Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and seventy-five ambush and anti-ambush

By the moonlight, Lyman had already seen the backs of the British soldiers ambushing on both sides of the road. These soldiers waited for their prey to approach, as if they were hunters patiently.

With the sound of gunfire in the distance and the constant roar of anti-aircraft guns, Lyman was ready to kill these enemies. He took up his weapon and aimed at the back of the target.

The actual situation is that he now has only 9 soldiers in his hand, and only 10 if he is counted. And the other party has at least thirty-five, which is the information provided by the paratroopers who escaped.

However, Lehmann did not intend to let these enemies go. At the moment when the British soldiers fired on the German paratroopers, the two sides were already doomed to have a deep feud.

"Fire!" Suddenly, Lyman shouted the order loudly, and while shouting the order, the STG-44 assault grab in his hand rang.

The British soldier with the Bren light machine gun on his shoulder heard the shouts of the Germans behind him. Before he could turn his head, he was shot through the back. Then he collapsed and couldn't get up again.

While other British soldiers struggled to see the enemy behind them, they were beaten to death by German paratroopers one by one.

The huge gap in firepower between the two sides made up for the shortfall in the number of German soldiers. Germany has two STG-44 and one MP-40 submachine gun. These weapons can instantly eject a large amount of ammunition.

The British soldiers were obviously too shabby in their hands. They only had two Bren light machine guns, but they were not on target. The victory just now made them forget to defend themselves behind them, and it also cost them a heavy price.

"Ah!" The last British soldier was shot in the shoulder and was struggling to get up when the German paratrooper rushed forward and pierced his chest with a bayonet.

None of the 15 British soldiers was able to escape, and all of them were killed by Lehmann's soldiers. At this time, on the opposite side of the road, the British soldiers also realized the seriousness of the problem.

These British soldiers shouted and got up, trying to cross the road with bayonets to support their comrades. Unfortunately, they were easily brought down by two German soldiers ambushing on one side.

The two German soldiers who were arranged by Lehmann to the flank were armed with the machine gun on the British machine gun position. Through the moonlight, they saw the figure who was about to cross the road, so they started shooting without hesitation.

At least five men were knocked down by sudden flanking fire, and the remaining British soldiers had to start to retreat. However, Lyman did not intend to give these soldiers a chance to retreat.

He shouted and took the lead with his weapon and threw a grenade across the road.

"Boom!" The huge explosion blew everything around, including the hapless British soldiers, as well as some gravel and fences.

This is the edge of a typical English farm, and if you come here during the day, you can see verdant meadows...and horrific corpses.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The British commander, realizing that he seemed to have hit the main force of German paratroopers, hurriedly ordered a retreat.

But who knew that his shouting just revealed his position, a grenade rolled at his feet, and then the shouting of the British soldiers stopped completely.

Ryman rushed to the roadbed with his STG-44, and was staggered by the corpse under his feet. Only at this time did he see the bodies of about 20 German paratroopers lying on the ground.

German paratroopers were too disciplined and too spontaneous. The German paratroopers who discovered the road would spontaneously organize themselves together and try to control the road.

And these German paratroopers who spontaneously searched for other paratroopers happened to run into this group of experienced British soldiers, so they paid the price of annihilation.

It is precisely because of these German paratroopers that they went one after another on the road, which directly affected the judgment of this British soldier.

They believed that the German paratroopers would mainly be assembled along the road, so they were determined to wait for the rabbit in this vicinity.

Because it was too smooth, they didn't even arrange guard posts behind them to guard against the enemies behind them.

Just right, this gave Lyman and his paratroopers a chance to approach silently and open fire suddenly.

It can be said that it was the corpses of the poor German paratroopers lying on the road that paralyzed the British soldiers and gave Lehmann and others a chance to launch a fatal blow.

"Ah!" Just as Lyman stared at the corpse under his feet in a daze, a British soldier who pretended to be dead jumped up and rushed over to die with Lyman.

Before Lehmann could fire, another German paratrooper in the distance behind him shot the British soldier who was pounced with a rifle.

The bullet rubbed Lyman's arm and flew towards the target, knocking him to the ground. Blood even splashed on Laiman's face, and Laiman's first reaction was to lie on the ground.

"Silly X! You almost hit me!" Lyman lay on the ground, thanking the other party for shooting and abusive voices followed.

Lyman's men didn't answer, they smiled and put down the rifle with the bayonet inserted, and began to examine the bodies of the British soldiers under their feet.

"Steel!" In the distance, a black figure shouted loudly to the place where the ten Lehmann were. This voice made Leiman relax and replied loudly: "Ambition!"

Lehmann, who had just put down his gun, saw dozens of German paratroopers standing up one after another in the distance. Those British soldiers who were retreating should have been killed by these German troops who had already touched here.

"Captain!" Lyman hurriedly saluted when he saw his superior. Because he had already met the battalion headquarters, Lyman knew that he had finally gained a firm foothold here.

Several people started to set up a tent in a hurry, because the battalion commander was carrying a map and the target of their battalion.

In addition, a person who made Laiman laugh and cry appeared in time, which relieved everyone's tension at once. Gunther began to talk in a low voice, but everyone was not as disgusted as before.

Because of the very rapid expansion of the paratroopers, there have been some small changes between the rank and the actual position.

For example, the position of battalion commander that should have been held by a major was originally supposed to be held by a major, but now the paratroopers can only be held by officers at the level of captain due to the shortage of manpower.

Lyman couldn't stand Gunther's nagging, so he scattered him and a few soldiers out and put them around as guard posts.

Then he got into the tent and talked to his battalion commander about the previous battle: "Sir, we killed about 15 British soldiers on the other side of the road, and about 150 meters to the west, there was another one. The machine gun position, we destroyed it, and the machine guns are with us."

The battalion commander nodded, then pointed to the conspicuous road marked on the map and said, "This time is very rare. We were air-dropped in a quite correct position, and the correct one made us not even know what to do."

He scratched the road on the map with his finger, clicked on the small farm marked at one end, and said, "The mission has changed, we will take this farm and guard this road!"

"Where's the British barracks on the other side of the road?" Lehmann pointed to a place marked with an unknown area on the other side of the road on the map, and asked.

"Good question, we're going to destroy it, and then connect the farm here to prevent any British soldiers from passing through here." The battalion commander gave the order tonight.

Looking at the pocket watch, the two checked the time. The battalion commander continued to order: "You take your troops, start from here, detour to the side of the unknown fortification, attack and break in."

Lyman nodded, and the two turned off the lights and got out of the tent. started their own actions.

The Germans did not wait too long, and soon the German paratroopers gathered the scattered soldiers all the way and moved towards the predetermined attack point.

Unlike the darkness in the German paratroopers' theater, the basement in London, England, is brightly lit. Churchill anxiously awaited the final report. He had to know from which direction the Germans were attacking.

"The German paratroopers are near Dover, Ashford, Canterbury... The Germans have chosen our most fortified areas, and it seems we have won this battle." After the results came out, let the British Army Chief of Staff Dilsson Take a breath.

Dover is one of the strongest garrisoned areas in the UK, because the port of Dover here is a very important theater of operations.

Here, the British defenders built a large number of fortifications, and most of the terrain here is indeed easier for the British defenders to arrange their own fortifications.

The chalk cliffs are one of the famous tourist attractions here, and the towering coastal cliffs make most of the area unsuitable for landing sites.

However, there is also a direct benefit to landing that the distance is too close. In clear weather, here and France can even see each other...

Another advantage is that if they land here, Germany can quickly capture Dover next to it, and use the port facilities there to quickly replenish supplies to support the operations of the large army.

As for the British coastline defense facilities, the Germans put their treasures on the Stuka bombers and other secret weapons.

"We are contacting the troops near Canterbury. There are German troops everywhere now. The losses of our troops cannot be counted in a short time." Diehl was trying to regain control of the troops in the Dover area. German paratroopers disrupted his Command, which made him very uneasy.

"What about the armored troops? We will move ahead of time tonight. Since we know that the Germans are targeting Dover, we will go ahead!" Churchill had no plans to sit still. He wanted to do everything possible to drive the Germans into the sea.

"Mr. Prime Minister, it's dark now. Let the tank troops move in advance. On the one hand, it is easy to encounter German paratroopers, causing confusion and losses in the dark..." Sir Dill replied helplessly--

There will be an update in a while, to make up for the previous update

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