Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and ninety-three shelling Margate

In the century-old navy, the British Empire has not had the habit of being beaten since the time of Nelson. Although it was doomed, the two battleships of the British naval fleet were still desperately firing back.

This time, because of the range, they once again aimed the artillery fire at Margate, a place that was not important, but it was bound to be of concern.

Originally, this was not the place where the British Navy wanted to hit the shelling, but because of the range, the battleship Prince of Wales began to pour its ammunition here.

At the same time, another battleship Sovereign, which could not escape, also began to fire here. One shell after another fell, turning Margate into rubble.

"I don't know...I really don't know what you said...but I will confirm it, please continue to keep in touch!" An officer of the British High Command in London put down the phone in his hand and looked confused. X's looked up.

He stood up, walked behind his officer, coughed softly, and then reported the latest situation he had heard: "Sir, our battleship seems to be shelling Margate..."

"Margate? What are you kidding? Although the Germans occupied there, but there is no port there, how could those lunatics in the Navy remember to bombard there?" The general who had not had a good night's sleep since last night wrinkled Brows, he asked back.

After asking back, he couldn't figure out why the Navy's warship would suddenly attack an unplanned target, and it also chose such a sensitive place.

Margate isn't a village or a small town, it's a big city. There are many British civilians living here, and if they are attacked, the consequences are quite serious.

The army is incompetent, unable to defend the enemy outside the country, and even after the defeat, it turned around and shelled the civilians of its own country. In any case, it is an unexplainable scandal.

Therefore, the major general threw away the cigarette **** in his hand, crushed it with the soles of his feet, sorted out his military uniform, and walked to Prime Minister Churchill who was discussing the night counterattack with Dill.

"Mr. Prime Minister... I hope I didn't disturb you." The major general was still very discerning, and he said to his superior when Churchill stopped to drink water.

"What's the matter?" Churchill didn't have much impression of the major general in front of him. Obviously, compared with the army commander and senior generals, this major general in charge of chores rarely had the opportunity to talk to him directly.

However, what the major general said later made Churchill realize the seriousness of the problem: "Sir, our naval warships seem to have stopped shelling the German-occupied area, but just now, the contact point that was lurking in the Margate area. Word came in that the navy was shelling there."

"Navy? Is shelling Margate? What a joke?" After Churchill heard the news, he knew that he might become the most famous Prime Minister in British history.

Ordering the navy to bombard its own people is like Hitler who started the war. He is an executioner and a demon who wants to be hanged on the gallows.

Churchill, who had also not slept all night, cheered himself up, looked at the major general and said: "The Navy can't bombard Margate, you go and find a way to confirm whether the news is accurate... Also! Keep quiet! "

After instructing the major general, after the other party left, he called Charles, who was pale. Before asking Charles, Charles talked about what happened.

He said to his prime minister in dismay: "Sir, the naval attack has been stopped by the enemy, the battleship force has suffered heavy losses, and we have lost the ability to continue to control the strait."

Churchill was obviously more concerned about the heavy naval losses than the shelling of Margate. He immediately forgot about the damned little city of Margate and asked Charles, "What's the matter? Another battleship was sunk?"

"No." Before Churchill had time to be happy with this answer, Charles said the following words: "The two battleships were seriously injured and suffered heavy losses. Although they did not sink, they would be sunk before dawn."

In fact, at the same time that Charles was speaking to Churchill, damage control personnel on the battleship HMS Prince of Wales were already beginning to despair at the flood of water.

The compartments were submerged one by one, and the bombs dropped by the German planes were also very accurate. After all, the flames at night still looked very conspicuous.

Every shock from an explosion undoes the work done by Damage Control. Coupled with the inexperience of the damage control force, the battleship Prince of Wales is now seriously rolling, and can no longer use its own artillery to pour its own shells into the German-occupied area.

Although the captain has not given the order to abandon the ship, the deck of the battleship is still full of young soldiers. These naval officers and soldiers are all from the naval academy and are the precious future of the British Navy.

A British destroyer cruising by, it was tasked with rescuing people from the water. Because of the night time, the German aircraft did not waste their precious ammunition on it.

After all, there are still two huge battleships on the sea, and they are the real merit. So the German pilots were still trying time and time again to drop the bombs that determined the fate of the two British battleships on their locked targets.

"You mean, the battleship Prince of Wales has lost its ability to move and is firing on Margate. This is the battleship?" Churchill's voice was a little hoarse, and it could be seen that his mental state was very bad.

Anyone can be bad, he hasn't slept from last night to this night. At the same time, he also has to deal with chaotic war affairs, and deal with related political and civil issues...

Ordinary people will feel that their heads are big when they think about it. Those national leaders seem to be very beautiful, but what they shoulder is not something that can be summed up by a simple joke like "I can do it."

Looking at Churchill, who was in a very bad state of mind, Charles hesitated whether to tell him more troublesome things, Churchill saw Charles' hesitation, and squeezed a word out of his teeth: "Speak! "

Charles could only bite the bullet and continue to speak: "The battleship Sovereign was also wounded near the battleship Prince of Wales, and it may have been Margate, which opened fire."

Two battleships, the British Navy will lose two battleships tonight, making the already worsened Atlantic naval battle a step in a direction that is more beneficial to Germany.

Now, even if the German navy does not run, and fights with the British home fleet in an upright manner, the home fleet may not be able to take advantage of it...

Just think about it, it is impossible for Britain to send out its entire home fleet to compete with the Germans at sea now. Then, in a battle of this scale with two or three battleships, the British army really did not have the confidence to kill the German fleet.

What's more, at this time, the British Navy had high hopes, and the battleship Prince of Wales, which was barely able to keep up with the speed of the German Navy, was about to be sunk by the Germans.

9 capital ships, and now there are only a pitiful 7 ships. If the Ramirez, which was wounded and could not run fast, was counted, the next time the British could go to battle, there would be only 6 battleships left.

If you eliminate the old battleships that cannot keep up with the speed of the fleet, the remaining battleships of the British Navy, and then go out to find the trouble of the German naval fleet, maybe they will be bitten back.

Tom S? V? Phillips, commander of the British naval fleet, who is on his way home, is also as depressed as the commander-in-chief of the navy at this moment, Charles.

Never in a hundred years has the British navy's home fleet declined so much, nor has it faced such a formidable challenge. Even in the last world war, facing the provocation of the High Seas Fleet, Britain has never been so embarrassed.

"I'm going to meet His Majesty the King and explain to him that the shelling of Margate is a last resort. If possible, prepare some documents as soon as possible to prove that Margate is hiding the German materials." After explaining this, Churchill walked out of the room. The big room for command.

This was the first time in 24 hours that he walked out of the house except to go to the toilet. When he got into his car and leaned on the seat, he fell asleep immediately.

The driver started the car cautiously, but heard Churchill, who had fallen asleep, speak in a daze, saying, "Go see the emperor."

Dawding was in another room, looking at the markings on the wall where the few British fighter jets were deployed. He wondered whether he should continue to take off to seek death in the German occupation area.

In one day, he lost a full 240 fighter jets. Unlike before, only 32 of the 240 pilots who flew the plane returned to the team, of which 28 were barely able to continue fighting.

This made it impossible for Dowding to replenish fighter pilots and to get more planes to take off. Originally, he didn't have many planes, and now because of the scarcity of pilots, there are even fewer planes that can fight.

Now, he only has more than 200 planes that can continue to fight, and the ones that can take off at the same time are only 170 or 80 at most.

Using such a rare plane to face five times the number of German fighter jets is no different from dying, not to mention that because of the German bombers, he had to deploy his own planes in the front line of Birmingham.

Taking off planes to intercept enemy planes is about the same distance as German planes flying across the strait to the German landing site, which also seriously restricts British fighters from exerting their home field advantage.

As time passed, the sky was about to light up, and the two British battleships were still struggling. The pressure faced by the British army the next day, not only did not decrease, but even increased a lot.

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