Immortal Asura

Chapter 186: One Hundred Slaughter

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Zhou Qi's speed is very fast. He immediately came behind the three elders. Zhou Qi's goal was to kill these weak people, otherwise these people are also very troublesome, so Zhou Qi went directly to the crowd. In front of his hand, he raised his hand and hit a palm directly in front of a warrior who was trained by the Emperor Wu. When this palm went down, the warrior was immediately blown out, and the powerful ghostly invasion instantly struck the whole body of the warrior on the second floor. The warrior ’s body turned black in a moment, and the powerful ghostly spirit encircled his body, devouring his vitality. In a split second, he was completely swallowed, leaving only a skinny body and soul It has been completely devoured by Zhou Qi, and this is also the soul eater that Zhou Qi learned from the Soul Eater.

I saw Zhou Qi flashing in the crowd, and every shot would take away the lives of more than a dozen warriors. Although these warriors are also very fast, but Tianzong Empire ’s Tianzong is by no means everyone can practice, even if it is These people are able to practice, but their strength is limited and they will not be very strong, so these people are not Zhou Qi ’s opponents at all. In addition to Zhou Qi ’s tactics of smashing one by one, the sky will be vertical within a moment. The empire slayed half of them.

The three elders of the Tianzong Empire wanted to stop Zhou Qi, but Zhou Qi's strength was too strong. If they took office, they could not compete with Zhou Qi at all, so all three could only stay Together, but in this case, the three people couldn't stop Zhou Qi at all, but only watched Zhou Qi killing the people of the Tianzong Empire there.

Zhou Qi was in the crowd of the Tianzong Empire, as if it were a tiger entering the flock. No one could catch him at all. Zhou Qi had gone by when several warriors of the Tianzong Empire were killed, and everyone was scared. He was so divided that the crowd was no longer as energetic as before. They had gathered together to resist Zhou Qi's long-range ghostly attack, but after Zhou Qi was close, the crowd could not join forces to resist it. Zhou Qi is here, now everyone just thinks that it is important for them to sign up, all of them fled towards the distance. Although Tianzi Empire is famous, they are also very fast when they escape, but Zhou Qi is the strength of the ghost emperor after all. These military emperors are still very relaxed.

After there was no way for the people to join together, Zhou Qi had no resistance at all. He could only let Zhou Qi slaughter. I saw Zhou Qi's big wave of his hands. The powerful ghostly spirit instantly covered all the remaining warriors. I was in it, and then these ghostly spirits swallowed up all of them in an instant, and everyone was swallowed up by these powerful ghostly spirits. Although these people are fast, they can't be faster than Zhou Qi Everyone had time to make a scream, and then was completely killed by the ghost.

After Zhou Qi killed everyone in the Tianzong Empire, he left only the three old men in front of him. Zhou Qi looked coldly at these three old men and asked, "You ants, dare to beat me? Are you really When your heavenly empire is so bad? I am absolute here, and the three of you will die here today. "

The three old men were already scared at this time and didn't know what to say. Before that, they were all entrusted. They thought that the strength of the ghost emperor would not be stronger than that of the Emperor Emperor outside the Emperor Realm. The human martial arts ’martial arts practices, and the three of them are half-step martial arts practices. If they work together, they should be able to resist Zhou Qi, but when Zhou Qi really used all his powers, the three old men knew that. It turned out that they belittled Zhou Qi. It is not unreasonable that Zhou Qi was hailed as the strongest ghost emperor. Zhou Qi's strength was not something they could compete with at all.

Zhou Qi's strength is so strong that they are suffocated. This is the absolute practice of the human warrior Wu Emperor. Even if the most powerful elder of the Tianzi Empire comes, he may not be Zhou Qi's opponent. In addition to Zhou Qi's ease, dozens of people who had been repaired by the Emperor Wu were slaughtered. This shocked them completely. The three of them have completely lost their momentum now, and the whole person laughed. Said: "Master Ghost Emperor, you are outraged. The previous thing is indeed what we did wrong, but we already know that it is wrong. Besides, you have killed so many people, and the three of us did not treat your Four Spirit Chariot. In this way, everything is done by those ignorant boys. "

"Now that they have been killed by you, they can be regarded as deserving their crimes. Do you think you can raise your expensive hands and let us go? After all, the relationship between the Tianzong Empire and Cai Yulei Ghost Emperor is also very good. I hope you can see it in his face. Let us alone, what do you think? "The old man begged softly for mercy.

Zhou Qi sneered and said with a sneer, "Now you know how to beg for mercy? Where did the arrogant arrogance go before? You are just a small kingdom of God, and you really treat your Tianzong Empire as the Empire No? Even if you are Emperor Xinjiang, I have everything at Huangquan Road. You know that the Four Spirit Chariots are my beloved treasures, but you dare to take them away and you are not fighting. Is my face? If I don't kill you, what coercion will I have in this Huangquan Road, do you think that my begging is not good for bullying? "

"I tell you, today I will not only kill you, but after that, all the people who entered the Huangquan Road in Tianzhuang Empire will kill them if they meet me. If you are acquaintances, you will never step in Huangquan Road is half a step. Otherwise, I will kill you until the death of the Tianzhuang Empire. "Zhou Qi was really angry. The murderousness of the whole person has not been reduced, but he has become stronger and stronger, and then directly raised his hand. Just one palm hit the three people in the past.

The powerful ghost spirit swept out of Zhou Qi's body in an instant, and swallowed directly towards the three. The three did not want to sit still, but could only use their spiritual power to resist the attack of Zhou Qi, but before they let them Blocking Zhou Qi ’s blow was because Zhou Qi did not give it his full strength, but only tentatively gave it a shot. Now Zhou Qi has given it his full strength, it is not enough to see that the three of them are repaired. They have n’t achieved the true Valkyrie cultivation, so they ca n’t compete with Zhou Qi at all. Even with them, they are still not Zhou Qi ’s opponents. After all, Zhou Qi ’s title is not the strongest ghost emperor. Called for nothing.

Zhou Qi ’s strength is really the strength of the Emperor Wu, not like Cai Yulei. He is just the equivalent of the human warrior ’s peak of the emperor. His strength is still worse than Zhou Qi. The other three kneeled. The strength is also the same, among the five party ghost emperors. Only Zhou Qi's strength is the strongest, and only Zhou Qi has achieved invincible strength. The other three people are just the strength of the Valkyrie. This is why these people did not have Ah Jing Zhou Qi in their eyes. They thought Zhou Qi, like the other four ghost emperors, is the strength of Valkyrie, and the strength of Valkyrie can still be countered by the three elders, so the three of them are fearless.

But now, after seeing the true strength of Zhou Qi, the incumbents were completely afraid. They finally knew why Zhou Qi was known as the strongest ghost emperor, but now it is too late to regret it, and the three can only resist it with all their strength. Zhou Qi's attack wanted to form a spiritual shield with the full strength of three people to resist the attack of Zhou Qi. The three of them did not seek merit but failed, they only needed to stay where they were. In this way, they can be dragged to Cai Yulei.

And the delay time of the three of them really worked. Just when they were about to hold on, a powerful breath flew from a distance. After seeing this breath, the three of them suddenly overjoyed, they knew they Wake up, and Zhou Qi frowned slightly after seeing this breath, but there was still no softness under his hands. On the contrary, Zhou Qi directly used all his strength and hit the three with a single palm. Zhou Qi didn't want to consume it with these three people. The three people were beaten and flew away a few feet away, and they directly knocked down a dozen trees.

However, the cultivation of three people is placed here. Although they suffered the injury from Zhou Qi's palm, the three were not dead, but were seriously injured. The three barely got scared from the ground and vomited. After a few mouthfuls of blood, shouted loudly into the distance: "Master Ghost Emperor, help!"

Cai Yulei also heard the voices of people asking for help, flew directly to this side, and shouted loudly in the air: "Brother Zhou Qi also asked his mercy."

Zhou Qi didn't bother Cai Yulei when he heard the truth, but a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth, and flashed directly to the three people once again. Zhou Qi wanted to kill three people directly, but it was At this time Cai Yulei had reached the front of three people, and reached out his palm to stop Zhou Qi's palm. The two palms collided, and saw that a lot of violent ghosts swept away instantly, and the surrounding woods were instantly It was razed to the ground, and the three old men were also spit out by this powerful ghost wave, and the three were almost directly killed by the fighting ghost Yu Wei.

Zhang Yan was also shocked by this breath and took a few steps back, but Soul Eater had nothing to do, but blocked directly in front of Zhang Yan to prevent Zhang Yan and fat people from being injured by this breath. .

Cai Yulei said faintly: "Brother Zhou Qi still pleads anger, and looks forward to putting these people on my face."

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