Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and twenty-two aid and reparations

"Damn it!" Stopped beside the road, watching the crowded southward crowd on the road, Wittmann leaned on his tank and sighed helplessly.

Looking at the crowds who went south to find what the Germans wanted to eat, Wittmann felt that the war had changed in an instant.

The war he understands is manipulating the most powerful war machines and fighting **** the cruel battlefield. The last one who survives is the brave warrior.

But now, the German army is standing on both sides of the road, leading a group of refugees like beggars to walk on the road, and there is no smell of war at all.

"This is not a war, this is a relief to the victims." Wittmann said to Carl Wegner beside him bored.

Wegner nodded and agreed: "This road has basically been like this since yesterday."

The people above received a large number of British civilians because they bought people's hearts. And these civilians, who were basically desperate, also flocked to the area and began to concentrate on the German-occupied areas.

"Recently, half of the ships are replenishing food to the UK. In this case, our advance is a joke." Weitmann complained.

Wegener was also suffocated by the latest so-called fight, where they recently advanced 30km without encountering a fight.

Now, there is Bath in front, but the British army has no decent resistance at all, so the important cities are left to the German army.

In some places, some British soldiers who were unwilling to leave stayed behind to maintain order in the city. After the German troops arrived, they held white handkerchiefs in their hands and took the German troops directly to the place where they stored their weapons, even if the handover was over.

When these troops saw the German army, it was surprising how calm they were. They would say hello and find a local person who knew German to act as an interpreter.

What is even more depressing is that these people basically ask for something to eat. If the Germans are willing to leave cigarettes and candies, the effect is even better and people are overwhelmed.

Western countries have never had a precedent for defending a city to the last soldier. There was no major fighting in Paris, France, not even some bridges were destroyed.

Including Belgium and the Netherlands, these places have experienced very limited wars. The German army advanced rapidly and quickly captured a large amount of land.

The same is true on the British side. Many towns and cities were consciously let go by the defenders, including monuments such as Stonehenge, which left signs of "Please do not destroy" in German.

It is possible to expect a street battle in London, but if every city is expected to resist until the last moment, even Churchill himself does not believe it.

The distribution of grenades to civilians originally occurred in only a few areas, and most of these grenades did not have the expected effect.

Most of the civilians will hand over the grenades when the Germans come, and a few will not use them easily if they stay in their hands.

Only a few used grenades and the threat to the Germans was minimal. However, in some areas, grenades were used before the German troops landed, in order to loot the grain reserves in the granary.

The battle has reached this point, and the United Kingdom has no reason to continue. Therefore, while Wittmann was in a daze as he watched the influx of refugees in front of him, the British envoy Duke Hamilton in Berlin, Germany, was anxiously waiting in the meeting room of the Führer.

He regretted why he didn't rush to agree to the German request earlier and hand over the two battleships to Germany, at least not to let the British situation fall into such a passive state.

A large part of his previous toughness came from the imminent arrival of aid from the United States. But now it seems that he was very wrong at the time.

"Excuse me, did you really convey the news of my visit to the head of state?" After walking dozens of times in the reception room, Hamilton finally couldn't help but ask the guards at the door.

The two guards raised their chins and looked at the British aristocrat in front of him, and in the end no one answered his question.

Looking at the two dumb-like guards, Hamilton sighed and shook his head. He was a high-ranking guest in Germany before, and Hess had called him a brother.

As a result, only four years later, Germany, which was a quasi-ally anti-communist ally at the time of the Berlin Olympics, turned into a ferocious beast.

Just when Duke Hamilton was about to lose all his patience, the door of the reception room was pushed open from the outside.

Ribbentrop and the Führer came from outside the door, and the two were talking and laughing before.

They were talking about the turning of the American fleet, and Hamilton could hear it clearly, making his face even more gray.

"Mr. Duke, are you ready to achieve complete peace with the Third Reich this time?" Li Le asked Duke Hamilton after the conversation stopped.

The head of state looks complacent, and he definitely has reason to be complacent. No matter how bizarre the process may be, the German army is in full swing on British soil, but the result is indisputable.

It seems that it is a foregone conclusion that Britain will lose the Cornwall Peninsula, so the passiveness of the United Kingdom can be seen by the blind.

"This time we asked a bit more, so I brought my foreign minister. You must be familiar with it. Right? Ribbentrop." Li Le introduced each other out of courtesy.

Hamilton smiled bitterly, this time he really had to pay more to get the peace treaty that was easier to get.

"We are willing to hand over two intact battleships... We are sincere, but I want to hear first what the other conditions the Führer wants from the UK." Hamilton bit his head and asked. .

God knows, when he said the two intact battleships, his heart was bleeding. That was the last bit of dignity of the British Empire, and now it has been put on the table as a bargaining chip.

Back then, when Napoleon, the arrogant emperor of France, swept across Europe, Britain had never been so humiliated.

Li Le glanced at Ribbentrop beside him, and said to Duke Hamilton with a smile: "South of London, including London, must become a German jurisdiction. This is our requirement."

"It's impossible! If we let us hand over London, we might as well fight to the last moment..." Hamilton frowned and said in denial.

"Mr. Duke, nothing is impossible. Paris, France, is under German rule. This request has precedent." Ribbentrop interrupted Duke Hamilton's words.

He then continued: "If we don't follow the French precedent, maybe our ally, France, will have more opinions."

Now, the hatred between France and Germany is almost the same as the hatred between France and England. Britain was defeated by Germany, and France was almost inevitable.

Hearing Ribbentrop say this, the Duke of Hamilton knew that the bottom line he could stick to today really didn't seem much.

To his dismay, he was the signatory of perhaps the most humiliating treaty Britain has made in a century. This name is enough for him to be infamous for thousands of years, and he has to agree to such a contract.

Just a few hours earlier, His Majesty had authorized him to end the war at any cost. He also knew the news of the collapse of Prime Minister Churchill, and even the fact that the British Army was unable to fight back.

In this case, Britain's future can be said to be completely in his hands. Now he can only insist on gritting his teeth, insisting on everything he must insist on.

"We are reluctant to give up London. If we can, we are willing to give up the entire Cornwall Peninsula." The Duke of Hamilton felt that his strength was rapidly draining.

"British surrender means nothing to us if we don't hold something important enough," Ribbentrop replied.

He looked at Duke Hamilton and explained: "Europe is about to face the attack of the entire Red Soviet Union. If you go back on your word, we will have nothing to do with you."

Having said this, he paused for a while before continuing to insist: "So, we need London, Liverpool, and the United Kingdom can't be resigned under the interference of the United States, so that we can recognize the peace treaty with peace of mind!"

"After all! You have a criminal record. You once used peace talks to delay time and let us waste a lot of feelings."

"Then what? Your country is still the same as before, requiring our fleet to belong to Germany?" Duke Hamilton felt dizzy for a He wondered if he was about to faint.

"Of course, if Britain wants to keep a battleship, or some cruisers and destroyers, we're willing to make concessions," Ribbentrop said.

Before coming here, the Duke of Hamilton knew that this would be a very passive negotiation, but he did not expect the Germans to be so difficult. He really seized the weakness of Britain and cut every knife.

Britain, which has lost its navy, has no capital to continue to entangle with the German army. London was occupied by Germany, and Britain lost the courage to continue resisting.

England, like Vichy France, would then be a poor servant nation. The Germans would, through manipulation, completely make Britain part of its Atlantic Bulwark.

"If, I mean, if I sign the treaty now, when will the German army stop attacking and provide assistance to Britain?" Duke Hamilton almost exhausted his last strength and asked such a sentence.

"Aid? We haven't talked about reparations, have we?" Ribbentrop's answer was very cold, but Duke Hamilton lost the slightest desire to faint.

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