Imperial Overlord

: 508 Rochester changed hands

A section of the defensive line where the British troops were stationed, the British soldier on the post saw the shaking of the bushes on the opposite side, and then he subconsciously picked up his weapon, ready to shoot the reckless German soldier.

However, when his finger was already pressed on the trigger, a man in British uniform came out from behind the bushes.

The man was so embarrassed that he didn't even have a weapon on him. He staggered and fled to the British position, staggering and looking like he might fall over at any moment.

"Hey! How come our people are in the German occupation zone?" On the defensive position, the British soldiers on guard called out loudly to their comrades.

Several people looked towards this side, and many people came out of the bushes, some with weapons in their hands, and some with only a backpack.

"My God! They broke through! They broke through!" An officer who got the news stuck his head out of the trench and looked at the downcast friendly troops and said.

"Quick! Bring them back! Those are the people of the 2nd Armored Division!" Seeing those soldiers who were no different from beggars, the officer ordered loudly.

Soon, some soldiers jumped out of the trenches. They didn't bring any weapons, but simply stepped forward to help.

On the other hand, they are also tasked with verifying the identities of these people. If these people were not from the 2nd Armoured Division, or if they were not British, then things were complicated.

An old Mark Qin heavy machine gun on the side is ready for battle, and the British troops are now in a state of turmoil, and it is impossible to be too cautious.

Seeing the soldiers who went up to help wave back, the soldiers on the British position relaxed a lot. These people are really friendly forces, but they are just defeated friendly forces.

"Drink some water! Drink some water!" Looking at a friendly officer who had the same rank as himself, but had to be embarrassed dozens of times, the commander on the position handed him a water bottle.

The officer politely took the kettle and drank all the boiling water inside before letting out a comfortable sigh.

"Are you from the 2nd Armored Division?" The commander on the position asked, looking at the military uniform on the officer's body and the documents that had been taken out and placed on the table.

The officer nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm from the 2nd Armored Division. Most of the people who were with me were soldiers of the 2nd Armored Division."

He pointed to the equally embarrassed companions outside the door: "We broke out of the siege. The German armored forces are too powerful. In the end, we could only find the gaps in their defense lines on foot to pass through."

In the battle of the road turn, Wittmann counterattacked the 1st Armored Regiment of the British 2nd Armored Division with 15 Panther tanks.

During the battle they wiped out more than half of the remaining tanks of the 1st regiment. Let the group completely lost the combat effectiveness.

Having lost an entire armoured regiment of the British, breaking through was a complete joke. The ensuing battle raged on the morning of 18 February, when the British plan to break out along the road was stopped by the German 501st Panzer Battalion and some 1,000 infantrymen.

In desperation, taking advantage of the loopholes in the German encirclement due to the lack of troops, the British army adopted a method of dispersing and breaking through.

A large number of infantrymen retreated from the gaps in the German defense line, but heavy equipment such as tanks could not leave safely.

"The last 2 regiment broke through by storm near the highway. At that time, I was ordered to leave, so I don't know what happened to the division commander and the 2 regiment commander." The officer who broke through said frustratedly.

He just said a sad news that the commander of the 1st regiment of the 2nd Armored Division was killed on the road of the charge during the operation on the morning of the 18th.

It is precisely because of the death of the regiment leader that the 1st regiment completely lost its combat effectiveness and had to follow the infantry on foot to break through and retreat.

"In other words, when you left, the 2nd Armored Regiment was still fighting?" the infantry commander on the position asked curiously.

"Yes, when I was ordered to leave, the 2nd regiment collected the remaining tanks of the 1st regiment and set off along the road together." The officer once again emphasized that he was ordered to leave.

Even if there is no need to go to a military court afterwards, it makes a big difference whether the breakout is ordered or private.

If such an incident is not clearly heard, then it is difficult to define whether to take the initiative to break through or escape from a defeat. Everyone is very cautious about this kind of thing, and it needs to collect evidence from many aspects.

This is not a military court, and what the commanders on the garrison position really care about is not whether these routed soldiers are escaping or breaking out.

What he really cares about is that once the British 2nd Armoured Division and other units in the encirclement are annihilated, will the German troops surrounding these British troops be liberated.

Once these forces were freed, it was a matter of course to attack London along the road area.

Your own position may have to face the storm. The commander thought to himself. He nodded and comforted the defeated friendly officer: "Just come back! You are safe now!"

"You don't understand! There's nowhere to be safe... We can't penetrate the enemy's tanks! We can't penetrate their tanks!" Outside the door, a British armored soldier hysterically shouted to the friendly troops who laughed at him. road.

As if being strongly stimulated, he shouted hoarsely: "Their tanks are here! Their tanks are here! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! We're done! We're done!"

"Shut up!" An officer who also returned from the rout, dressed in dirty clothes, pulled the shouting tank soldier.

Seeing the farce outside the door, the garrison commander glanced at the embarrassed officer who broke out and asked, "What's going on? Is it convenient to talk about it?"

"It was a tank soldier from the 1st regiment. I heard that he fired three shots at a new German tank, and the tank could still fire at them..." The downhearted breakout officer shook his head and replied, "We've seen it before. That thing, I heard it is bigger than other German tanks."

The 2nd Armoured Division was over, and there was no need to report to Sir Dill and Churchill, and no need to send troops to respond.

The unit was surrounded in the wilderness, with only a few officers breaking out. A force of more than 40,000 soldiers returned to Army Group London with fewer than 3,000 men.

Like Dunkirk, this unit lost all heavy weaponry. Viscount Gott lost his left flank and Rochester.

At noon on the 18th, as the 2nd Regiment of the 2nd Armored Division was annihilated by the Germans on the road, the remaining troops raised the white flag against the Germans.

The city of Rochester was able to retain part of the city, the German army entered the town, and the German flag was hung on the streets.

The Germans were already able to attack London from both roads at the same time, and the 112th Mechanized Infantry Division had now crossed Rochester and pushed the line parallel to the Panzer Division of Adolf Hitler's Guard.


Berlin, the capital of Germany, inside the Chancellery. Li Le has just attended a naval operation meeting and formulated a new round of combat plans for the navy to cut off the British naval supply line in the future.

He tiredly handed the coat to Bowman behind him, and then took a combat situation report from the front line from Bowman.

After opening the file, he saw the report of the complete annihilation of the British 2nd Armored Division, and highlighted a name familiar to Li Le.

"Witman fought the enemy at a turn on a highway and destroyed more than ten tanks? Is gold really going to shine sooner or later." Li Le closed the document with a smile and continued to look at the various documents behind. kind of report.

The German attack began to face real difficulties. The British fought to the death outside London, increasing the ammunition consumption of the German attack.

Originally, cross-sea transportation, coupled with the suspension of sea transportation at night, meant that the German army had not much supply for its own transportation.

Before, it was because the victory came too quickly and a lot of ammunition was saved, so that the battle could continue.

But now, the battle situation has become more and more stalemate, which has caused the consumption of materials, some of which are more than Germany's, which would not have enough capacity.

Frowning, looking at Liszt's telegram urging supplies, Li Le thought in his heart whether to agree to the British's request for peace.

Looking at it now, it is impossible for the hundreds of thousands of German troops to completely surrender the UK in a short period of time. The situation of long nights and dreams will still appear after all, and the complex situations that the German team will face in fighting in the UK will also increase over time.

It is not an attempt to agree to the conditions of the United Kingdom, but if this process is not mastered well, more serious problems will arise.

For example, the mobilization of troops and the receipt of naval warships must be in Obviously, it is one thing for the British to agree, and it is another thing to fully implement the treaty.

"Let the British calm down, things are about to get out of control." Li Le hated the feeling of losing control and whispered.

His brows were furrowed, and he stood there as if he was in a state of concentration, and he didn't move his body for half an hour.

In the end, he gave up his plan to risk peace talks with Britain, and was ready to continue the attack and divert his offensive direction.

Continuing to attack London is obviously a plan that does not quite fit the current situation. The optimistic game of quickly capturing the British capital, London, now seems overly unrealistic.

At present, if the German army is caught in the terrible street fighting in London, let alone 100,000 people is not a waste, even if it is 300,000 people, it will not allow the German army to win.

So, at the same moment when Li Le gave up talking with the British, he also made up his mind to change the battle plan: "Call Marshal Liszt back and let him implement the second set of battle plans! We can't waste a little time, what we lack the most. It's time!"

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