"Are you crazy?"

Engineer Du looked at Lin Youde in disbelief, but there was no hesitation in Lin Youde's eyes. very firm.

"I'm going to attack. Engineer Du, you should evacuate with the other engineers. It's dangerous here."

"But aren't you the same?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "It's okay, I'm also a pilot. As long as I have an organism, I can also fight."

Engineer Du looked anxious: "But, you don't have a body right now. Isn't Gu Tie unable to start? Or, are you sure that you can start Gu Tie now?"

Lin Youde looked at Gu Tie and tried to sense the black box inside Gu Tie with the new human's telepathy, but without any accident, he was bounced back again.

With a sullen face, Lin Youde looked at the spare Extreme Soldier II · Kai stored in Gnaku.

"Gu Tie...I can't activate it yet. However, even if I use Extreme Soldier II·Kai, I will go."

Engineer Du: "You..."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have a battle that I can't escape." Lin Youde picked up a key on the workbench, ran towards the empty Jishu Soldier II, changed, pressed the elevator button, took the elevator, and entered The Extreme Soldier II · Changed.

Engineer Du stared at Lin Youde in a daze, and lowered his head with a complicated expression: "Is there a battle that can't be avoided, but I..."

In the cockpit of Extreme Soldier II · Kai, Lin Youde inserted the key, called up the OS list, took a look, and quickly tapped on the keyboard for 5 or 6 seconds before putting away the keyboard.

"Fortunately, there are not many places to adjust this general-purpose OS. In that case, it should work."

Extreme Soldier II · Kai picked up the machine gun on the side and controlled the body to walk out of Gnaku. As soon as he walked out of Gnaku, Lin Youde, who was sitting in the cockpit, saw a large number of bullets, missiles, and beams falling from the sky and attacking the base.

Pressing a button, Jishubing II · Kai's legs and feet air suspension system is activated, and the whole body floats up slightly.

Controlling the body, raising the machine gun, shooting at the missiles falling from the sky, and dodging the attack of bullets and beams.

After a while, a voice sounded on the team channel.

"Alternative Extreme Soldier II · Kai? PT066, report your identity and rank."

Listening to the voice on the communication channel, Lin Youde replied honestly after confirming that he did not know him.

"This is the second-level researcher Lin Youde, and I will start supporting you now."

The voice of the previous question: "What? Is it actually Researcher Lin?"

Some other voices: "Great, it's actually Researcher Lin, this is a strong aid."

"Indeed, to be able to drive Gu Tie to that level, Researcher Lin's strength is definitely an ace."

"With an ace pilot in charge, this wave is stable."

These voices made Lin Youde's eyelids jump wildly.

"You guys don't stand for Researcher Lin, it will kill you."

After the first voice reprimanded the others, he said to Lin Youde.

"Researcher Lin, this is the temporary tactical commander of the HLD base defense force, Major Yue Feipeng."

"Thank you for your assistance, but we promised Miss Lei that we can't put you in danger. Please step back as much as possible."

Yue Feipeng's words surprised Lin Youde: "What do you mean?"

Yue Feipeng replied: "Literally. The base may be attacked. Miss Lei already informed us when she just attacked."

"Although the old guy Kennett doesn't believe it, all of us still believe in Miss Lei's intuition. Therefore, we have already prepared for this battle, so don't worry."

Lin Youde's heart warmed, and while controlling the body to keep dodging, he said to Yue Feipeng.

"Since you guys are prepared, then I won't help. But quitting the battle, I can't do it. I need to end the battle quickly here, and then go to Mengmeng's, she is in danger now."

Yue Feipeng: "Miss Lei is in danger? That's right, the base has been attacked, and the **** troops will definitely be attacked. I understand, please help us fight off these enemies together, and I will organize troops to rescue them immediately. ."

Lin Youde: "Please."

There is only a very limited amount of things that can be done with a very special soldier II Kai, which is not too armed. As long as there is an air combat-type strike Gundam, Lin Youde has already rushed out alone.

But only the first and second-generation mass-produced machines of Jishubing II · change, can't let Lin Youde exert his strength at all.

A second-generation machine has limited capabilities, so it can only exert the power of the group.

This was the limit that Lin Youde could think of in a short period of time.

"Damn, as long as there is a Gundam that can fly, I will..."

Boom boom boom.

The missile slammed on the ground, and was quickly avoided by Lin Youde's Extreme Soldier II, which was changed to an S-shaped position, which attracted cheers from some soldiers in the friendly channel.

"As expected of Researcher Lin, this evasion ability is too conspicuous."

"Is this the strength of an ace pilot? This dodge is so cool."

Yue Feipeng said with a smile: "Sure enough, having an ace pilot in the team can improve morale. Everyone, cheer me up and don't lose face in front of Researcher Lin."

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Everyone: "Understood!"

In the HLD base, more than a dozen units of Extreme Soldier II·Kai and Ranger II·Kai raised their weapons and kept shooting at the sky.

With the base's defense system, the attack from the sky did not cause any effective damage.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers in the base were very happy.

But Lin Youde and Yue Feipeng were not happy at all.

Because the enemies in the sky have already begun to lower their heights.

Also because of the decrease in height, Lin Youde and others saw the true face of the enemy.

A group of the latest high-mobility Galion, and a reloaded Leon, and... a 40-meter-high steel giant Gurrengast.

Yue Feipeng's eyes widened: "C Telang's alliance dog actually engaged in such a big battle. Do these guys want to start a full-scale war?"

After scolding, Yue Feipeng shouted on the friendly channel: "So be careful, there are special planes on the opposite side."

Unified Soldier: "My day, the special machine, Hong Geshu?"

Unified Soldier: "No, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com That's not Hugeshu, but the real Gurungast."

Unified Soldier: "Although the style is old, you can use this style of Gurungast, this machine, shouldn't it be the real Gurengast One?"

Looking at the enemy in the sky, everyone on the ground sank in their hearts.

And the driver sitting in the Gurungast-style cockpit turned on the communicator in the body with a playful smile.

"It's almost time, the mice have all come out, Ingleth's puppet, S01, do it!"

In Reloading Leon, a little girl with silver hair and double ponytails who looked only eleven or twelve years old sat in the cockpit and nodded.

His hands were placed on the special devices on both sides of the cockpit, and among the beautiful twins, a light band like a streamer flashed.

"Anti-fighting system is activated "Si Jian" is activated! "

Pop-up windows appeared in the cockpit of the reloaded Leon.

The streamer in the S01 Shuangtong began to accelerate.

"The entire body is locked, the entire defense system has been invaded, the entire system, shut down!"

In an instant, on the ground of the HLD base, the Allied Army's Extreme Soldiers II and Kai all stopped functioning.

All defensive turrets stopped moving.

Lin Youde, who was sitting in the cockpit of Jishubing II·Change, was stunned.

"What the hell? Why can't the body suddenly move?"

In the sky, the Gurungast-style pilot laughed loudly.

"Right now, destroy them all!"

Countless bullets rained down again and flew towards all the extreme soldiers.

This time, the Jishu soldiers and the forest rangers didn't move, they were all blown up and blown away.

Among them, there is Lin Youde's body.

The explosive impact of the body made Lin Youde slammed into the side of the cockpit and fainted on the spot...

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