Immortal Realm’s Smuggling Kingpin

Vol 3 Chapter 11: The wind is tight (top)

After the semi-finals changed the arrangement of the preliminary rounds, under the neon lights of Roche Jewelry, thirty beauties took the lead in the stage. The shock of the trendy fashion was like a bolt of lightning that struck everyone present. Because of the Oiran list, the number of spectators who watched in the semi-final was much less, but those who stayed felt that they had made a wise decision.

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The neon lights flicker like under the catwalk>.: Extraordinary. When the deliberately melancholic Yinquan drink rose from below the stage, applause erupted from the venue. Of course, there was also a whispered discussion--that was the judges were discussing whether such dressing violated the purpose of selecting the goddess.

But the audience don’t think so. They like these people on stage very much. The different temperaments of these beauties are not seen in the ordinary fairy world. Although they are a bit advanced, they are shown on the T stage just like in the lower world. It’s always super|Street shuttle, but people are happy to appreciate such beauty.

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Before he knew it, there was another person beside Luo Qian. When he turned his head, it turned out to be Yunxi, Yin Quanyin's wife. Luo Qian smiled: "My wife is here too!" Yunxi said annoyed: "If I don't come again, I don't know how many deep-wife grieving women's hearts and souls will be taken away by this enemy!" Luo Qian took a private look, whenever Yinquan drinks. On stage, the most exciting place below is the girls. He couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart, peeking at Yunxi secretly, every time Yin Quanyin came on stage, every time the fairies below cheered him, her face was flushed with anger.

Luo Qian explained, "Brother Yin is a well-known beautiful man in the immortal world, and he should have such a reaction." Yunxi vinegar replied with a sound wave, coldly snorted, and walked alone with Luo Qian with an unhappy expression. Up. Luo Qian shook his head and said in his heart: Lao Yin Na Lao Yin, brother, I am really helpless this time. Don't blame others, who told you to take a jealous woman? You should learn from the other couple Beckhams. You see that Beckhams are more open. If you don’t have anything to do, you should send your husband to take pictures. Your own things are beautiful and you are happy to show them off to the world.

His thoughts changed: why not train the Yinquanyin couple to become the Pei's couple in the fairy world, and be the spokesperson for his company! There was a flash of light in his mind, and he didn't care about seeing any more shows, and turned to find Yunxi. Fortunately, there were many people around, and Yunxi could not go far. Luo Qian chased after him and whispered: "Sister-in-law, follow me, I have something to tell you."

Luo Qian opened the road ahead, and Yunxi followed behind. When he arrived at the jewelry store, Luo Qian opened the showroom: "Sister-in-law, what do you think, take it yourself." Yunxi looked at him warily: "Mr. Luo, what do you mean?" Luo Qian didn't think much, but couldn't Weird family wives are on guard. He suddenly woke up, laughed, and said: "I'm helping you. Are you worried about Brother Yin? It's actually very simple. You also dress yourself up as a weather vane of the fairy world, then you and him are the real ones. A natural couple, no matter what fairy sees you, they are ashamed of themselves. You and Brother Yin are standing together, making a pair in heaven and a pair on the ground. Who else would you say is beyond your control?"

Yunxi didn't quite understand what the so-called "weathervane of the fairyland trend" was, but he already vaguely understood what Luo Qian meant. He couldn't help but smile apologetically and a little blessing. Thanks, "Thank you Mr. Luo, if you have anything. If it succeeds, Yunxi will be rewarded!"


The Nine Realm Rematch and the Broken Moon Realm Rematch shook the entire fairy world with super creative and shocking effects. Those immortal dudes who were the best to do nothing, regretted that they had missed such a wonderful game. For a time, the entire fairy world was hotly discussing the rematch of the Broken Moon Realm. Although the praises and criticisms were mixed, after all, the supporters accounted for the majority, and seven of the nine beauties selected in the Broken Moon Realm rematch entered the new phase in one fell swoop. The "Oiran List" can be described as a beautiful turnaround.

It is said that there was such a wonderful performance in the rematch of the Moon Breaking Realm. The Yunlang family who is in charge of the Moon Breaking Realm, Yunheng should be happy in his heart, but his restless son-in-law shines again and is now almost in the Moon Broken Realm. All the dream lovers of the girls to be married, even Yun Heng himself, had overheard two or three times inadvertently. The girls in the mansion secretly talked about the uncle, and the ambiguity and admiration made Old Yun feel deeply in danger for his daughter.

To be honest, when his daughter and Yin Quanyin were married, he didn't say a word in his heart: marry next. In terms of momentum and status, although Zhenhua Yuanyin family is number one in the immortal world, how can it be compared with the Yunlang family of the holy family Zhenglong? His daughter chose such an immortal couple, and he was rather indifferent at the time.

Unexpectedly, the wind will turn, and he will start to worry about his daughter's situation after less than three years of marriage.

Father Yun ordered his daughter to go home. After Yunxi came back, Father Yun knocked on the side,

Only after Fan Jifeng did his daughter understand what he meant. After Yunxi moved out of Luo▋|Fan Jifeng, he let her daughter understand what he meant. After Yunxi moved out of Luo▋|Fan Jifeng, he let her daughter understand what he meant. After Yunxi moved out of Luo▋|Fan Jifeng, he let her daughter understand what he meant. After Yunxi moved out of Luo▋|Fan Jifeng, he let her daughter understand what he meant. After Yunxi moved out of Luo▋|Fan Jifeng, he let her daughter understand what he meant. Yunxi moved out of Luo ▋ old father said something. The old man thought this method was feasible, but he didn't quite understand what this "weathervane of the fairy world trend" meant. Yunxi repeated Luo Qian's words again, thinking of this weird term again in his heart, and the father and daughter made the same whisper in their hearts, and for a while they forgot the business.

Three days after the rematch, Yin Quan Yin prepared a generous gift and came to thank him. Luo Qian prepared wine, the three of them were drinking, and suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air outside the door, and then someone shouted: "Quick, quick, all surrounded me, don't get out of the criminals!" Downstairs The guy "chuchuchu" ran up, breathing undecided: "The owner, the owner is not good, there are a lot of soldiers here, tell us that our shop is surrounded!"

Luo Qian felt a little in his heart, already guessing who it was. He took a look at his clothes, wanted to send Zheng Daoguang a jade charm, glanced out the window, and vaguely saw that several immortals in the sky had opened a big net-Jiantian. If you want to come and send it, you can't escape the net. Simply generous, he got up and said, "What are you panicking, let me go out and have a look." Du Yuming and Yin Quanyin stood up together: "Let's go out together."

Luo Qian waved his hand: "No, you are here to wait for me. After warming up the wine, I will return in a moment." Both of them didn't know what was going on. Seeing that Luo Qian was so calm, they really thought it was nothing big. Then he sat down again.

Luo Qian went downstairs, went out, and was about to speak. The soldiers on both sides of the door had already embraced him in ambush, pushing him to the ground with various hands. Luo Qian's strengths shouted: "I am a ninth-rank immortal official, Lu Xiaofeng, you have to take me, and you have to have a statement!" Lu Xiaofeng walked out from nowhere, came to him, and shouted: "Tie me !" The soldiers got the order, regardless of the many, a rope wrapped around the back of the neck, wrapped around the arms, tied with five flowers, and the zongzi generally bound Luo Qian.

"Lu Xiaofeng!" Luo Qian said furiously: "I knew you were the one who would avenge revenge, so I shouldn't have helped you!" Lu Xiaofeng said frankly, "You help me, that's for the father. I will arrest you, this It's also for the public." "What's wrong with me, why did you arrest me!" "You sold this thing?" Lu Xiaofeng asked when he took out a communication conch.

Luo Qian confessed: "Yes, what's the matter!" "This thing is not a thing of the immortal world, right?" Lu Xiaofeng asked. Luo Qian said: "No." Lu Xiaofeng sneered: "What else is there to say? You smuggled things from other worlds, this is your accusation!"

"Hahaha..." Luo Qian laughed up to the sky: "Lu Xiaofeng, is there any law in the immortal realm that stipulates that things from the gods cannot be sold?" "This..." Lu Xiaofeng was speechless for a while, and the immortal just prohibited things from the lower realm from going to the sky. , Did not explicitly prohibit things from the gods, demons, and buddhas from flowing into the immortal world. It's just that everyone has been accustomed to it all the time. Lu Xiaofeng has not caught Luo Qian's evidence for a long time, and finally found Communication Conch. He was overjoyed and brought someone to arrest Luo Qian before he could think about it.

"Then I ask you, how did you get this **** realm thing?" Lu Xiaofeng asked again. Luo Qian smiled, rolled his eyes and looked at the sky, not bothering him. Lu Xiaofeng said angrily: "This official asks you, where did you get this thing from the God Realm!" Luo Qian smiled and said, "Master Lu, I suspect that you are trying to steal my business secrets and intend to steal my business secrets. Don't worry. Well, I will definitely sue you in front of Master Zheng!"

At this time, many immortals were onlookers around, and they burst into laughter when they heard the words. Lu Xiaofeng's old face blushed, and he blamed himself for not speaking very much, but the kid took the handle.

"In any I suspect that you have something to do with a large number of vulgar objects that have flowed into the fairy world recently. Left and right, take them back with me!" The soldiers on both sides yelled, coming up to push Luo to move. Luo Qian made a violent win: "Lu Xiaofeng! To teach you that I am lawful and law-abiding before you can hold it. I cooperated with your investigation and took the initiative to follow you, but you were not caught back!" As he said, with a fist, the power of the Nine Dragon Claws was activated. Although there is only the power of a dragon, even though the dragon is still a young dragon, this power should not be underestimated!

I saw a cloud of golden light on his forearm, and the soldiers around were shocked: "Protect your lord!" Hula suddenly, a few soldiers surrounded Lu Xiaofeng, Luo Qian struggling with both hands, tied his rope in Jinmeng. Sinochem fly ash. Luo Qian moved his hands, sneered at the "nervous" soldiers, and said calmly: "Lead the way ahead!"

Lu Xiaofeng's old face was red, and the strange soldier was troubled. This time, he has been ugly twice. It's just that he doesn't understand: The people in the secret seizure platform clearly said that Luo Qian is only a Tier 1 immortal, but he can break the Tier 5 "Cables". Looking at the golden mans power just now, I am afraid that he does not have the strength above Tier 7. It's absolutely impossible.

"Brother Luo!" With a cry, Yin Quanyin and Du Yingying snatched it out together. Yin Quanyin asked angrily, "Master Lu, what does this mean?!"

PS: I solemnly recommend to everyone~ Hit Novel Network (w_w_w.s_d_x_s_), read and download all text.

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