Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred is the best

The solemn spiky dome, the Kremlin Square in Moscow was swept clean. . The fastest update The snow here has not melted, and the temperature is still as cold.

Although the snow did not melt, there were countless people sweeping the snow from the ground. This is the holiest place in the Soviet Union, and of course it should be spotless.

Two cars drove into the gate of this sacred palace one after the other, and the guards held their chins high and saluted the two cars.

This place seems to have a halo since the time of Lenin, and when the camera sweeps from here, there will be a majestic soundtrack.

In people's minds, this place has always been bleak and cold, and even in the cold winter, it is filled with the fragrance of power.

The car stopped slowly in front of the palace gate, and the guard stepped forward and opened the car door respectfully. An officer got out of the car and walked towards the wide steps without looking sideways.

Step by step, step by step to the top of the steps. The guards standing there stood at attention and saluted, as devout as a group of believers.

The Great Purge brought unprecedented pain to the Soviet Union, and at the same time united the Soviet Union like never before. The different voices have all been eliminated, and all that remains is a man of faith.

This allowed Stalin to establish unprecedented prestige in the country, and his personal prestige reached its peak. There is a city named after him, and half the people in the country see him as their religion.

If the Führer's prestige is accumulated through continuous victories, then Stalin's prestige is formed by the accumulation of non-stop killings.

Of course, the Führer also slaughtered, and there were a lot of slaughtered people. Looking back, Stalin not only relied on arrogant iron and blood, he also relied on faith.

In this regard, the two seem to have a lot in common. It's just that now the head of state has been replaced by Li Le, and Stalin is still the same Stalin in history.

After passing through the long corridor, after checking and handing over his gun, he went all the way to the door of Stalin's office.

The Soviet general tidied up his clothes and made sure that there was nothing wrong with his appearance before knocking on the door of the heavy office.

The leader with a two-stroke beard was sitting at his desk processing documents at this time. He heard a knock on the door, shouted to come in, and raised his head, he saw the general at the door.

Without waiting for someone to enter the house, he asked the question he cared about. The other party didn't have the guts to sit down. After standing at attention, he waited for his leader to ask the questions he wanted to know. It is a reverence, a worship that comes from the heart.

"Comrade Timoshen, are we not ready for our western offensive?" Stalin asked while stroking his beloved pipe.

Brother Timoshen swallowed a mouthful of saliva and replied nervously: "Comrade Stalin, the great leader... According to information, the German army is also strengthening its own defenses on the eastern front. Our preparations are not sufficient, please give me another one. Month, no... half a month."

"Time waits for no one! Comrade Timoshenko!" Stalin patted his desk vigorously, making a thumping sound in the spacious desk.

If Li Le had seen Stalin's office, he would not have thought that the office in Hitler's Chancellery was huge. He'd be curious to know why some people are born to like big things.

"The German army started its attack on Britain the day before yesterday. If we still ignore it at this time, should we wait for the Germans to kill the United Kingdom and then come back to attack us?" he asked angrily.

"In the UK, the Germans are on a tear! They have devastated the British navy and temporarily controlled the English Channel! The UK is calling for help from all countries! If we don't do something, the UK will be completely over!"

Stalin paused for a few seconds and continued to speak to Timoshenko: "Do you know how bad things will be for us when Britain is over?"

"The Germans will no longer have any threat on their own Western Front! They can send more troops to the Eastern Front! From France! From Holland and Belgium! And Norway!" The more he spoke, the faster he spoke. seems very excited.

"At that time, maybe in just a few months, the German army may increase by 500,000 soldiers on our border! Do you have this speed? Comrade Timoshenko?"

After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked in front of Timoshenko: "I want you to attack Germany immediately! It is in our best interest to attack Germany with Britain!"

"The great leader, Comrade Stalin... Now the attack we will be defeated in a few hours! We lack tanks and armored vehicles, and this unit lacks qualified commanders." Timoshenko was about to cry.

When Rommel's forces crossed the Suez Canal a few months earlier, the Soviet Union had already made up its mind to preemptively attack so-called ally Germany.

The "Soviet-German Non-aggression Pact" has just been signed for more than a year, and it can be said that the ink is still dry. The two countries have already been separated from each other, and they are actively preparing for the old brother's sacrificial flag.

The German army was on the eastern front, including a series of famous generals such as Brauchitch, Lundstedt, Weicks, Manstein, Guderian, etc., all of which were concentrated on the Soviet-German border.

The Soviet Union is not a vegetarian. In just over a year, more than 2 million troops have been assembled on the border, and the number of tanks has been increased to more than twice that of the German army.

Everyone knows that this war is imminent, but everyone also knows that they are not ready. That's why it's been procrastinating and procrastinating, and it's been so peacefully waiting until now.

"There are not many German troops attacking the United Kingdom. In fact, their ability to cross the sea is still insufficient, so the troops attacking the United Kingdom are not enough to weaken Germany's strength on the border." Timoshenko analyzed.

Stalin waved his hand and interrupted Timoshenko's analysis: "I don't need this analysis, you give me this analysis every time."

He paused, looked at Timoshenko and continued: "What I want is the result, if I can't be ready within 10 days, I will send the commander in charge of logistics to Siberia, where outstanding leaders are also needed. Talents, comrades who need to contribute to the motherland, understand?"

Swallowing another mouthful of saliva, Timoshen nodded and replied with fear: "Yes! Comrade Stalin, the great leader! Within ten days... be ready to attack!"

Stalin nodded with satisfaction, patted Timoshen on the shoulder and praised: "I am very pleased... You are my trusted general, don't let me down!"

"Let Khrushchev help you in Kyiv. If there is someone who is disobedient, hand it over to Comrade Khrushchev! Do you understand?" In the end, Stalin did not forget to remind his subordinates.

Khrushchev is now presiding over in Kyiv, arguably the general rear of the Soviet front-line troops. Large quantities of supplies were hoarded there for supply to the attacking Soviet troops.

Sometimes things are so interesting. Although history has undergone some changes, the famous figures in history will eventually appear in full with historical inertia.

Of course Li Le knew about Khrushchev and of course about Stalin. He also knew that the Soviet Union had many difficult commanders, no less than the famous German generals.

For example, Zhukov, Vasilevsky, Konev, Rokossovsky... They defeated the generals of Germany, no matter how important they are.

What Li Le can do is to strengthen his troops as much as possible before the actual war. Arm the German army with better and more equipment, so that the German army can defeat the terrible enemy of the Soviet Union in the early stage of the smooth war.

At the same time, in Washington, USA, inside the White House. US President Roosevelt sat in his wheelchair and looked worriedly at Marshall, his think tank.

Marshall's face is also not good-looking, because just yesterday, Britain had been landed by German troops. The news today is that the British army has lost Maidstone, and the German army has completely established a firm foothold in the British mainland.

"The British navy is really a bunch of rice buckets! How could they let the Germans land in the English Channel smoothly?" Even as wise as Marshall, he would inevitably complain at this time.

Roosevelt was also very depressed. He had just sent away a large amount of supplies to aid the United Kingdom, but the United Kingdom could not support it and was about to be defeated.

The failure of the United Kingdom is not only the failure of the United Kingdom itself, but also the failure of the strategic layout of the United It is also the failure of the United States to lose its world dominance.

If the victor of World War II is Germany in Europe, then the world's economic and technological center will still be in Europe, and will not be transferred to the United States.

The advantageous geographical location of American independence overseas can become a competitive disadvantage in peacetime. At that time, the United States will still only be one of the great powers, not the dominant one.

Roosevelt rubbed the bridge of his nose and said to Marshall, "Is there any good way for you to let our army go to England and help the British drive the German army into the sea?"

Marshall shook his head and replied, "Even if we are directly involved in the war, we are unable to deliver 100,000 troops to the UK in one go."

"Even if we delivered troops, our troops are now about the same size as the British army, and the training is limited. It is estimated that the number is small and it is not the opponent of the German army." Marshall, known as the strongest think tank in the United States, the analysis problem is still Very organized.

What he is most proud of is his operational ability. The so-called operation is good, and the frontline can easily win by hitting it directly. This is his style. Now that the operation has not started, he certainly has no certainty of winning.

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