Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and thirty-nine is a good day

Everyone thought that the war was over, and the most leisurely place should be the Supreme Command, which was under the personal control of the head of state.

It is a pity that the busy situation here is even busier than when the full-scale war against Britain was launched.

Countless documents were sent here, and then they were classified and processed by the secretary and officers at all levels, and after they were classified, they were sent to Marshal Keitel.

Germany's Eastern Front is really a very large armed group. There are 200,000 Italian expeditionary forces here, as well as servants from countries such as Romania.

In addition to the full 3 million German army troops, the food consumed every day is a huge expense.

These troops were also equipped with various models of cars, with a large number of carriages. Towed artillery, armored vehicles, assault guns, and a variety of tanks.

The thrifty German troops, from the No. 2 tank to the most advanced No. 5 Panther tank, are still equipped in the hands of various armored units.

The artillery unit is also equipped with a number of 150mm caliber howitzers transformed from the No. 2 tank chassis, as well as the famous Stalker tank destroyer.

Of course, the most equipment is still those things, the No. 3 assault gun, the No. 4 tank, and the Stalker tank destroyer.

It can also be easily seen from here how important the tank destroyer created by the Führer is. In less than a year, it has become the backbone of the German armored force.

Because the fighting on the Western Front was over, there were countless planes to be transferred from the Western Front to the Eastern Front. Germany has maintained about 5,000 aircraft of various types all year round on the Western Front, and now most of them can fly to the Eastern Front to participate in the war.

About 700 JU-52 transports, 1500 FW-190 series and ME-109 series fighters, and more than 1700 JU-88 bombers and JU-87 Stukas flew to the Eastern Front.

Every day, everyone can see groups of planes flying over their heads, so many that no one can count them.

The number of aircraft on the Western Front has been reduced from about 5,000 to about 1,100 at once. It is self-evident how much power has been saved.

Germany's original disadvantage of more than 3,700 aircraft on the Eastern Front was suddenly reversed, and the number of aircraft soared to a terrible value of 7,600.

Historically, Germany had about 5,000 aircraft at the time of Operation Barbarossa. Li Le is obviously much stronger now than in history.

First, he won the Battle of Britain, which saved him at least 1,000 planes.

Second, he took control of part of the UK, and breaking the UK also allowed him to reduce the number of fighter jets in France, and also allowed him to deploy about 500 more aircraft to fight.

In the end, Speer's industrial coordination improved German production efficiency, so Germany had a full 1,000 more aircraft to fight.

With so many aircraft, Li Le's air force combat effectiveness can definitely be described as amazing.

His plane is much more advanced than his opponent's plane, and his pilot is much more powerful than his opponent's pilot.

"In order to solve the logistical supply problem for the attack on the Soviet Union, we built the supply station too far forward..." Keitel pointed to the map and introduced the current border situation to Li Le.

The distribution of materials and troop composition is planned according to the offensive. If you want to temporarily change to defensive mode, the damage may be even greater.

German troops were so good at attacking that it felt wasteful to have them defend. A large number of troops are deployed at the front, and retreating at this time is easy to cause confusion.

If the Soviets noticed and suddenly crossed the border to attack, the German frontier would be plunged into a desperate rout.

Li Le looked at the map, and he didn't know whether he was good at attacking, or whether it was more in line with the current situation to switch to strategic defense.

Without his familiar history for him to learn from, he now relies entirely on his own judgment to guide the development of the Third Reich.

History has long since changed beyond recognition. If the United Kingdom was still there, history would still have three points of inertia. Then when the British surrendered, history strayed from its original trajectory and headed for a fork in the road that Li Le did not know about.

Previously, the Barbarossa plan drawn up by Li Le was a series of repairs made in accordance with historical inertia.

However, the war was abruptly advanced due to the Soviet Union's reaction and the fall of the United Kingdom, which made the series of improvements and repairs made by Li Le lose their original meaning.

"If the Barbarossa plan is implemented ahead of schedule, will the result get out of control?" Li Le asked Keitel, staring at the map.

Hearing the Führer's question, Keitel was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why this question made him feel uncomfortable, but his instinct was to make him feel different.

Then, the German marshal realized the crux of the matter. Even before the start of the invasion of Britain, which everyone was not optimistic about, the President did not use an inquiring tone to seek his opinion.

Thinking of this, Keitel realized that the Fuhrer had no certainty of winning this war that was beyond the plan.

Immediately afterwards, the German marshal was relieved, God bless, who can have the assurance of victory in such a war that will devote all the power of the whole country and decide the fate of the world?

"My Führer! Start the attack plan ahead of time. Our attack will lose momentum near Smolensk. This is something you already know." Keitel is not easy to answer. over the answer.

Li Le nodded, and suddenly said to Keitel: "Then we will implement the Barbarossa plan as soon as possible, hit Smolensk, and then go to Smolensk!"

what is this? Keitel thought to himself. The Anglo-German Armistice Agreement was just signed on March 8, and it was decided to enter a state of war again on March 10?

In other words, the Führer has fulfilled his promise to the people of this country: defeating Britain will bring peace. It's a pity that peace has come, but it's only been two days...

How ironic, the good head of state, loved by the people, began to brew a new war on the third day of the armistice.

However, as a marshal, Keitel's answer changed as soon as he opened his mouth: "My head of state, a subsequent weak attack will be met with a violent counterattack."

"Now we have more than 700 transport planes, and more bombers are responsible for clearing obstacles... The speed of ground propulsion will be faster, and the transportation of materials will be more." Li Le is more optimistic, because he Know that Operation Barbarossa that never happened.

Knowing that plan, when formulating the new Barbarossa plan, the data he provided to the staff was much harsher than everyone's optimistic estimates.

Many people think that the combat effectiveness of the Soviet Union's troops is not high, and after losing a lot of living forces, they will rout and surrender.

But Li Le knew that even if they hit the city of Moscow, Stalin and his troops had no intention of surrendering.

Even Stalin issued an order to execute all retreating commanders, as well as soldiers who abandoned their positions.

It was also the first time that Germany experienced a scorched-earth policy in the Soviet Union and experienced brutal street fighting, how terrible it was.

"Let Brauchitch be ready, we must launch the offensive before the Soviets attack..." Li Le and his staff Keitel actually agreed on this.

Keitel even had Brauchitch, Guderian and Manstein, Lundstedt and Weicks and so on all had the same idea.

All agreed that it was more in line with the traditional advantages of the German army to attack first than to have a great cause to be invaded.

Rather than smashing Poland and even Romania into ruins, it is better to directly attack the Soviet Union and fight comfortably on the vast plains of Ukraine.

Motivated by this kind of thinking, the top executives of the German army are generally willing to strike first. Li Le is also prepared to launch the Barbarossa plan ahead of schedule with such an idea.

At this time, on the developed highways of Germany, cars were speeding one after another, transporting as much supplies as possible to the front line.

In the sky, the transport planes are not simple transitions. They also shoulder the task of transportation, transporting as many aviation bombs as possible from the western front to the eastern front to participate in the war.

The road is also not peaceful, horses and bicycles have become the protagonists here. The tall horses and their bicycles are full of daily necessities, as if they were brought back in time to the First World War.

The busiest is still along the railway line. A large number of newly produced tanks are transported to the east line, and the carriages are full of recruits who are going to report to the east line.

While everyone is still celebrating the arrival of peace, the transportation system of the Third Reich is at full capacity, making final preparations for a new oil shipped from Libya, because Without the threat of enemy attack, it was more efficient to reach Italy and Greece.

Countless quantities of refined oil were sent to the front lines, driving Germany's unprecedentedly powerful armored corps and air force, ready to engage in a life-and-death contest with an equally powerful enemy.

The new Barbarossa against a major thunderstorm plan that may not exist in history, the forces hoarded on the border by both sides have been mobilized, and the battle seems to be imminent.

"My Führer, then, when will the attack be launched?" Keitel, who knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion, asked the Führer standing in front of him.

Li Le thought about it for a while, excluding a few days of preparing to fight, he could only launch an attack in a week at the earliest.

So the head of state slowly opened his mouth and gave a specific action date: "Let's temporarily set it on March 20! On that day, implement the Barbarossa plan!"

"This is really a good day! My head of state!" Keitel congratulated after standing at attention and salute.

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