Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 701: sensation

The life in the spirit crystal is very tall and mighty, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, long hair fluttering, and long robes, he is a first-class beautiful man.

His eyes were closed, his face was ruddy, as if he was asleep.

"Who is he?"

"Why is he in the spirit crystal?"

This question pops up in all heads, and yet no one knows the answer, no matter how hard they rack their brains.

"Is he dead?" the King asked again.

"Definitely dead!" said the elephant demon without hesitation.

Ling Li held a different view, thoughtfully, and said, "He was just sealed, not necessarily dead."


"Yeah, how many years has it been sealed, how can it not die?"

Many hold opposing views.

Yu Mo still had a fresh memory of Heavenly Demon Sage. If he was really a master, even if he was sealed, he might not necessarily die. Maybe, he was really a big living person.

"Whether he is dead or alive, save him, or the truth will be revealed."

"No!" Yu Mo immediately denied it. With a flash of inspiration, he thought of a possibility.

"The Hunting Alliance has set up layers of restrictions, making the Sanctuary impregnable and indestructible, why is that?" Yu Mo threw a question.


As soon as this statement came out, everyone thought about it.

This is really a complicated issue.

Yu Mo's speech was astonishing and said, "Could it be that the purpose of the hunting alliance is to prevent others from entering this place? You must know that this ground is full of star gems, without the blood of monsters, there is no way to break it open, and ordinary people can't find it. With the blood of so many monsters, we are completely mistaken."

Everyone has to admit that Yu Mo's words are reasonable. It is a coincidence that they broke into this place, and other people will never have such a coincidence.

"Then what's so special about him that makes the Hunting Union so jealous and willing to go to war?" Ling Li pointed at the person in the spirit crystal and asked.

"This may be their enemy." Yu Mo guessed.

The king agreed: "It's possible!"

"Then why didn't they kill him, but just seal him?"

"Perhaps, he is too powerful to be killed, so he can only settle for the next best thing and seal it."

Mysteries are solved one by one, and they find themselves getting closer to the truth, which is exciting.

Yu Mo said firmly: "The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Why don't we rescue him. Maybe everything will be revealed, and maybe he will be able to escape."

"Yes, just do it!"

Everyone agreed and reached a unanimous decision.

Spirit crystals are hard to shake for ordinary people, but they have a way.

"Activate the power to completely digest the spirit crystal, and the person will be saved." Yu Mo shouted, and immediately activated the power, the air vibrated violently, and when his palm landed on the spirit crystal, he was bounced back with a bang. go out.


He slammed hard against the wall, with gold stars in his eyes, and the bones all over his body fell apart.

Cough cough!

He covered his mouth and coughed violently before stopping, looked at the spirit crystal incredulously, and said, "I should have thought that the defense in the sanctuary is so tight, how could there be no defense in this most core place, on the spirit crystal? A very strong ban was put in place."

His sharp eyes narrowed, and he slapped Lingjing with a palm.


He repeated the same mistakes, also hit the wall, and fell to the ground softly.

Ling Li slammed a carp and stood up, his eyes changed, he stared straight at the spirit crystal, and said, "This seal is too powerful."

No one dared to try again, even Yu Mo and Ling Li were defeated, so how could others have the courage.

Yu Mo was not reconciled, gritted his teeth, and said, "Use the magic weapon."


The blood blade flew out.


The soul whip also slammed on the spirit crystal.

After two loud bangs, the mountain shook, and a dazzling light appeared on the spirit crystal, making it impossible to look directly. When the light subsided, everyone opened their eyes again and found that the spirit crystal was safe and sound.

They do so much in vain.

Yu Mo and Ling Li looked at each other in disbelief.

They had nothing to do, and there was an uproar on the floating mountain.

Just now, their feet shook violently, which was caused by Yu Mo and the fierce attack.

Everyone's expressions changed greatly, and they finally realized that the situation had changed, so they didn't dare to take it lightly.

"There must be something weird in it!" Someone pointed at the sanctuary and said firmly.

"Yes, let's break in."

At this moment, everyone reached a unanimous decision.

Although the sanctuary has a special status, it is not suitable to use force, but it cannot be ignored. Therefore, a few people approached the sanctuary cautiously and listened attentively.

"No movement!" One person exclaimed, pointing at the door of the sanctuary. It seemed that there was no breathing inside, which was very unusual.

Previously, they had been away for a while and didn't notice this at all.

"Oops, we fell for it."

The third elder slapped his thigh, suddenly realized, and rushed to the door first.


The three elders carefully pushed the door, but the door did not move.

The third elder frowned and said, "See how you block me."


He lifted his foot and kicked the door fiercely. The door opened in response, and the third elder stumbled under his feet, almost falling into a dog and eating shit.

The door was just pushed up with something, and it couldn't stand his foot at all.

He didn't care about the embarrassment, and happily entered the sanctuary. Looking around, the magic weapon on the wooden frame had already been swept away, leaving only the rows of bare wooden frames.

The three elders' eyes were red, as if they were about to breathe fire.

Although he had expected this, he could see with his own eyes that his heart seemed to be dripping blood. This is the treasure that the church has collected over the years. Although it is not all in one, but in today's world of self-cultivation, that It can also cause quite a stir.

After all, magic treasures are rare in the cultivation world today, and even the most basic spiritual tools are rare.

But this wasn't the most crucial point for him. He looked at the empty sanctuary and shouted hoarsely, "Where are the people?"

The sanctuary is like an iron wall. Except for the main entrance, there is no way to enter from the outside, and there is no way to go out from the inside. This is known to everyone in the Hunting Alliance, but the enemy seems to have evaporated from the world.


"Three elders, look there."

Someone with sharp eyes saw a hole in the dim light in the distance.

The three elders rushed over as if flying, lying at the entrance of the cave, carefully looking out, there were still people there, it was just a bottomless cave.

"How did this hole come to be?"

Everyone shook their heads. The ground of the sanctuary was indestructible. How could a cave suddenly appear?

Or, the cave was there before, but it was never discovered.


The three elders immediately denied it.

If there is a cave, one of them has never discovered it, and a group of outsiders suddenly broke in and discovered it. This is too unreasonable.

But this underground is invincible, how did the enemy get out of the cave?

Everyone has a huge question mark on their head, racking their brains, but can't think of a reasonable reason.

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