Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 250: Siegel's decision

Siegel's words caused Lin Youde's thoughts to move, and he nodded heavily.


Lin Youde's admission made Lux's pretty face even redder.

"Is that so..."

Siegel nodded slightly and looked at Lin Youde.

Through the spiritual induction of the new human being, Lin Youde was able to perceive that Siegel's emotions were filled with relief and satisfaction. There is no dissatisfaction.

Through this perception, while Lin Youde's confidence increased greatly, he also pretended to be suspicious.

"Uncle, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"Why do you think I'm asking you this?"

Siegel didn't answer the question with a half-smile, and the eyes that kept looking at Lux. While making Lux blushing, Lin Youde deliberately made a contemplative expression.

"...Uncle, has the conflict between you and the Patrick Defense Commissioner reached this level?"

Siegel looked at Lin Youde with relief and sighed.

"Who do you think did this?"

Lin Youde was stunned: "Eh? Is it related to me?"

Siegel nodded, showing a helpless expression.

"Aslan's disappearance made Patrick completely crazy."

"He, who was originally very radical, thought that his only son was also sacrificed, and the whole person fell into a serious madness."

"If it wasn't for Aslan's rediscovery after that, it made his spirits a little more stable. I can't imagine what Patrick would have done."

"In fact, a few days ago, I said a few words to him, and he even wanted to do something to me."

"Now he can't listen to anything..."

Lin Youde was stunned: "Ah this..."

Siegel looked at Lux worriedly, and continued: "Originally, it was only Patrick who was crazy, and if others didn't support it. Don't worry too much. After all, whether it's P.L.A.N.T. or Zaft, it's not true. Patrick alone has the final say."

"But it's bad because you beat the children of the Juer family, the Eylesman family, and the Amalfi family before you, and the injuries are not minor."

"Now these three companies have completely turned to Patrick, plus the recent radicalization of the Earth Army. The situation has completely shifted to the direction you said before."

rice ball exploration book

Lin Youde nodded: "So, is it all because of me?"

'I didn't expect that when I was landing on the earth, the accident I accidentally made turned things into this level. ’

Xiaoxiao sighed inwardly, and Lin Youde replied, "So, is this why you suddenly asked me this question, Uncle?"

In Siegel's nodding action, Lin Youde glanced at Lux and replied, "Although I am personally very happy."

"But I remember that there is still a marriage contract between Lux and Aslan, right?"

Lux's face froze, and Siegel said angrily, "You still know that there is a marriage contract between Lux and Aslan?"

Lin Youde rubbed his cheeks with his fingers, pretending to be embarrassed: "This...emotional thing...I can't help it..."

Hearing this answer, Lux's expression softened a lot, and she looked at Siegel nervously.

Under Lux's nervous gaze, Siegel shook his head: "You young people..."

With a sigh, Siegel continued: "I have mentioned the engagement between Lux and Aslan to Patrick, and he agreed to break it up."


Lin Youde and Lux ​​were both shocked.

Siegel stood up, put his hands on his back, looked up at the sky, and looked melancholy.

"The original marriage contract between Lux and Aslan was a political marriage between me and Patrick."

"It would be best if Lux and Aslan were in love with each other."

"But now that Lux has a heart, and Patrick is so crazy, I really dare not let Lux stay by Aslan's side."

"After all, the conflict between me and Patrick has gradually intensified."

"In case he goes crazy, it's fine for me. It's because of me that Lux is implicated, then..."

Siegel shook his head, and Lux ​​was moved. Lin Youde blinked and asked, "Is there really no problem with telling me about this kind of thing?"

Siegel gave Lin Youde an angry look: "You kid, why did I tell you this?"

Lin Youde was silent, Siegel continued.

"I have some ideas about what you said before."

"So I'm going to break the grounds of Lux and Aslan's engagement, and put the conflict on the table completely."

Lux didn't respond yet, and Lin Youde frowned.

"Uncle, is this bad?"

"As the chairman of the P.L.A.N.T. Supreme Council, you and Patrick Defense Commissioner directly put the conflict on the table. Wouldn't P.L.A.N.T. start civil unrest?"

"It's not a good thing to have civil unrest at this time."

Siegel looked at Lin Youde with relief, and smiled: "Of course I understand what you said. So, I just talked with Patrick before, but I haven't completely settled it."

"Now, I plan to retire from the chair of the Supreme Council on the pretext of breaking the marriage contract between Lux and Aslan."

Lin Youde was shocked: "What?"

Lux was also full of disbelief: "Dad?"

Siegel raised his hand, stopped the two, and said, "I know what you want to say."

"If it was before, I actually didn't plan to do it."

"But after chatting with Kira for a while recently, I found that the situation has become more and more irreversible."

"Patrick's current support in parliament has reached 40%, close to 50%."

"His behavior is getting more and more and his spirit is getting more and more unstable. I can't continue to stimulate him. Otherwise, I really don't know what he will do."

"So, taking advantage of this opportunity now, step down from your seat. Looking for opportunities in the future is also a good choice."

Lux's eyes lit up: "Dad, are you going to follow Kira's words and come back to advance?"

Siegel smiled and said: "Yes, although I don't know much about the idioms in East Asia, but at present, it is undoubtedly very suitable."

"Since you can't continue to stimulate him, let him touch the Earth Army. Although there will be many sacrifices."

"But for the sake of peace in the future, this may really be a necessary sacrifice and maybe..."

After speaking, Siegel sighed: "To be honest, even myself, I don't know if this decision will be a mistake."

"But for now, I don't have a choice either."

Lin Youde gradually became more at ease: "Then, what are you going to do with me and Lux, Uncle?"

In Lux's blushing and expectant gaze, Siegel said with a smile: "I will talk to the representative of Orbuxiongshi Ashar about this matter, so you don't need to worry."

------off topic-----

Thanks to "Prvett of Zhu Xia" for the reward of 1500.asxs. coins.

Thanks to "Crazy Fat Thief" and "Uncute Meng Xin" for rewarding 500.asxs. coins.

Thanks to "dqaews", "Monsoon Fengshen" and "08a" for giving 100.asxs. coins.

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