Thank you "Yue Yu Huan Xing" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins, and hereby add a new chapter~!

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"Kruze, what did you do to Uncle Mu?"

Hearing Lin Youde's questioning, Cruze chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. As you can see, he's still alive."

The Divine Will Gundam lightly kicked the torso of the broken Air Combat Strike Gundam.

Mu's cough sounded in the public channel.

"Ahem, humiliation. Sorry Kira, I lost."

Seeing that Mu was still alive, Lin Youde breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, Uncle Mu, it's good that you are still alive."

The Freedom Gundam raised the large beam saber of the Meteor System and pointed at the God's Will Gundam.

"Kruzer, did you order the launch of the "Genesis"? "

"It is clear that the Earth Army has already given no will to fight, why do you have to kill them like this?"

Saying that, Lin Youde secretly pressed the record button.

"Will to fight? Anything like that is fine."

"The war has gone on to such an extent that there is no real difference between the winner and the loser."

Cruzer replied with a cold voice, and God intended Gundam raised the beam gun in his hand and aimed it at Freedom Gundam.

Lin Youde glanced at the meteor system ammunition status table.

'Tsk, apart from the beam weapon, have you run out of physical ammunition? ’

Lin Youde calmed down and replied.

"The surrender of the Earth Alliance has become a foregone conclusion. Why are you fighting."

"Don't you have any pity in your heart for you to kill the Earth United Army, who are also human beings, in such a way?"

Shenyi Gundam fired, and the dragoon system behind him was deployed on the spot. Three large dragoons and eight small dragoons, a total of 12 dragoons, were deployed. Pounce on Freedom Gundam.

A dense web of beam shots blooms in cosmic space.

At the same time, Cruze's voice came over.

"Of course the answer is... no!"

"From the moment the war started, this outcome has long been doomed."

"Keep moving forward on the road of wise results, this is the destiny of mankind!"

The long-prepared Freedom Gundam took the Meteor System to keep dodging, and after pulling a little distance, with all the beam weapons on the Meteor System, it launched a counterattack on the Shenyi Gundam.

Lin Youde: "That kind of thing is not a given."

"I believe that human wisdom can overcome the so-called fate!"

Countless rays of light erupted, in a fan-shaped manner, blocking the space where God's Will Gundam escaped.

But it is different from the opponents he encountered on the battlefield before.

Divine Will Gundam flexibly dodged from the gaps in these attacks.

Cruzer: "Light will say something nice."

"If this kind of thing can really be done, there will be no existence like you. There will be no existence like me!"

While dodging the attack, Shenyi Gundam flew towards Freedom Gundam, trying to get closer to Freedom Gundam.

But the Freedom Gundam was very vigilant, kept a distance, and kept shooting at the Spirit Gundam.

"You don't love yourself and pity yourself there. People of every era have their happiness and suffering."

"There are all kinds of existences, there will be in every era."

"I don't know what kind of tragedy you have."

"But I know that when an extreme person like you steps on the battlefield, it will definitely create more tragedies."

"So... I'm going to bring you down and destroy you, the source of all evil that caused the war."

Lin Youde's voice replied on the public channel, and the two Gundams were constantly shooting, entangled, and chasing in space.

All kinds of trash talk, but also against Biao in the public channel.

Cruzer: "My tragedies all originate from you."

"If other people know the truth about you, I'm afraid they will want to be you."

"You are the source of true evil!"

Lin Youde knew that Cruzer was talking about Kira as a super adjuster.

But Lin Youde would not admit this kind of thing, so Lin Youde deliberately pretended to be provoked. Controlling the freedom of Gundam to not escape the recoil, he rushed towards the Spiritual Gundam.

"The source of evil? You actually say that I am the source of evil?"

"You **** is the first to file a complaint."

"If talent is evil, and naive thinking is also evil. Then all the talented children in this world are the root of evil."

"Sure enough, Cruze, you're crazy. A lunatic like you shouldn't be driving a Gundam!"

All the dragon cavalry soldiers of God's Will Gundam unfolded, aiming at the free Gundam that rushed over.

The attack was shot on the Meteor System of the Freedom Gundam, and soon some attacks hit and exploded all parts of the Meteor System.

Looking at Lin Youde, who seemed to be dazzled by anger, Cruze raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"That's why I said, who knows what you're talking about."

"Is this guy's comprehension only so little?"

With one beam gun and one beam saber, Divine Intent Gundam kept rushing towards Freedom Gundam.

Lin Youde pretended to be angry and filial piety: "You are the one who understands what you said."

Deliberately use the wrong words to prevent Cruze from telling the truth about the super adjuster in Kira. Lin Youde controlled the Freedom Gundam, wielding the giant beam saber of the Meteor System, and slashed towards the Divine Will Gundam.

Shenyi Gundam dodged easily, and in an instant, he went around to the front of Freedom Gundam and raised his beam rifle.

Cruze: "It's over!"

Shenyi Gundam aimed at Freedom Gundam's chest and pulled the trigger.

The green light beam flew out slowly and flew towards the Freedom Gundam.

However, at this time, the corner of Lin Youde's mouth rose slightly.

"Yes, it's over."

The wings of the Freedom Gundam were raised high, and the beam saber that had been pulled out in the left hand was ready to start.

The beam saber slashed in front of him, smashing the beam of light emitted by the Divine Will Gundam.

This scene shocked Cruzer: "What..."

However, before Cruze could finish speaking, the Freedom Gundam rose at a high speed and then flipped and separated from the meteor system.

Divine Will was too late to react, and was hit by the meteor system that was out of control and rushed over with huge inertia.

Cruze: "Um..."

On the way of the Freedom Gundam backflip, the multicolored cannon was ready, adjusted its attitude slightly, and blasted it at the meteor system.

The originally broken meteor system exploded under the colorful cannon of Freedom Gundam.

The explosion devoured the Divine Will Gundam.

However, after the Freedom Gundam blasted a multicolored cannon, it was still not finished, and it continued to shoot at the place where the meteor system erupted.

As if bullets and energy cost nothing, the Freedom Gundam shot at the center of the exploding smoke for a full 2 ​​minutes. Only when Lin Youde suddenly sensed something, he quickly escaped...

A few seconds after the Freedom Gundam flew away, the brilliance of a nuclear explosion erupted in the smoke of the meteor system explosion.

The smoke blown away by the brilliance of the nuclear explosion also blew away everything around it...

After a long time, the Freedom Gundam came back again.

After confirming that the Divine Will Gundam had indeed exploded, Lin Youde breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally done..."

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