Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and twenty-four two roads

"The Germans...yes, it was there, it was planned! They...they are forcing me to die!" King George VI of England vented in anger while holding the telegram from Berlin, Germany. . fastest update

He sat in his chair and looked at Churchill, who was pale and recovering from a serious illness, and Sir Dill, the chief of staff of the army, and Charles, the commander of the navy.

As for the commander of the Air Force, Dawding has almost no planes in his hands, and the British sky is now dominated by German pilots.

Now they had to sit in the basement for meetings, because German bombers visited London almost once a day.

As the king of the United Kingdom, as His Majesty the king who used to be known as the empire on which the sun never sets, George VI ironically has not seen the sun for three days.

For him, the British sun is already a memory in his mind, which has to be said to be a ruthless trampling on the dignity of the world hegemon.

Once excited, George VI's stuttering will become uncontrollable. He didn't speak easily in the first place, but now it's even more obvious.

"Tell, tell...tell Duke Hamilton that if he, if he is still a nobleman with a sense of honor...the sense of honor, then, just, he should get it, get it back, get it back with a decent, decent peace treaty!" After George VI vented, he looked at Churchill beside him.

At this time, it was the United Kingdom that put its face on it and begged the Germans to give a treaty. Anyone who talks to Hitler can only get back such a humiliating treaty.

Therefore, after hearing His Majesty's angry roar, everyone wisely chose to keep their mouths shut and not dwell on the issue of the treaty.

"First... Prime Minister, Germany, the Germans are unwilling, unwilling to negotiate peace. I, our army, can, can I persist, persist for a few months?" He asked this question with great anticipation, hoping to get a positive answer .

Hearing His Majesty's question to himself, Churchill's already haggard face twisted and replied, "Your Majesty, if we fight desperately in London, we can continue to hold on for at least a month."

"If London is in ruins, and the South, maybe we'll be able to hold on longer." Sir Dill followed, saying what he wanted to say.

The British resistance, and the surrender of France, contrasted sharply at this time. Paris is doing fine now, without the ravages of any war; London is in ruins, half in ruins.

If the fight continues in London, street fighting will destroy everything that is left, and even if the United Kingdom turns from defeat to victory, what will be left?

Turn London into rubble and turn northern England into a war zone. Ireland will definitely take the opportunity to become independent, and Scotland's position cannot be guaranteed.

Is it really necessary to fight the thousands of years of England's foundation and have nothing left in exchange for a so-called victory?

Even in the mind of the most hard-line resistanceist Churchill, he was thinking about this question at this time: what is it to fight and see victory at the end of the ruins?

"If the Germans continue to attack, it is possible to occupy Bristol. The flank of London will be threatened..." Seeing that Churchill did not continue to speak, Sir Dill could only bite the bullet and continue.

What he said did indeed make the furious King George VI of England quiet.

George VI is now thinking the same question. If London is destroyed, more than half of the people in the UK will even be killed. Even if they win, what will be left?

Compared with these problems, it seems that sending two battleships to Germany and then signing a humiliating treaty is not an unacceptable option.

Americans also want a lot of things, including Britain's massive overseas military bases, including Britain's gold reserves.

Since the war has started, many British people, including many high-level British leaders, are reflecting on it. They are fighting this war, who is the culprit?

Anger is often transferable, and when it is unable to vent on its most direct enemy, Germany, it is easy to transfer to the United States.

"Who is it that breeds tigers, tramples on the Treaty of Versailles, and makes the Germans make a comeback?" This is the question that many people think about.

Therefore, in comparison, compromising to the Americans and surrendering to the Germans, in fact, in the eyes of some British people, are no different options.

"It now seems that the choice of the French may still have some reason." The foreign minister glanced at Churchill, who seemed to be exhausted and said nothing, and persuaded the king.

"We can bet on both sides and let the Americans and the Germans decide." He was tired of such a passive war, which, in the eyes of any qualified diplomat, was long overdue .

War is nothing but a continuation of politics, the most radical option for solving problems. Therefore, war is definitely not an end, but only a process and a means.

Before war, diplomats are needed, and after war, diplomats are needed. In the case of victory, the diplomat will squeeze out the last bit of profit; in the case of defeat, the diplomat can also prevent greater losses.

It was because Churchill was too tough and blocked communication between Britain and Germany in a foolish way of cheating that caused this failure.

If France was defeated, Britain would have withdrawn decisively from the war. Now that Germany is fighting the Soviet Union at this moment, it will not make waves in Britain at all.

The whole thing, in the eyes of the Foreign Secretary, is a vicious circle caused by the loss of diplomatic flexibility and insistence on a war that is already at a disadvantage.

If there is a culprit, the Duke of Hamilton, who takes diplomatic credibility as a child's play, and British Prime Minister Churchill, who is sitting next to him, must be responsible for this fiasco.

"Your Majesty, you can choose some people to stay and maintain order in the country." Therefore, the Foreign Secretary decided to kick Churchill out of the cabinet and find a better home: "And Prime Minister Churchill, you can take His Majesty the King into exile in the United States... "

Hearing this proposal, Churchill, who had no reaction at all, raised his round head.

Go to America to set up a government-in-exile? To do the same thing as de Gaulle? Lead some fringe colonies, rally some blacks and Arabs...

Thinking of this, Churchill felt his end was near. But he could not deny the suggestion, because once the treaty was signed, he would be in a very disadvantageous position.

As a prime minister who resisted to the end and was unwilling to negotiate peace, he would definitely take the blame and step down. Losing power and identity was no different to Churchill than dying.

The Germans would demand him and hang him on trial as a war criminal. Even if it is not open and honest, with the acquiescence of the British government, the killer can be arranged to kill him to vent his hatred.

Rather than being an obscure old man in Britain, going to the United States to continue to lead some of the British colonies and resist the brutal German aggression seems to be a better choice.

Moreover, to go now, or ordered to leave. With a mission to bet on both sides, it is certainly more appealing to exist as an alternative way to save Britain than to stay.

I have to say that Churchill was tempted. If he could take away His Majesty the King, he could continue to fight against Germany in the United States, and he could even raise the banner of justice.

Unfortunately, he just thought about it and knew that His Majesty the King would not agree with this idea.

Abandoning his own people and going to a foreign country to be His Majesty the King of a government in exile is definitely not a good choice for the King of England.

Although the royal families of many countries choose to flee, that is under the premise that the country has actually subsided.

Now Britain is not a subjugated country, but just signed a treaty that humiliates the country. If the king leaves the country and goes into exile at this time, the name is not right.

After all, the treaty itself needs to be signed and recognized by the king and the prime minister. The prime minister can be dismissed, but the king cannot just replace one.

After you sign and admit defeat, then run away with someone and continue to resist? It doesn't matter who the final victory belongs to, anyway, the royal family's credibility and face have been lost.

Therefore, 80% of the King of England will not leave, and George VI has indeed denied his proposal to leave: "As a king, I, I cannot, cannot abandon me, my people..."

What King George VI said was grand, but Churchill knew that if he chose to leave, he would have to go alone.

"Then, I can leave. I can go to the United States and contribute to the future of the empire." Whether it is his claim or his identity, the candidate to go to the United States to establish a resistance volunteer army is none other than Churchill. .

"Then let's decide for the time The rest is the question of how to send our battleship to the Germans." Charles finally spoke.

He has not spoken all the time. In fact, the navy is in this state, and there is really nothing to say.

The defeat by the inferior German guerrilla fleet directly led to the passivity of the British mainland. The responsibility of the Navy in the war is inexorable, but the direct cause of this situation cannot be blamed on the Navy.

In this war, the heroic performance of the navy is obvious to all. The fleet will attack every time, but return empty-handed again and again.

"As an admiral, I will personally **** the battleship to the Germans... Then, if I have a chance, I will sink with the battleship King George V." Charles gave his own choice, he was unwilling to be like Churchill Choosing to leave, he chose death.

Looking at Sir Dill, who wanted to persuade him, Charles waved his hand and insisted: "Someone has to prove that the British still have blood, don't they? Let me prove it, after all, the Navy can't be dusted."— —

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