Then he quickly left with the birdcage in hand.

Only at this moment did Qin Niu understand the use of the golden cicada seeking death.

It can be used as bait to attract the attention of predators.

The male trainer likely specialized in poultry.

It's not a unique approach.

Beast trainers are similar to insect masters, each has their own area of ​​expertise. Some people are good at capturing and taming wild beasts such as lions and tigers, some are good at domesticating birds, and some are good at domesticating horses.

This male animal trainer paid a high price to buy the death-seeking golden cicada that no one wanted. He probably wanted to use it to set up a trap to trap the oriole.

The mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind.

Qin Niu was thinking, didn't he still have a female cicada?

It has already mated with the male cicada and should soon lay eggs.

When the baby cicadas hatch and mature, they may be used to trap praying mantises.

Ordinary mantises are not valuable, but mantises with special abilities are very valuable.

Not to mention those rare varieties.

If he catches just one, Qin Niu can buy land, build a mansion, buy servants, and become a landlord.

The only troublesome thing is that it takes at least two to seven years for cicada eggs to hatch into adults.

It is normal for some special species to turn into insects after seventeen years.

The cycle is too long.

Qin Niu now has enough money to buy many low-level contract talismans.

The three insects were sold for a total of 163 taels of silver.

He must plan carefully to use this huge sum of money.

Bumblebees grown from banyan tree blood were unexpectedly valuable.

This is only one-twentieth of the diluted dose, and it is already so valuable.

If you breed a Level 2 bumblebee, how much can you sell it for?

I'm afraid it can be sold for at least four to five hundred taels.

The thought was tempting, but he wasn't going to do it right now.

If that ancient banyan tree was a unique existence, the only one in the world, then he would choose to monopolize it.

What does it mean?

They are bugs cultivated using the blood of the banyan tree. As long as they are level two or above, you can keep them all yourself.

If you want to sell it, you are selling the kind of junk that he despises.

For example, the blast ant among termites.

Compared with the second-level lightning worker ants, it is an incompletely evolved semi-finished product.

If he wants to sell, he will only sell this kind of semi-finished product.

Don't even think about asking him to sell high-end varieties such as level two tiger-striped iron ants and level three iron-armored magic ants.

What if it is bought by a powerful insect master and breeds a more powerful variety, wouldn't it in turn threaten Qin Niu?

After closing the stall, he went straight to Xiulianfang City.

Now wearing the robe of a bug master, walking on the streets of the city, no one dared to look down upon him, even if he was carrying a basket on his back.

Also, you no longer need to pay an entrance fee when entering the city.

It feels really good to be among the privileged.

Not long after, he arrived at Xiulianfang City.

The first thing is to buy the Body Tempering Pill for my neighbor Wang Wanyan.

The city of Xiufang is divided into several large areas. Some places sell weapons, some places sell talismans, and there are places dedicated to selling elixirs.

The layout is similar to that of Beast Pet Shop City.

The most popular item in Xiulianfang City is elixir, which firmly occupies the first position.

Qin Niu has been to this city many times and is quite familiar with it.

Go straight to the street where pills are sold.

There are two forms of sales in any market, one is to rent a shop and the other is to sell at a stall.

In terms of integrity and reputation, the store is definitely much stronger.

You can see many vendors on both sides of the street selling various medicinal herbs and special fruits harvested from the mountains.

As for the kind of spiritual fruits and elixirs that can help people greatly improve their cultivation level, they are extremely rare.

On the contrary, special herbs or fruits that are slightly more common abound.

The mountain is a treasure house, containing countless treasures of heaven, material and earth.

Inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Some herb collectors, hunters, and woodcutters accidentally discover strange fruits or medicinal materials in the mountains, and they dig them back and sell them.

Hunters and woodcutter generally have limited eyesight and cannot distinguish many herbs and special fruits.

They only have some basic knowledge about medicine identification.

But herb collectors are professionals, and they can identify various drugs and fruits. They may not be able to identify it in detail, but they can basically deduce the value of a medicinal herb and what kind of effects it can have at a glance.

Ten-year-old ginseng only sells for one penny! There are plenty of them, you can choose whatever you want.

The Blood Shou Peach. The Blood Shou Peach only bears fruit once every three years. It costs five coins per catty. Eating it can prolong your life!

There are no rootless water plants in deep streams, and only ten cents are worth one root.

The vendors are trying their best to sell their goods.

Basically, they are herbs and fruits with special effects.

The price of the Xue Shou peach is sky-high. It looks like a yellow persimmon on the outside, but the flesh inside is blood red.

This substance is said to nourish blood and nourish qi, but there is no evidence whether it can prolong life.

It is very common for vendors to exaggerate its efficacy in order to sell their products.

Everyone wants to live longer and live longer, and vendors have captured this mentality of people.

Qin Niu practices Changchun Gong. He has only improved his cultivation by two small realms and has already extended his life span by fifteen years.

I don’t know how many times better than the blood longevity peach.

He also dismissed such gimmicky products.

What's the use of this rootless waterweed?

Qin Niu asked the stall owner curiously.

Judging from his age, he was about forty years old, strong and unkempt. His eyes were sharp and sharp, and his body exuded a faint evil aura.

It looks a bit like a hunter who has been hunting in the mountains for a long time.

If you kill too many creatures, evil spirits will naturally form on your body.

For example, a butcher will cause domestic dogs to bark wherever he goes. Because the evil spirit emanating from the butcher made the dogs guarding the house feel uneasy and made them feel that they were in danger. To protect their territory, they barked to alert their owners.

At the same time, it also emboldens yourself.

It can purify sewage. If you have a fish tank or fish pond at home, buy a few plants and plant them in it to make the water clearer and the fish and shrimp to grow better.

Seeing that Qin Niu was a distinguished insect master, the man patiently explained to him the uses of rootless water plants.

“After planting, will it grow seedlings on its own?”

If you are an advanced farmer, there may be a way to divide it. Otherwise, you should just keep a few plants. If you are worried about not having enough, you can also buy a few more plants. I can only pick this kind of aquatic plant once a year. , the quantity itself is not large, if you miss it, you can only wait until next year.”

Although the man is suspected of being a peddler, he must be telling the truth.

This special aquatic plant is either guarded by evil beasts or grows slowly, with only a few plants growing in a year.

Orchid grass, for example, can only grow one new head per year.

Buy me two!

It's true that Qin Niu is rich now, but he definitely won't spend it randomly.

He bought two plants and took them home, intending to keep them in the broken tank to make the little turtle's living environment better.

He has another idea.

I want to try if Changchun Gong can help the growth of this rootless aquatic plant.

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