Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and seventeenth Eastern Front's combat readiness

It was also the early morning of this day, when the competition on Crete was still in full swing, Li Le sat in the main seat of the conference room and looked at the frowning army generals. . fastest update

Compared with the soldiers on the front line, he is not easy now. He wants to unify everything and change the future failure of the Third Reich.

This time, he is not discussing the issue of landing in the UK, but a larger operational plan to invade the Soviet Union.

The whole plan was named "Barbarossa Plan", and the head of state placed high hopes on this plan, hoping that by virtue of this plan, the strong opponent of the Soviet Union could be defeated in one fell swoop.

Unlike previous German enemies, this huge enemy has vast and boundless plains and deep territory, which is an unprecedented major test for Germany's blitzkrieg tactics.

What is blitzkrieg? To put it simply, it is to make full use of the quick advantages of aircraft, tanks and mechanized troops, use a surprise attack to win the enemy, and use mechanized troops to quickly cut the main force of the enemy to achieve the desired effect.

And why was the German army able to use blitzkrieg at the beginning of the war? This starts with the reflection on the German side after the First World War, as well as a series of policies after the Nazi Party came to power.

In fact, as early as January 1933, when Hitler came to power, he began a plan that looked firm but was actually very vague.

The plan is to realize that every German family has a car, and to realize mechanization in life and military.

From the perspective of revitalizing the German economy and expanding German industry, Hitler's plan is definitely beneficial, and it can even be said to be very wise.

Similar economic revitalization programs to expand domestic demand were reflected in the Roosevelt New Deal in the same period. Both countries are desperately building roads and railways, and manufacturing industrial products such as automobiles.

The National Socialist Party has always been very fond of cars since its fortune. They make extensive use of cars in their various rallies, parades and demonstrations, as can be seen in today's promotional video.

There are reports that Hitler himself liked cars, and there is even intelligence that he will let drivers drag the car to relieve the pressure of work. Of course, it doesn't matter how this statement is, the fact is that he really likes cars.

This kind of goodwill goes far beyond the normal performance of a head of state, because after all, the car is only a means in his country's transportation system, and it is not the most important means.

Under the leadership of the head of state, Germany began to build the most highways in the world, and in the future, the plan will be full of Beetles!

Goebbels desperately promoted the highway and the automobile as a symbol of the modernization of the country. Such propaganda was convincing and proved the strength of the Third Reich.

Of course, Li Le is also desperately trying to expand car production. In fact, he can only rely on this method to expand the scale of the attack against the Soviet Union.

On the basis of the extra fuel obtained, that is, on the basis of the discovery of oil fields in Libya, more cars were built to fill the transportation needs that the future invasion of the Soviet Union would rely on.

From the point of view of the German Army, especially from the point of view of the departments responsible for supply and transportation, this state of affairs is both welcome and worrying.

Sadly, it seems impossible for the German Army to stop the need for cars at all. The endless expansion makes no matter how much the production capacity is expanded, it seems to have no effect at all.

Provides the Army with 1,000 new cars a month, and only replaces obsolete older cars. The number of scrapped and damaged cars and cars waiting for repairs is staggering on the basis of a huge base.

Of the 200,000 Army vehicles, assuming that 20 percent of them are in maintenance care or malfunctioning, that means 40,000 vehicles are unusable.

When the base of 200,000 vehicles is expanded to 400,000 vehicles, it means that there are 80,000 vehicles that cannot be used immediately or are facing elimination and renewal.

This also explains why in the 21st century automakers can sell millions of cars each year but the market is almost never saturated.

Because in the face of the huge number of cars in the world, the new cars produced are only to replace the scrapped vehicles, and even in most regions, the total number of cars has not increased...

In the past two months, the number of cars produced in Germany was the sum of the number of cars produced in the past six months, but it still did not increase the army's car ownership by much.

More cars means more fuel consumption, and more rubber consumption. These are all impossible to produce in Germany, and follow-up supplementation is difficult.

In this regard, Hitler was a layman without any subjective judgment in the professional field, but now Li Le, who has succeeded him, obviously needs to know a lot.

In the age of information explosion in the future, he has long summed up the failure of the head of state countless times, and what are the avoidable defects.

The mistakes that the real head of state often makes, such as not paying attention to in-depth and meticulous administrative arrangements, and not having the patience to implement long-term plans, Li Le will not exist.

On the contrary, Li Le gave his own suggestions meticulously, and then eased the contradictions little by little, and finally implemented what he wanted.

Forming a truly mechanized force is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Germany owes too much in this regard and needs to pay too much tuition fees.

In order to build more trucks, Li Le reduced the construction requirements of the car, adopted the method of cutting corners, and simplified the existing car models as much as possible.

Even so, the cars equipped by the second-line troops still have a variety of equipment, which are still too numerous to count. The German logistics department is chaotic, and it is a headache at first glance.

The trucks used by the railway troops were completely taken from France, and even with this arrangement, they still could not achieve mechanized propulsion.

Every inch of the railways in Russia needs to be modified before it can be used. This is a huge problem for the German logistics force, a very huge problem.

The unbelievably exaggerated railway network in the Third Reich was the basis for Germany to fight on both the east and west fronts during the First World War.

It was precisely because of the railway lines, and the inability of the enemy to destroy them, that Germany was able to quickly move forces between the two lines and achieve a series of military victories.

But the railway also exposed its own problems in the war, that is, too rigid lines, unable to reach the endlessly changing ends of the front line.

Hitler and his generals found a way to fill this end, and that was the car! So for a time, the status of the road was mentioned in Germany side by side with the railway.

Today, everyone knows that to succeed on the battlefield, a mechanized or even informationized force is an essential force.

Before and after 1935, the German executives had realized that to solve the difficulties they faced, it was indeed very important to realize the motorization of the supply troops.

However, this kind of advanced thinking is not so certain when considering Germany's own strategic conditions. In 1939, under the technical conditions at that time, the carrying capacity of 1,600 trucks was worth the attention of a double-track railway. This is the carrying capacity.

In order to achieve the same carrying capacity as the train, the consumption of automobile transportation in all aspects, including fuel, manpower, spare parts, maintenance, etc., is far more than that of railway transportation.

Because of this, rail still has an absolute advantage, at least when it comes to transporting distances over 200 miles. That is to say, from the perspective of a campaign or strategy, it is necessary to realize motorization, but the degree of improvement is not as great as imagined.

Even today, in all countries in the world, road transportation has not replaced railway transportation, this is the truth that has been practiced...

As someone from the 21st century, Li Le certainly understands the future of transportation. Of course he will value the road, and at the same time he will not easily despise the role of the railway.

Under Li Le's emphasis, since June 1940, Germany has not only attached importance to the development of railways, but also emphasized the importance of automobile production.

But another acute problem that plagued Li Le was the horrific production capacity in Germany. Despite the use of female workers, despite the mobilization of workers and the implementation of the overtime system, Germany is still unable to produce enough demand goods.

The development of the automobile industry is not sufficient to meet the needs of civilian use and the needs of the newly established motorized army. On September 1, 1939, there were less than 1 million four-wheeled vehicles of various types on the roads of Germany. According to the average population, there was one for every 70 people.

During the same period, the average number in the United States was one car for every 10 people. The gap between them is not easy to catch up. UU Reading

What's more terrible is that the motorization and mechanization of the army requires not the coal and steel that Germany has, but the rubber and oil that Germany does not have... This is especially embarrassing.

No one can predict whether this policy of relying on imported raw materials is wise. Although both rubber and oil were artificially synthesized, the output never met the demand from beginning to end.

Unlike Hitler, Li Le has Libyan oil fields this time! At least in the raw materials of synthetic rubber, Li Le has a greater advantage.

And because there is more crude oil replenishment in Libya, the fuel consumption of the German armored forces to start has more guarantees, which is definitely good news.

Therefore, at least for now, Li Le's current military expansion plan is much more reliable than Hitler's back then!

Another fatal problem is the production capacity problem! Li Le's improvement time for this problem is still short, so the improvement effect is not obvious. From 1933 to 1939, when Germany began to rebuild its armed forces, the weapons produced by Germany were never enough—

Another update!

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