yan said, "I didn't expect your ghost emperor to have so many restrictions. It seems that it is better to be human. After all, we have no upper limit, and I can always chase my limit."

Soul Eater also said: "This is natural. Although the human race is the one with the most innate advantages among many races, but you also have the ability that all races envy, that is your ability to reproduce and learn, and Your moldability is your ability to adapt. "

At that time, there were many races that were stronger than the human race, but they eventually went extinct or declined, and only the human race became more and more prosperous and prosperous, and now they dominate the entire human kingdom. Enviable place.

In contrast, our demon clan, although many demon clan are strong from birth, but our growth rate is much slower than you, and we are much more difficult to practice than human clan, which is why many powerful demon clan Become your Terran, because they are also learning Terran, and they want to speed up their practice speed by illusion of adult form, and it turns out that this can really speed up the practice speed.

Zhang Yan heard his words and nodded and said, "This kind of thing still exists, but your demon tribe also has the powerful body that our people envy. After all, your body is born strong, not as vulnerable as our people."

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