233. Chapter 232

    Aunt Zhang and Qin Ruoying have been busy making dinner, and Chen Xi has sealed the outside world with a restrictive seal, so they don't know what happened outside.

    The little guy and Chen Xi are sipping birds in the yard, and Cai Shuqin and Xie Pinglin are carrying children in the house.

    The family is busy with their own life in the old house. Except for Chen Xi, no one knows that Tiankan, who is 50 meters away, has already fallen out of the sky.

    The county party committee and the county government have come to many people, and the leaders of the county public security bureau are all all arrived.

    The National Highway 108 is full of cars, neatly arranged from the village head to the end of the village.

    How have people in Tongjiagou ever seen such a sight?

    Then they ran out from home, surrounded by the group of county magistrates, constantly looking at the old house of Aunt Zhang.

    Tongjiagou has not been so busy for a long time.

    A large group of people in Wuhuan are so crowded in the dirt roads of the country.

    The county magistrate wanted to go to the old house to meet Chen Xi, but the secretary hurriedly stopped him.

    Because the superior leaders just called, they are strictly forbidden to contact or disturb Chen Xi…

    These people are the leaders of the county, and they pull out one of them casually, and their status is much higher than that of Li Changxin.

    But now, they can only look at me, I look at you, completely lost the square inch.

    A group of people have been pondering for a long time, so I can't think of a way.

    Finally, after the county magistrate proposed to go back to the county to discuss and discuss, everyone was relieved.

    At this time, they finally turned their attention to the wounded in this place.

    Chen Xi not only cut Chun Wa'er's legs, but also interrupted the legs of more than thirty young people.

    More than 30 people were lying in Tiankanli so miserablely that they couldn’t even scream, and the grievances of the grievances were really miserable.

    So many injured ambulances could not be installed, so the county magistrate ordered the use of the county party committee to send the wounded to the county hospital.

    As for the other…

    I will talk about it after the meeting.

    A large group of people from Wuhuan came and went to a large group of people.

    Tongjiagou quickly recovered its usual tranquility.

    The leaders of the county were withdrawn, and the villagers also made birds and beasts. They ran home and talked about what they saw and heard today.

    They are stupid, and now they know that Aunt Zhang’s little couple in the field is not easy.

    The gunships also flew back and the soldiers left, but the captain and vice captain of the operation were left behind.

    Because they have new tasks.

    That is to use Chen Xi as a temporary security guard to prevent similar incidents from happening again, and also to monitor.

    After all, the ban on martial arts has been a big taboo since ancient times.

    As for the time limit of the task, if you don't mention it above, they will not ask more. In short, take a step.

    As a result, two big-headed squadrons put on plain clothes in the eyes of their comrades.

    Although they don't know Chen Xi's specific identity, from the above degree of emphasis, it is certainly not a simple person.

    The so-called near-water tower first month, can be such a character as a security guard, but the soldiers want to get the beauty of the dream!


    When the two men changed into casual clothes and came to the old house, Chen Xi was sitting in the yard with the little guy and peeling the corn.

    Aunt Zhang had to do the golden sand corn in the evening, and the authentic Sichuan cuisine. The little guy came to the ass after hearing it. He took the corn and sat on the small bench and slammed it up.

    The two of them stood nervously in front of the arrived Chen Xi, and after talking about the task of the leadership, they squatted and squatted, waiting for Chen Xi to speak.

    They also obey orders, so Chen Xi did not bother them and made similar behaviors.

    Therefore, after considering it for a moment, he smiled and nodded and said: "Well, then you will follow me in the next few days, let me introduce myself first?"

    Reports My name is Li Tie egg, I am 24 years old, Dalian people in Liaodong! ”

    Reports My name is Xue Shugen, 23 years old this year, Jilin Changchun people! ”

    Seeing the two big soldiers squatting, Chen Xi joked and said to them in the Northeast dialect: "Hey, are all northeastern people?"

    Hear this, Li Tie egg is a resentful reply: "Reporting head, I am from Dalian, not from the Northeast…"

    Chen Xi is not a Northeaster, and naturally does not understand the curved roads of that place.

    After listening to Li Tie’s egg, he had to shrug his shoulders and did not discuss it with Li Tie.

    "If you don't move, you will report it. If you leave the army, you should be free."I am older than you, call me Chen, then it will be alright, this is my daughter, you can call her Niannian. ”

    "Okay, Chen Ge!"

    Perhaps because they just took off their military uniforms, they are obviously not used to it.

    After listening to Chen Xi's introduction, the two bowed their heads and said to the little guy in the hard tone: "Hello, Niannian."

    That tone, it sounds like a similar to the Terminator…

    The little guy sat on the small bench and peeled the corn while looking up at his head and curiously looking at the two big soldiers.

    Although they were replaced with casual clothes, the unique taste of the soldiers in them could not be concealed.

    There is Father next to it, this little thing is not afraid of life, so she immediately smiled happily: "Uncle is good!"

    The professional soldiers were not good at socializing. The uncle, the little uncle, let them both stay on the spot and didn't know what to pick up.

    The two are slightly embarrassed in the same place, but the little guy is not at all embarrassed.

    After a round lap of big eyes, she bent over and picked up two corn from the basin and handed it directly to the two.

    "Uncle, are you going to peel corn?"

    Then, an interesting scene took place in the yard.

    The two big men squatted beside the sun plate and peeled the corn, and the little guy stood next to him and shouted keep it up.

    A special peeling corn contest was launched under the organization of this little guy.

    Suddenly there were two more people in the house, so Chen Xi went to the kitchen and talked to Aunt Zhang so that she could prepare a few more dishes at night.

    For these two security guards who suddenly emerged, Aunt Zhang did not say much.

    The elderly have seen the world and naturally know what to ask and what to ask.

    In the morning, there was a conflict with the mantle. In the afternoon, the family had two more people inexplicably.

    In this regard, Aunt Zhang can't help but feel sad.

    Chen Xi is really not what it is now…

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