Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and ninety-seven organ performances

When the first rocket landed in the densely attacked area of ​​the British army, everyone did not realize the seriousness of the problem. . fastest update

There was a sudden explosion, followed by a second and a third. It wasn't until the sound of the explosion was so loud that people couldn't tell it apart that everyone realized that this time the shelling was different from the previous ones.

"Boom!" Another explosion came, making the already dizzy British soldiers even more embarrassed. They threw away their weapons and wailed in the sky of artillery fire.

No one knows how many artillery pieces the Germans mobilized. From the analysis of the intensity of the explosions, it is no exaggeration to say that the Germans have 100 large-caliber artillery pieces.

However, yesterday, the German army, which could only rely on small things like mortars, suddenly transported more than 100 cannons across the English Channel?

This problem, the British soldiers who were hiding in the east on the battlefield but had nowhere to hide could not think of it.

They also have nothing to think about, because in the next second they may be thrown into the sky by the falling shells.

The scene can only be described in one word as tragic. In an instant, the noisy battlefield quieted down, as if everyone had been swept away by death.

At the very beginning, the British army relied on their own enemies without the support of large-caliber artillery, so they were a little more reckless when attacking.

But with the fall of these organ rockets, the hundreds of thousands of British soldiers were rarely lucky enough to get up from the ground.

The German machine gunners even forgot to fire, and the German paratroopers in the foxholes looked at the smoking clearing in the distance, and the crying enemies didn't know what to do.

The stump and the broken arm flew everywhere. Because the shelling came so suddenly, most people didn't even have the chance to fall down, and they were pierced by the shrapnel like a storm.

Because it is a rocket, this attack is not accurate. In order to make up for the shooting error caused by this inaccuracy, the rocket launcher uses covered shooting.

It compensates for the lack of precise aiming by instantly pouring the total amount of ammunition. So this weapon is one of the most domineering weapons against the personnel in development.

In World War II, Germany was the first to use cluster bombs, and now this terrible way of pouring firepower has not yet been used on rockets.

Technically, it is not difficult to combine these two weapon concepts. It only takes a few months of experimentation and running-in, and they can be widely used on the battlefield.

In the future, rocket systems equipped with cluster bombs will become a nightmare for human sea tactics. With just one salvo, any spectacular intensive attack would be wiped out in an instant.

Now, just dropping more than 120 rockets in a fixed area is enough to crash the British soldiers.

Just imagine, if you replace it with cluster bombs, then the number of warheads will be expanded ten times or even thirty times.

In other words, it only takes five rocket launchers to drop more than 500 grenades in an area...

Nothing in this area will leave alive, and the entire mountain top may be submerged in the explosion. Those who survived by chance will leave a psychological shadow, and it is impossible for them to return to the battlefield in this life.

Human science and technology, being used to kill people more efficiently, will always have a terrifying effect.

From bows and arrows to nuclear weapons, human beings have gone further and further on the road to improve the efficiency of killing, and war has become more cruel and elegant.

For technologically backward countries, war is cruel and powerless. He could only submit to being slaughtered and live by faith.

For high-tech countries, war is the elegant art of killing. The soldiers who participated in the war were like playing games, and many even killed hundreds of enemies without seeing blood.

In any case, on the morning of February 15, 1941, the first show of this human rocket launcher was very successful, showing an infinitely bright future to all arms dealers.

In just a few minutes, the British troops on the battlefield paid the price of more than 400 casualties. Many people are short of arms and legs, waiting for their medics to come and treat them.

The Germans didn't even need to continue firing and killing, as long as they waited quietly, the scene was quiet, and the cries gradually stopped.

"Don't tell me it's a cannon... I don't believe it was done by an artilleryman." A German lieutenant found his hands trembling slightly. He had never been so heartbroken when he killed someone.

Another soldier crouched in the foxhole and lit a cigarette in order to shock himself. He rubbed off three matches in a row and barely lit the cigarette on his mouth.

"This is a new type of weapon. I have never seen such a dense firepower attack." Another German soldier leaned on the edge of the foxhole, looking at the open space like Shura Field in the distance.

It was crowded with British soldiers a few minutes ago, but the next moment there is only some minced meat, and now and then the **** so-called "people" are struggling to make it.

Just looking at this battlefield, no kind of intense words can be used to describe it. There is no difference between here and hell. It is more intuitive to say that it is the surface of the moon rather than the earth.

"This weapon is really powerful!" A young German paratrooper sighed sincerely, looking at the dense smoking craters in the distance.

Can it be bad, if not, how could it be possible to quiet the British people and cancel all their plans for the morning?

The two famous German generals, Dietrich and Student, who deliberately rushed to the front from the rear to observe the firing of the "Führer's Rocket Artillery", were deeply impressed by this weapon.

Dietrich felt that such a devastating weapon should be equipped in the SS, and cooperate with his tank troops to form an impact and break through the enemy's defense line as soon as possible.

What Student thinks is much more complicated. His paratroopers have unparalleled advantages in assault and penetration. The only thing that restricts the development of his troops is the problem of being forced to inherit the weak firepower of light infantry.

The original paratroopers only had light infantry weapons such as machine guns and rifles, and their attacking capabilities basically came from original equipment such as explosives.

Later, in June, the head of state proposed a new type of weapon, the bazooka, and the paratroopers finally had their own anti-tank capabilities and long-range attack capabilities.

But now, as the scale of the war continues to expand, the environment in which the paratroopers operate has also become more complex. Having more firepower has always been something that Student has been looking forward to.

At this time, he found that compared with traditional weapons such as light howitzers, it seemed that rocket-type weapons were born for paratroopers.

The successful deployment of the rocket launcher in the paratrooper sequence is enough to demonstrate the effectiveness of this weapon. The rocket launcher is smaller in size and relatively lighter in weight, which is convenient for the transportation of paratroopers.

It can use a small number of weapons to form a powerful suppressing force that can cover instantaneous firepower in a certain direction, which is also lacking in paratroopers.

As for the flaws in accuracy, it seems to Student that it can be completely ignored. A weapon is light in weight and powerful, and it is normal to have some flaws.

"I didn't expect that the weapon that the Führer decided to develop in an instant would have such a powerful power." Dietrich said to Student, putting down the telescope.

Studden nodded and agreed: "This weapon has strengthened our firepower at once, and it seems more certain to attack Maidstone."

"According to the order of the High Command, we must advance our defense lines as soon as possible, and do not give the British time to rearrange the defense lines." Dietrich is the SS, so he cares more about the High Command than the Army Headquarters. .

Similarly, as a German airborne unit under Goering, Student was closer to the knowledgeable Führer than to those "turkeys" of the Army.

"Indeed, if the British have time to deploy troops and deploy a tight defense system in the city, the cost of our attack will increase exponentially." Student also felt that his paratroopers could launch an attack immediately.

It now appears that the preparations of the British army are obviously not as sufficient as that of the German army. In fact, under the last resort, the British army pinned more hope on the navy and ignored its own army preparations.

With the frequent losses and losses of the Air Force and the Navy, the development of the Army has been severely restricted. Many units had only light weapons and were simply not capable of fighting the Germans.

However, if the British army recovered and began to use light infantry to fight the German army in the city, adopting attrition tactics similar to the Battle of Stalingrad, the German army would fall into a passive position.

After all, at this moment, there is a limit on the number of German troops that can invade Once this limit is exceeded, the German army must weaken the combat readiness of the Eastern Front.

For the German army bent on defeating the Soviet Union, weakening the Eastern Front was not worth the gain. At this stage, Germany's biggest enemy is the Red Soviet Union. In the eyes of German high-level officials, the British army is nothing more than a scabies problem.

"Marshal Liszt ordered us to launch a counterattack in the afternoon. I think it is too conservative. I will let the armored troops search forward and scout the enemy forward positions to a limited extent." Dietrich is a very assertive general.

The limited reconnaissance he said is actually in the German command, and there are allusions. At the time of the Battle of France, the German armored forces had dashed forward, advancing hundreds of miles under the pretext of reconnaissance.

At this moment, Dietrich repeated his old tricks, preparing to use the reconnaissance as an excuse to let his troops attack in advance.

Student heard the sound and knew the elegant meaning, and immediately understood: "The paratroopers will follow up and provide the necessary cover for the armored forces on the flanks."

Before 10 a.m., the German armored units had assembled and launched a violent assault. Under the cover of the pipe organ, the German army successfully broke through the British defense line and killed Maidstone.

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