Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and thirty-seven flags fall

Ireland was independent after all, and Northern Ireland was also included in the scope of Irish rule. Ireland joined the Axis and became a part of this group. . fastest update

Scotland was not so lucky. Germany gave up its support for Scotland, and the chaos here was effectively curbed immediately.

Calm was restored to the north of the British mainland, and the German takeover south of the Thames went very smoothly.

The new prime minister, Clement Richard Attlee, gave the order to retreat, and the British soldiers gave up a great deal of the cities they controlled.

Guildford, Woking, Croydon, Reading...and the entire Cornwall peninsula have all become German occupation zones.

At noon on March 8, the No. 3 tank, which was taken by the commander of the 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Armored Regiment, 1st Armored Regiment, of the German Waffen SS Adolf Hitler Guards Banner, drove into the urban area of ​​London.

There were no flowers or applause, and the streets were lined with rubble and ruins. London, which has experienced bombing and shelling, is much more miserable than expected.

The tanks rolled over the gravel and moved forward little by little along the straight road. The streets were lined with London civilians, who watched the German soldiers pass them with desperate and painful eyes.

A German SS soldier with a Mauser 98k rifle and a pair of military boots full of dust and mud stepped on the messy road, as if stepping on the hearts of the locals.

Some people were crying softly, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed. Several German officials stood on the cross street, holding maps and pointing in the distance.

"The regimental commander made them cry like this?" A German soldier with a submachine gun raised his chin and whispered to his comrades walking beside him.

All the soldiers who entered the city of London had a complete set of equipment. They borrowed a lot of things from friendly forces and decorated themselves to be the most well-equipped soldiers in the world.

These SS soldiers had new H-shaped tactical harnesses with raincoats and rolled-up field tents.

Below is a water bottle lunch box, a cylindrical gas mask, and a dry food bag and a bayonet next to it. Some have sappers behind them, some have tactical camouflage smocks behind them.

All had magazine pouches on their chests, and most had grenades in their belts. With neat strides, they came to take over half of the defense of the enemy's capital.

"The regimental commander has no right to order shooting here... This is London, not a field area." The soldier walking beside the submachine gunner replied in a low voice.

The soldiers walked neatly on both sides of the road, tanks, armored vehicles and trucks, one after the other, staggered in the center of the road.

"The mood has been ruined by these idiots. We are the winners, not to listen to their mourning." Many German troops were complaining, and the entire team seemed to have no joy of victory.

"When people are no longer loyal, we remain loyal!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, a German soldier raised his head loudly, because half of the lyrics were out of tune because of his voice.

But no one cares about this detail, because what a battlefield song wants is to be loud and uplifting. So someone sang along, and the hoarse voice made people want to laugh: "There should still be a flag set up for you on the earth!"

"Our young partners have become images of a better era! They made us men and experienced the death of love." As he walked, the shooter with a mg-42 machine gun shook his head and followed. sing.

And beside him, more soldiers hummed along: "Never try to get close to us and make us submit, our loyalty is like the oak tree in Germany, and also like the brilliance of the sun and the moon!"

Soldiers in tanks followed suit, holding their weapons and looking down at the London civilians like beggars by the roadside: "This loyalty will flash again on all brothers! Bring them back to love and hate. source."

The singing grew louder and louder, and when thousands of soldiers began to sing, the little cries of the Londoners were drowned out.

With the singing, the pace of the German soldiers became more orderly. All the soldiers held their heads high, and the m35 steel helmets swaying with the pace formed a stream of steel along the street.

"Dong! Dong-dong!" There was a knock on the door of an apartment in the singing like a mountain call outside.

The host opened the door nervously, and saw several SS soldiers with weapons on their backs standing at their door.

"Sir! We want to requisition your balcony, please cooperate!" A German soldier who can speak fluent British said politely.

Without waiting for the host to refuse, the soldier behind the German army rushed into the room holding the neatly stacked bright red flag.

Under the terrified eyes of the hostess and the bewildered eyes of several children, the fanatical SS soldier leaned out of the window and unfolded a huge German flag against the breeze.

When the flag was unfolded, the SS soldiers in the house also sang with enthusiasm: "The heroes of this period struggled, and now after winning the victory, Satan has begun to plan a new list."

"You can't tear down this flag, or the gendarmerie will arrest you and send you to Poland." The German soldier, who speaks English, ignited while stepping on the clean floor with his dirty leather boots. said with a cigarette.

"Are you British?" Hearing the German soldier's accent, the host asked boldly.

"I was born in the UK, of German origin... I returned to China in 1937." The German soldier replied with a smile, and handed the host a cigarette.

"I went to school in Oxford before." When walking out of the house, the young German soldier added this sentence, and followed his comrades down the wooden stairs.

"Love the time in your life as he made it! You shouldn't forget us, oh, those gorgeous dreams." In the corridor, they could still hear their singing voices clearly.

I don't know why, hearing these German soldiers walking through the streets singing such songs, the hearts of the British civilians surged with the sadness that they were no longer British.

Their homeland was defeated, and their land was about to become the territory of another country. In the future they can only call themselves Germans, and here will be Germany.

Germany... what a remote country it used to be to the people here. The country that used to show off its might in the last war has still not been able to pose any mortal threat to Britain.

However, 20 years later, what Kaiser Wilhelm II failed to do, a man named Adolf Hitler did, which has to make people feel emotional.

Can the UK still rise? Can His Majesty come back? Everyone was thinking about such a sad question in their hearts, watching the German troops pass by in front of them.

"Those who quietly look at the stars below can be our witnesses, when all the brothers are silent and feel that they believe in the wrong god." On the street, an Opel Lightning truck with artillery attached roared past, and the soldiers above sat on the ammunition Singer on the box.

A German motorcycle soldier in a handsome leather coat parked his BMW motorcycle on the side of the road and observed everyone on the street through his goggles.

Dietrich, who was wearing an SS general's dress, sat in his convertible, surrounded by soldiers and tanks, and slowly drove across the street.

The German soldiers who knew the arrival of their chief officer sang even harder. The majestic singing was accompanied by the sound of leather boots hitting the ground, which made every German commander emotional: "We don't want to break those words, not all All the boys grow up the same..."

The deeply infected Dietrich also hummed and tapped the upper edge of the convertible car's door with his fingers: "I just want to spread and tell the beauty of the German Empire."

An armored vehicle and a truck stopped in front of the tallest government building on the south bank of the Thames, and then a decent German officer jumped out of the truck and walked to the British officer waiting at the door.

Standing in front of the other party, he raised his arm and saluted a standard German salute: "I officially accept this place on behalf of Germany!"

Behind him, the 20mm cannon on the armored vehicle pointed gloomily ahead, and many German soldiers had jumped out of the truck.

These soldiers began to line up on the side of the road, and a squad leader shouted the password, and the neat German soldiers stood in a standard row in the password.

The British official stood there with tears in his eyes. Behind him, on the tall flagpole above the building, a British Union Jack was slowly being lowered.

Not far away is the bridge across the Thames Tower Bridge, built in 1894.

It was not destroyed by the war, but in a few hours, it was divided into two, and it became a bridge owned by two countries at the same time.

Seeing that the flag belonging to the United Kingdom was slowly falling, the British officer couldn't bear it any longer, and began to cry uncontrollably.

If he could choose freely, he would rather die in the previous battle than live to see such a sad scene.

Unfortunately, the reality is no if. He is still alive and has to complete the tasks assigned to him by his superiors...

British soldiers and British civilians were crowded on the bridge, trying to leave the German-occupied territory. Germany turned a blind eye to this sort of thing, and they were unwilling to take over more British civilians than they expected.

After all, they don't have much food to waste. Except for some people who must be left behind by the name of the head of state, Germany does not strictly restrict the personal freedom of British civilians in the occupied areas.

Of course, this randomness will end on March 9. By that time, anyone who wants to cross the border will have to go through strict inspections.

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