Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 253: Dancing Sword!

"Kira, are you really going?"

Looking at Lin Youde, who was wearing a driving suit and carrying a helmet. Lux was full of worry and looked at Siegel beside him.

Siegel also frowned: "Kira-kun, are you serious?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yes, uncle. I'm going to follow Zaft's troops to see Earth. You can send Lux ​​to Orb first."

Siegel was a little puzzled: "Can you tell me why?"

Lin Youde thought for a while, and replied sincerely: "The people on the Archangel used to take good care of me. I don't want them to be sacrificed in this operation. So I want to try it out and see if I can take them with me. Go to Orb."

Siegel was a little surprised: "Archangel? Is that the ship you were driving to protect from the raid before?"

Lin Youde nodded and replied, "Yes, I am familiar with them. It is up to me to persuade them to surrender, and they should listen. After all, in the face of an absolutely unwinnable battle, I believe they will surrender too."

"They are in the Earth Army, and there are few people with conscience, so I want to win them over."

"Now that Aube has just admitted my identity, there must be many people who have opinions on me."

"At this time, I also need some deeds and actions to prove my ability."

"Archangel, as the most cutting-edge battleship of the Earth Army, if I can abduct it to Orb, I believe it will get a lot of recognition and bonus points, right?"

"Besides, I don't have much foundation on Orb's side. Everyone on the Archangel is very familiar with me. If they went to Orb together, they will definitely stand with me."

"As a part of cultivating the core team, I feel that it is necessary for me to go there."

Hearing Lin Youde's so reasonable and well-founded words, Siegel also nodded: "Okay, since you have such a thoughtful idea, then you can go. I will take care of Lacus."

"Kira..." Lux looked worried.

Lin Youde smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a voice from the side.

"I'll go too."


Lin Youde turned around in surprise and saw Aslan in Zaft's red driver's suit, his face full of astonishment.

"Aslan, you..."

Aslan smiled and said, "In name, Kira, you drove the Freedom Gundam and took Lux away."

"I will drive the Justice Gundam to chase after you as someone who is jealous of you."

"But I'll slow you down a bit, and won't land directly on Earth."

Lin Youde's eyes lit up: "That's good. After that, you can follow me to Aube and see Cagalli. By the way, what did your dad say about you and Cagallie?"

Aslan looked embarrassed: "This..."

Siegel coughed: "I'll talk to Patrick later about this."

Aslan looked at Siegel in astonishment, Siegel smiled and replied: "If you really like that girl named Cagalli, I can help you as a lobbyist. How about it, do you need my help? ?"

In the perception of the new human, Siegel did not feel the clear emotional fluctuations.

Under Lin Youde's gaze, Aslan hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded: "Then... I'll trouble you, Uncle Siegel."

Siegel smiled: "Then leave it to me. You two, stay safe."

With Siegel's instructions, Lin Youde sat on the gray Freedom Gundam. Aslan went to another hangar.

After quickly adjusting the OS of the body, Lin Youde's expression turned positive.

"Then, Kira Asghar, Freedom Gundam, strike!"

The hatch opened, and the blue-and-white Liberty Gundam spread its wings and soared into the sky...

Looking at the Freedom Gundam rushing out, Lux looked worried: "Kira..."

Siegel patted Lux ​​on the shoulder: "Don't worry, it's alright."

The Freedom Gundam rushed out of P.L.A.N.T. and flew towards Earth.

In the middle of the way, several Zaft Army patrols encountered Freedom Gundam. They all raised their guns symbolically, and then let Freedom leave without firing a shot.

Sitting in the cockpit, Lin Youde shook his head and sighed to himself: 'This treatment is really different. It seems that these Zaft soldiers have been informed and let me go. Playing all the way with Kira is still completely different. ’

Freedom Gundam didn't pull out his arms, but just saluted Zaft's soldiers with his hands and left quickly.

Only a group of Zaft soldiers were left, sitting in the cockpit and complaining on the squad channel.

"Our P.L.A.N.T. princess eloped with Orb's prince. What the **** is that?"

"I also think it's pretty good, after all, no one has ever been young."

"Just don't know what Aslan Sara will think."

"Don't think about it, he's here..."

A red Justice Gundam also saluted, whizzing past the Zaft Army's patrol unit, and flew out chasing the Freedom Gundam.

Leaving a group of people to continue to complain.

"So, Lux-sama's charm is really great."

"That is, after all, that is Lord Lux..."

"You said, can Aslan Sara get Lord Lux ​​back?"

"I think it's difficult. After all, the marriage contract has been cancelled, so I guess there is no drama..."

In the universe, some Zaft soldiers on patrol chatted very leisurely first.

But on Earth, the Zaft soldiers who just landed don't have this leisure.

Earth Alaska Base

A fierce battle broke out between the Earth Army and the Zaft Army.

In the midst of the countless wars, the Archangel sailed alone on the sea, using its own weapons to clean up the surrounding enemies.

"Linear Cannon No. 1 No. 2 was destroyed, and the damage rate of the battleship exceeded 30%."

"Yalemark, Yalovslav sank."

Inside the bridge, reports of battle damage were passed on continuously. The atmosphere seemed extremely tense.

As the captain, Mariu asked calmly in the face of danger.

"How is the connection with the command?"

Liaison: "No, I can't get in touch at all. All channels receive the same telegram."

"It is said that they defend the defensive line, adapt to the situation, and support each other."

Gunner: "Where's the rescue team in Panama?"

Liaison: "I can't even see a shadow."

Observer: "The missile is approaching!"


The Archangel was hit, and the ship shook violently...

Outside the Archangel, a plane flew past the Archangel.

In the cockpit, Mu looked excited: "Very good, the Archangel is still holding on."

Drop drop!

The plane dodged at high speed, but was still hit by a shot of the VW thruster, which caused a small explosion and began to lose altitude with thick smoke.

Faced with this situation, Mu said with a sullen face: "Here... This is Frada, please answer the Archangel. Please answer the Archangel! Damn..."

Archangel Bridge.

The observer exclaimed: "The friendly plane is approaching, and it looks like it was shot."

Mariu was shocked: "Huh?"

Looking up at the observation screen on the bridge, Mariu was stunned.

"Did he want to make a forced landing?"

The helmsman-Arnold Neumann was astonished: "It's impossible, it's too messy."

Seeing this, Mariu quickly picked up the phone leading to the maintenance class.

"Preparation class! The stupid plane from nowhere wants to rush in through the ejection port to make a forced landing, quickly retreat!"

On the plane outside the Archangel, Mu sweated on his forehead: "Everyone, get out of the way for me! Oh oh oh!!"

Shouting, Mu's plane rushed into the ejection tunnel of the Archangel's damaged hatch and rushed in.

The plane landed quickly and was stopped by the deceleration net of the maintenance team, and it was dangerous and dangerous not to hit the wall.

Before the uncles in the preparation class could start scolding, Mu jumped out of the plane.

The uncles in the preparation class were all stunned.

"Major Frada?"

Mu didn't answer, rushed straight to the bridge, quickly opened the hatch of the bridge, and ran in.

Mu: "Captain."

Mariu turned around in surprise: "Major? Why are you here? What happened to the transfer?"

Mu looked anxious: "This kind of thing is fine."

"Compared to this, retreat now."

Everyone on the bridge looked shocked.

Mu: "This battle is beyond my imagination. What kind of orders did your garrison receive?"

Mary: "Huh?"

Before Mariu could answer, the Archangel was hit again. The shock of the explosion made everyone exclaim.

At this time, Mu didn't wait for Maliu to answer, and said everything he knew.

"Forget it, listen to me."

"Under the ground of the base headquarters, the Cyclops system is installed."

"If that thing is activated, a radius of 10 kilometers from the base will become a melting pot."

Mariu was stunned: "What?"

Mu: "With your current strength, it is impossible to defend this place."

"Panama's rescue is simply too late."

"It won't be long before the garrison will be wiped out."

"The base gate will also be breached."

"The headquarters will not hesitate to destroy all facilities and activate the Cyclops system."

"They want to use this to wipe out most of Zaft's military."

"It's a script written by those high ups for this fight."

After Mu finished speaking, the entire bridge was silent.


The Archangel was hit again, and everyone exclaimed again.

Maliu was awakened by the shock and was shocked: "How is it possible?"

Mu's face was solemn and helpless: "This is what I saw with my own eyes."

"The people at the command headquarters have all been evacuated long ago."

"The only ones left to fight are the combined Eurasian troops, and the troops like us who were abandoned as they liked."

Mary was speechless in shock.

But there was a lot of excitement on the bridge.

Helmsman-Arnold Neumann said angrily: "They want us to die here as bait? Is that what you mean?"

Mu Hei grimaced: "Yes, those guys want you to give up the idea of ​​retreat, hold back the enemy, and perish with Zaft's people."

"Those guys, just like what Kira said, there is no bottom line to speak of."

Mu turned his face in dissatisfaction and persuaded Maliu: "Captain, make a decision now. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Maliu's face was sullen, and before answering, she heard the call of the friendly army in the communication.

"This is Squad 14. Request for support, request... WOW!"

Communication has been interrupted...

Mariu grimaced and gritted her teeth: "If you say that the purpose of this battle is to lure the Zaft Army in."

"That ship has completed the task."

"Therefore, the captain of the Archangel, Maliu Ramias, is in an independent judgment during the war, and this ship will give up the sea dominance of the existing combat sea area."

"The responsibility of this order is the responsibility of the captain of the Archangel, Mariu Ramias, and has nothing to do with other personnel."

"Now, immediately notify other nearby ships and follow us to evacuate."

"Full speed ahead. Full left rudder, break through the left flank in the Gulf, and evacuate."

Mu patted Maliu on the shoulder: "Although it is difficult to make this decision. But don't give up, I will also attack, in order to survive together."

Mariu: "Major..."

Mu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I am a man who can turn the impossible into a possibility. Even if Kira is not there, I will protect the ship."

"The Age of Rebirth"

Since then, the Archangel began to retreat from the Alaska base, and all the surrounding ships followed.

However, due to the breakthrough of the defenders headed by the Archangel, the gate of the Alaska base was quickly broken.

Near the Archangel, Mu was driving an Air Overlord fighter jet, entangled with the MS of the Zaft Army.

"Damn, the base gate has been given to you, so don't bother us, okay?"

The Air Overlord fires all bombs, instantly destroying 3 Deans.

In the sky, Mu's air tyrant is very brave, living up to the name of the ace pilot.

But at sea, in the face of the sniping of the Zaft Navy, the Breakthrough Legion was much more embarrassed.

The Zaft Navy fired all bombs and slammed into the breakout army.

Mariu: "Emergency avoidance!"

The Archangel maneuvered from one side, avoiding the missile rain and washing the ground, making it extremely agile.

But the surrounding naval ships were not so flexible, and two were bombed on the spot.

Liaison: "The rear body is approaching."

Mu: "Leave that guy to me, you all hurry up and leave."

Mariu exclaimed, "Major?"

The missile rain hit again, the Archangel was slightly mid-laner, and under the violent shaking, Maliu ordered with a sullen face.

"Left rudder 20 goes around!"

Observer: "At 10 o'clock, there is a MS group!!"

Outside the atmosphere, the Freedom Gundam went unimpeded and began to break into the atmosphere.

Lin Youde said with a sullen face: 'Don't have an accident, Sister Maryu. ’

'Don't because I'm addicted to kissing me with Lux these days, you'll have an accident. ’

‘What the **** are you doing, I can’t explain it to your millions of fans on another planet. ’

The Freedom Gundam shield is in front of the chest, the wings are spread, and the landing is high speed...

Lin Youde was engrossed in saying: 'I hope to catch up, the mental induction is maximized, and the Archangel must be found as soon as possible...'

Archangel bridge

Correspondent: "The Ulic can't move forward, the Dolov sank... WOW!!"

The Archangel was hit and the hull shook violently.

"Isolation and blockade of areas 64 to 72, the operation rate of warships has been reduced to 43%... Wow~!!"

Maliu: "Air-to-air missiles, launch! Engines at maximum output, throw them off!"

The Archangel kept firing anti-aircraft missiles, but the hull was still hit.

In the Air Overlord fighter, Mu saw this scene, and his heart was burning: "Archangel!? Damn, there are too many enemies..."

"If only Kira was here, with such a number of enemies, Kira would definitely be able to... Damn it!!"

Mu kept roaring and pulling the trigger, attacking the enemy.

But with only one plane of Mu, it is simply impossible to support a large-scale war.

Soon, the Archangel lost its balance and began to lower its altitude towards the surface of the water, carrying thick smoke.

Helmsman-Arnold Neumann was sweating profusely: "Damn, I can't keep the balance of the Archangel... If it goes on like this..."

Boom boom boom! !

The Archangel kept getting hit, and everyone on the bridge exclaimed.

But Mariu dared not close her eyes, because she still needed to give orders.

However, soon her eyes were full of horror.

Because, a mass-produced Zeon seemed to be in order to grab the head, riding the aircraft, rushed to the bridge of the Archangel, and raised the beam rifle.

Everyone on the bridge looked desperate, and everyone either closed their eyes or turned their heads, waiting for fate to come.

Only Mariu with a sullen face, with trembling twins, watched Genn's muzzle slowly accumulating light.

Mariu: "Kira..."

Genn's beam rifle is about to fire.

But I don't know if God heard Mariu's call, and a green beam descended from the sky, smashing Jean's beam rifle into two pieces, and it exploded on the spot...


Gene's pilot widened his eyes and exclaimed, "What's going on?"

Genn looked up, and his pilot saw...

A ray of light fell from the sky...

A blue and white body rushed towards him at high speed.

"Don't come here ah ah ah ah ah !!

In the exclamation of pilot Jean, the blue-white body pulled out the beam saber.

In an instant, Gene's pilot didn't even see how the machine made a move, and the main display was a snowflake.

After Gene passed a blue light beside him, the monitor on his arm and head exploded on the spot, and the body started to retreat uncontrollably.

It was at this time that the blue-white body that rushed down before slowly floated up, blocking the front of the bridge of the Archangel.

In an instant, everyone in the vicinity of the Archangel looked at the blue body directly in front of the Archangel.

Countless people exclaimed.

"what is that?"

"what happened?"

"A new enemy?"

Mu also widened his eyes: "What's going on, what exactly is that body..."

Suddenly, Mu Xiang thought of something, and his eyes were full of shock: "No way..."

Inside the bridge of the Archangel, everyone looked at the strange body in front of the bridge, silent, not knowing what to say.

Only Maliu sat on the bridge, her lips trembling slightly.

"Could it be that..."

Under Maliu's gaze, the blue-white body slowly rose.

The exhaust vent on the chest opened, and white smoke was released.

The blue wings spread out, like a blue angel, incomparably gorgeous and magical...

At the same time, a reassuring voice came into the bridge of the Archangel and into Mariu's ears.

"This is Kira, now start supporting the Archangel!"

The crowd on the bridge exclaimed.

Mariu looked even more excited and said with tears in her eyes: "Ki, Kira..."

In Freedom Gundam, Lin Youde looked back at the scarred Archangel, and after secretly relieved, he replied softly.

"Well, it's me. Sister Mary, are you all right?"

Maliu covered her lips excitedly: "Um... um, we're fine..."

PS: This chapter has been deleted and revised, and finally decided to use this version. No way, it's too classic, no matter how you change it, it doesn't feel right. So, that's it, cover your face and run away...

------off topic-----

Thanks to "Yiyu Magic Star" for the reward of 2000.asxs.coins.

Thanks to "The Moon of the Bright Night" for the reward of 500.asxs. coins.

Thanks to "08a" for the reward of 200.asxs.coins.

Thanks to "Book Friend 20190315122410810", "Monsoon God" and "Fenrir's Teeth" for the reward of 100.asxs. coins.

The author just came back from the wedding wine, so let's do it today. Let's see if we can get more updates next year. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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