Immortality: Devour the Horned Viper at the beginning

Chapter 180 Past Sumeru Sutra (Chapter closed)

What's the matter?

Hong Yi touched the jade pendant in his arms and stepped to open the door. Then he sat back on his chair and picked up the book without looking at the maid.

Yesterday, Miss Yongchun and Princess Yongchun of Prince Rong's Mansion played the piano and compared poems. Princess Yongchun recited a line of poetry, but there was no next line, so Miss asked me to ask you. Hey, are you listening?

Seeing Hong Yi sitting back at the table, Xiao Ning suddenly became angry. She didn't expect that an unpopular bastard would be so rude to her.

Even if he is a young master, what can he do to her? He's just a bastard born of a bastard concubine.

What poem?

Hong Yi became angry for a moment, but after taking a deep breath, he calmed down, relaxed his fists slightly, and his tone became calmer.

It's really useless.

Xiao Ning became more and more disdainful and muttered. Princess Yongchun said that she was confused today and couldn't think of the next sentence, so the lady asked me to ask you what should be the next sentence.

My heart is already in chaos before I play it today. This heart energy cannot be controlled by others.

Hong Yi's mind moved and he immediately came up with a sentence. He took out the white paper and wrote a line of cursive script on it.

What does this say?

Xiao Ning, who was born as a maidservant, could barely recognize a few words, but how could she recognize the cursive calligraphy written by dragons and phoenixes?

You're just a servant, and you don't know how to read. Why do you ask these questions? Just send them here.

Hong Yi scolded him coldly.


Xiao Ning heard the look of disdain in Hong Yi's mouth and cracked her finger joints twice, showing her good skills. At the same time, she looked over with sharp eyes.

Obviously, this Xiao Ning has practiced boxing and is planning to make Hong Yi, who looks down on her, suffer.

Hmph! You dare to attack me? Aren't you afraid of being exiled for three thousand miles!

Just when Xiao Ning walked over, Hong Yi's eyes widened and he said sternly.

If you practice law and beat famous scholars, you will be exiled for three thousand miles! Don't make a mistake!

Hong Yi's sudden voice was so stern that Xiao Ning trembled with fright.

Whoever wants to attack you, I am holding the paper, you are the young master, how dare we, the servants, be angry with you.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ning immediately took a step back, stretched out her arms, took the paper, turned around and left without looking back.

Haha, you are courageous and smart. You are worthy of being called the Sub-Sage Yizi. I have seen it before, so it's time to get this treasure from the Yang God Realm.

Li Bufan, who had been watching all this secretly, nodded secretly, and then left Wu Wenhou Mansion in a flash, left Yujing City, and headed towards Xishan.

There, there is a strange book called Sumi Sutra.

Not long after, his figure landed in a valley.

In this valley, there are actually many foxes, half-crouching and half-sitting, as if they were humans. Especially since they are holding books one by one and making strange sounds, as if they are reciting.

It's like being a student studying in a private school.

A group of foxes, reading like humans, interesting.

There is also an old fox, walking upright and with a book in his hand, like an old scholar.

When Li Bufan suddenly appeared, the old fox trembled all over, with a human-like look of terror on his face.

Don't be nervous, I'm just passing by and taking a look. Li Bufan said calmly.

Chirp, chirp...

At this moment, the foxes who were studying before saw Li Bufan suddenly appear in the valley. They were very curious. They immediately dropped their books, stretched out their limbs, and scurried behind the old fox.

Only the three little foxes were ignorant, still sitting there and watching curiously.

It's great to have friends from far away. Your visit to the valley today really makes the valley glow.

The old fox spoke.

His voice was stiff and his accent was strange, as if the bones in his throat had not been completely refined, but he was able to pronounce words in a clear and precise manner and could be understood.

The old fox stood like a human, with its hind legs on the ground and its forelimbs cupping its hands, and walked crookedly.

In the past, there were tigers and lions listening to the sages preaching. Today, I see foxes learning. It's fate. You little guys are actually learning the surnames of hundreds of families. It's really interesting.

Li Bufan looked at the three little foxes and could see that in front of them was Hundred Family Surnames.

In addition, there are Three Character Classic and Thousand Character Classic.

The books used to enlighten human schoolchildren were actually used to enlighten foxes this time.

Mr. Xiao Sang, Xiao Li and the others are still young and immature. They can only read and write first. If there is a chance in the future, perhaps by chance, they will be able to understand the way of cultivation. However, they are still far away from attaining the Tao through cultivation. The realm is still very far away. I don’t know how far my husband has reached to be able to appear out of thin air.

After watching Li Bufan carefully, the expression on the old fox's face relaxed a little, and he felt that the man in front of him had no ill intentions at all.

Haha, look at my realm...

Hearing the old fox's question, Li Bufan chuckled, raised his hand slightly, and a breath of fire rose up, with extremely hot temperature, and the temperature of the entire valley heated up in an instant.

This is clearly the Red Emperor's Fire Emperor Qi, the sub-supernatural power of the Great Five Elements Technique, the most domineering fire-based technique!

As soon as he appeared in the world of Yangshen, the old fox and several other little foxes immediately became furious.

That's right, when they saw the flame in Li Bufan's hand, the hair on his entire body suddenly exploded.

A kind of fear came over me.

Because they felt that if this flame fell in the valley, the entire valley might be burned to death.

This is no exaggeration!

Because in the memory of the old fox, there had been such a scene. With just one flame, the entire valley could be burned down, or even worse, the entire world could be burned to ashes!

This is what he saw with his own eyes! And the power of that flame seemed to be far less than the spark in the hand of the man in front of him.

Sir, your magical power is too powerful. Please take it away. We can't bear it.

For a moment, the old fox's attitude became more respectful.

Haha, we are destined to meet each other. Let's do this. I will teach you how to read and write, but as a reward, how about giving me this Tao Jing.

Li Bufan chuckled and withdrew his magical power. At the same time, with a slight move of his hand, a book with the words Martial Arts written on the cover appeared in mid-air.

As early as the first moment Li Bufan landed in this valley, he sent out his spiritual thoughts to look for it, but he just needed a reason.

Of course, no problem. The old fox responded.

Immediately, Li Bufan took the Martial Arts Book in his hand and looked at it.

There were two widely circulated books when the Daqian Dynasty was founded. In addition to the Wu Jing, there was also a volume of The Tao Jing.

The Wu Jing is a book compiled from martial arts books from all over the world, while the Tao Jing is a book of cultivation compiled from Taoist books from all over the world.

At that time, the Daqian Dynasty collected books from all over the world and filled the entire library. There were thousands of people who compiled books, and there were also famous martial arts masters and Taoist masters, such as Taishang Dao, Zhengyi Dao, and Fangxian Dao. Others are involved.

However, just a few years after the Wu Jing and Tao Jing were successfully compiled, the Daqian Dynasty immediately banned engraving, and at the same time collected the engraved books and burned them. Once anyone collected books, it was a serious crime. Once someone is found to have copied or engraved the martial arts or Taoist scriptures, they will have their whole family thrown into the army and be exiled for three thousand miles, or even lose their heads. l

Later, in order to consolidate the imperial power, the Daqian Dynasty overhauled the classics under the slogan of rectifying people's hearts. However, they no longer revised books such as Wu Jing and Tao Jing, but replaced all books with benevolence, justice, etiquette, and righteousness. Classical meanings such as loyalty.

The collected Taoist books and martial arts books were all burned.

Twenty years ago, after the Daqian army annihilated the Dazen Temple, the Daqian dynasty's control of civilian force reached a peak period.

This book was actually very common in the past, especially after the Daqian Dynasty first revised the book, and it could be bought for a few taels of silver. However, later on, this book became a banned book. The book that the gentleman took is from Zhongzhou University When the Zen temple was destroyed and destroyed, we brought them out from the temple.

The old fox watched Li Bufan make Martial Arts appear in the void without doing anything, just like Li Bufan suddenly appeared in front of them just now, his eyes were full of shock and wonder.'s all your own fault.

Li Bufan looked at the Martial Arts in his hand and was not surprised at all.

A place like the Great Zen Temple, which does not pay taxes and has formidable weapons, is equivalent to a country within a country. It would be impossible for any capable dynasty to tolerate it, and it would be destroyed in no time. The problem.

However, Li Bufan is not interested in these things. In the eternal world where he lives, not to mention the destruction of a large Zen temple, things ranging from the destruction of the country to the explosion of stars often happen.

What he cares about is the Martial Arts that was brought out by the foxes from the Zen Temple in front of him. It is somewhat different from other martial arts scriptures.

Suddenly, Li Bufan reached out and pulled out a piece of scripture from the Martial Arts.

The piece of scripture didn't seem to exist before, but Li Bufan looked over and saw it, and now it appeared in the void.

Suddenly a golden Buddha statue appeared in front of Li Bufan.

This Buddha statue is sitting in the sky, with countless sun, moon and stars rotating around it.

The name of the scripture is right next to it.

Amitabha Sutra.

Li Bufan's face immediately showed a look of joy.

When he comes to the world of Yangshen, the first thing he does is of course get the Amitabha Sutra. This scripture can be used by him even if he goes to the world of eternal life.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. There are three temple-preserving scriptures in Dazen Temple, each of which is mysterious and unpredictable.

Among them, the Amitabha Sutra used to be the supreme art of cultivating the soul, but the Tathagata Sutra now represents the way of martial arts and immortality, representing the strongest power. The future of no life is even more mysterious.

If the three sutras are combined into one and thoroughly understood, one can transcend the suffering in the world and truly reach the other shore.

The other shore, the other shore, in this realm of eternal life, it is already an existence at the level of an immortal. As for whether it is a virtual immortal, a true immortal, or a heavenly immortal, it remains to be explored further.

Li Bufan's main purpose in coming to Yangshen World, apart from perfecting his untrained supernatural powers, was to find these three scriptures. Now, he has obtained the Past Amitabha Sutra.

If I hear...

Li Bufan looked around and saw that the first sentence of the Amitabha Sutra was these four words, which meant that this sutra was obtained by someone who heard the Buddha's teachings in person.

...Visualize that there is a Buddha in the void, named Amitabha, who forms the seal of Dharma. This Buddha is the true face of all sentient beings in the world, protects the original intention, and suppresses the inner demons in the ten directions.

Li Bufan looked down and soon saw other contents of the past Amitabha Sutra.

The meaning is very simple, that is, when you meditate, you will encounter various temptations, and you must resist these temptations before you can truly see a Buddha, known as Amitabha, who can suppress people's inner demons.

Li Bufan had already experienced thousands of temptations from the Demon King, and it was easy to learn this. With a thought, a golden Buddha appeared in the void. This Buddha was kind and kind, as if he was his previous life thousands of lives ago. .

It is the Buddha depicted in the Amitabha Sutra.

This is……

The old fox was already very shocked when he suddenly saw a golden Buddha emerging from the void. Just one look at it made people have all kinds of thoughts of worship. Even seeing this golden Buddha, even his own thoughts became a lot more compassionate. , a feeling of worship could not help but arise.

This Buddha statue is somewhat similar to the Heaven and Earth Dharma in the Eternal Life Dharma, which is interesting.

Looking at the golden Buddha in front of him, Li Bufan had a smile on his lips, and with a thought, the Buddha statue disappeared again.

I also took the reward. Now it's time for me to work. Little guys, take these pills.

Li Bufan looked at these little foxes who were already dumbfounded, with a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand, and several Nascent Soul Pills fell over.

Thank you sir. Xiao Sang and Xiao Liao are about to take the elixir.

The little foxes are still ignorant, but the old fox is understanding. Just by smelling it, he feels many years younger. How could he know that this is an unimaginable panacea.

This was also the biggest opportunity they had ever received in their lives, so they immediately ordered the little foxes to swallow the pill.

At the call of the old fox, these little foxes grabbed the Nascent Soul Pill in front of them and stuffed it into their mouths.


After these little foxes swallowed the pill, suddenly, three little foxes had a Yin God rising above their heads.

They actually looked like three pretty little girls.

It's a good opportunity for you to step into the realm of day travel.

Li Bufan smiled slightly and praised.

In this world of Yangshen, there are ten levels of Taoist practice, which are concentration, emergence, night travel, day travel, exorcism, appearance, possession, body seizing, thunder tribulation, and Yangshen.

Although Nascent Soul Pills are magical, these three little foxes entered the realm of day travel just by swallowing two Nascent Soul Pills, which shows that they are all people with extraordinary talents.

The other foxes who swallowed the Nascent Soul Pill only became wiser.

Tu Shanshu, Tu Shansang, Tu Shanfei, thank you sir for your gift.

Three little girls with beautiful faces, hands clasped in fists, bowed respectfully, their faces filled with joy.

Everything is fate. Okay, it's time for me to leave.

Li Bufan smiled and waved his hand, and disappeared in a flash, leaving behind the foxes with happy faces.

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