Imperial Overlord

: 1216 Winter Armistice

This is a large meeting of high-level Germans, and they rarely gather together like this, rushing back to Berlin from all over the country for a meeting.

"The head of state is here!" Pushing open the door, Bowman, as the secretary of the head of state, entered the conference room first. Behind him, the doorman sang loudly.

All the senior leaders of the Third Reich, these celebrities with high positions in the National Socialist Party, all stood up at this time and looked in the direction of the door.

The Führer carried his left hand and walked in with his head held high. He is very optimistic now, because the fate of Germany has been completely changed by him.

"Hi! Hitler!" At this time, all these incomparably honorable people raised their arms and shouted the greetings they had to shout in the most reverent tone.

These men, who would become outstanding talents in any country in the world, stand at attention and salute someone who is worthy of their following and worthy of their admiration.

The head of state walked into the room without speaking, but raised his right hand at will, returned a salute and walked to his position.

Everyone retracted their arms and waited for the Führer to sit in the leading position, and they were still standing.

"Sit down!" After sitting on his chair, Li Le stretched out his hands, pressed down, and commanded.

At this time, everyone sat back to their positions again, then turned their heads and waited for the head of state to speak.

"Everyone, in the past six months, we have made great achievements." Li Le sat in his seat and said slowly.

As he said, he looked at the capable subordinates in front of him: "As winter comes, there are still many things we need to do."

"We need to increase investment in agriculture and stabilize the food supply for the people..." When he said this, Li Le's eyes turned to Hess who was sitting beside him.

Without waiting for Hess to speak, and without waiting for Hess to speak, Li Le continued: "We have to increase our efforts in the industry to produce enough equipment and products for our use!"

"This is the foundation for us to be embraced by the people, and it is also what we must do to control this country!" Li Le didn't talk nonsense, but went straight to the topic.

"Let the people have jobs and food, this is the most basic requirement of our governance! Letting them be rich and have a better life is our ideal!" He did not speak very fast, but he said it firmly.

"Improve productivity, let more technology go to civilian use, and let our people feel that their living standards are improving. This is the most important thing we will do next!" He emphasized the focus of work and let Hess There was a smile on his face.

For Hess, the focus of the empire has shifted from war to production, and his position as the deputy head of state is naturally higher than that of the imperial marshal Goering.

What the head of state said next did indeed go according to what he thought. Only to hear the head of state paused and continued: "The war is to gain a living space for our country, so war is only our tool, not our ultimate goal!"

"We started the war because our enemies didn't let us control our own destiny! They bullied us and forced us to sign unequal treaties, which are wrong and unfair to the German people! So we have to overthrow these inequalities, Defeat the enemy who blocks our self-improvement!" He gushed, speaking to everyone in the conference room.

When it comes to excitement, he even waved his arm. Hitler's speeches are very inspiring, which has something to do with his frequent use of body language when speaking.

His speeches often inspire those around him to cheer, believe what he says, follow his call, and become his followers.

The ultimate goal is to let the people live a better and safer life, no longer threatened by other countries, and no longer be invaded by enemies! "When he said this, he paused and looked at his subordinates.

He then ended his foreshadowing with two sentences: "Whatever we do, put the people at the center! This is our job and why the people chose us to represent them!"

"Before winter comes, we have a lot of things to do." When it comes to the main topic of the subsequent work, everyone is focused.

Compared with the previous incentives and slogans, this is what everyone will do next, and everyone must find what they should do in these orders.

"First of all, it is to consolidate the defense on the eastern front. This is a very important job!" Speaking of this, he looked at Brauchitch who was sitting beside Goering.

"My marshal! According to the plan, we should build defenses on the eastern front and arrange a defense system to prevent all future counterattacks by the Soviet army!"

"Yes! My Führer!" Brauchitch replied immediately: "The army is ready, our fighting spirit is high, and the victory belongs to Germany!"

"Very good! Before winter comes, all offensive missions will be canceled, and the troops will use the city as a defensive fulcrum to survive the entire winter safely." Li Le nodded and said.

"My head of state, according to this winter preparation, there is no problem with the soldiers and weapons and equipment to keep out the cold, but I am worried that the Soviets will turn to the counter-offensive in winter." Brauchitch reminded with some worry.

He glanced at the head of state who was sitting in the first place, and continued his speech: "The other party may take the opportunity to tear open our defense line in the field and surround the city where our army is stationed for the I also have the question you said. I've thought about it." Li Le said with a smile: "Answer me, my marshal, don't all my soldiers know how to fight defensively?"

"Of course not, we will use the most resolute defense to deal with the enemy's counterattack!" Brauchitch replied.

In fact, the Soviet army would not besiege the German garrisoned city during the winter counterattack, it would only allow the German army to deal with it calmly, and the deployment of troops would give the Soviet army a head-on attack.

Rather than attacking the city, the Soviet army preferred to choose to rush in where the German troops were weak in the wild, which was a more deadly threat.

Therefore, no matter whether the Soviet army can break through the German field defense line, the threat to the cities occupied by Germany is not great.

What's more, it is unknown whether the Soviet Union has any plan to fight back before taking advantage of this winter to recover.

"Then! All the battle plans in 1941 can be stopped, we give the soldiers a Christmas, and then prepare to win a greater victory in 1942!" Li Le finally announced the winter armistice order. 8)

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