Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and forty-one victories in Germany

March 20th is really a good day. Li Le couldn't help but think so in his heart. He planned to invade the Soviet Union on this day, only to be counterattacked by the Soviets on this day.

"Goering! My Imperial Marshal! When will the Air Force gain air supremacy! I want to destroy the enemy's artillery positions!" Li Le turned his head and asked Goering loudly beside the combat map.

"My head of state! The air force has all taken off! The scale of the bombing even exceeded the scale of the bombing of London! The sky belongs to us! It must belong to us!" Goering answered with confidence and loudly.

Of course he is confident, and he is very confident. Before the war, his pilots had received data from the Führer's shadow forces and had a good understanding of the Soviet Air Force.

The Germans knew everything about the improved version of the I-16, the main Soviet fighter, and even knew that these planes didn't even have a pressurized cockpit.

Goering has FW-190D fighter jets and ME-109E fighter jets in his hands. These planes are the strongest fighter jets in the world that are slightly stronger than the Spitfire, and much stronger than the Soviets.

Flying these advanced fighter jets are Germany's battle-hardened ace pilots, almost all of whom have participated in the British air battle, and their combat experience is so rich that their opponents are desperate.

The plan to fight against Britain in rounds has enabled Germany to train numerous excellent pilots and strengthen the pilot replacement team.

With a solid foundation, Goering certainly has the confidence to eliminate the weak Soviet air force and gain air supremacy over the battlefield.

1,000 German fighter jets took off early, and by this time had already flown over the Soviet border. They were intercepted by 2,000 Soviet fighter jets inside the Soviet Union.

As a result, the commanders of the Soviet Air Force were desperate: the Soviet Air Force, which had a clear superiority in number, had a hard-to-see victory that made people cry without tears.

Of the 2,000 Soviet I-16 fighters, only more than 300 fled back to the airport in the hinterland. The rest of the planes were shot down, and the result they achieved was that they shot down less than 100 German fighters.

The almost despairing 17-to-1 battle loss ratio suddenly made the Soviet air superiority a complete joke.

Following the 1,000 German fighter jets, there are a full 2,000 bombers of various types, including the HE-111 and the JU-87 Stuka, and of course the famous JU-88.

The bombers soon appeared over the heads of the Soviet troops, dropping tons of bombs on important areas.

Some planes bombed Soviet barracks, creating chaos for the assembly of Soviet troops. The Soviet ground troops began to rout, largely because there were always German planes circling overhead.

Stuka dive bombers attacked more expensive targets, and these dive-down precision bombers chose their targets on Soviet artillery.

Swarms of Stukas fell from the sky and blew the front-line artillery that was firing on the territory of Germany into piles of scrap metal.

The Soviet soldiers lost their most important fire support, and the troops without artillery had to retreat. The chaotic front line made all commanders desperate, and the Soviet army was defeated like a mountain.

"Go to the side of the road and wait for our infantrymen to gather you! If you don't get out of the way, I will order fire!" Standing on a tank, the German interpreter shouted loudly to the Soviet prisoners.

The dense crowd of Soviet soldiers watched in horror as German tanks drove past them. They never knew that the Germans had so many tanks before.

In fact, the German tanks are still not as many as the Soviet tanks, but the Germans are accustomed to using their tanks together, so it seems that the number is very scary.

At least locally, the German armored forces had the advantage. They were covered by the Air Force and supported by truckloads of logistical supplies.

Therefore, the offensive troops, including Guderian's Panzer 1st Army, advanced very fast in the Soviet Union.

The No. 4 tanks went forward one after another along the road, followed by armored vehicles and trucks, followed by the No. 2 tanks in charge of the flanks and the No. 3 assault guns.

Although they tried their best to make their weapon models simpler, the German army still had a lot of mixed weapons.

For example, the 1st Panzer Army commanded by the most elite Guderian has three types of tanks: No. 3 tanks and No. 4 tanks, as well as a small number of No. 5 tanks.

If you count the military's independent self-propelled anti-tank guns and artillery units, they also have Stalker tank destroyers and No. 3 and No. 4 assault guns.

The attack was more complicated than before because the Soviet Union was also attacking. The advance was easier than expected because the Soviet Union, which was also attacking, did not have many people in charge of defense.

The two sides almost collided in the field, so most of the soldiers who were expected to be consumed on the other side's defensive positions survived.

The bad news is not without, because the Soviets are also attacking, so the casualties in some areas of the German army are not small, and the battle is very chaotic.

Germany likes to fight in this chaotic state, because in comparison, German soldiers have a higher combat quality.

So when both sides are in chaos, Germany tends to play better than their opponents. It is precisely because of this that Marshal Lundstedt, who commanded the Army Group Central, did not let his troops withdraw.

He ordered Guderian to keep attacking in the middle, like a sharp knife piercing the heart of the Soviet Union.

It was with Guderian's fierce attack that the situation was now more favorable to the German troops. By the afternoon of March 20, most of the German troops had entered the Soviet Union.

"My Führer! The speech broadcast is ready! You..." Goebbels walked in, leaning in the Führer's ear and reminding softly.

Li Le nodded, stood up and said to his generals: "The war has started, and it turns out that the Soviets are also preparing to attack. They even chose the same day as us."

If by now, it is not clear what happened on the front lines, the German commanders could have killed themselves.

So Li Le knew the key to the chaos on the front line, that is, the two sides prepared the same performance in the same area by coincidence.

Then both sides planned an all-out attack at the same time - the result was such a mess that both sides were caught off guard.

The only thing that makes Li Le feel relieved is that the German army has recovered from the state of being caught off guard, but the Soviet Union seems to be still in a state of paralysis.

"Fight for the motherland! Send those **** Soviets to hell!" After Li Le said this firmly, he took Goebbels out of the conference room.

"Marshal, it's really like what the Führer said, if we don't attack the Soviets, will the Soviets attack us?" a colonel officer asked in a low voice.

Hearing the question, Brauchitch turned his head and looked at his subordinates and replied coldly: "What can you change now by asking this? The war has already begun, and only victory can end it!"

Surrounded by a large group of generals, Li Le stood on the prepared podium. He adjusted his voice and signaled to the people next to him to start.

Then, he spoke into the microphone: "People of Germany! Just now! The Soviet Union is trying to invade our sacred territory when the border between our country and the United Kingdom has just ended the war."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, and then continued to speak in a very sad tone: "They entered our country, killed our soldiers, and shelled our cities..."

"That's what allies do! Stalin tore up the non-aggression agreement between the two countries! He is treachery! He is a despicable and arrogant tyrant!" As if to be seen by others, Li Le waved his hands and vented passionately. dissatisfaction.

If you just listen to this speech by the Fü, no one will doubt that it is the war provoked by the evil Soviet Union.

It is a pity that only the marshals of the Third Reich who will never tell the truth, and the corpses of Polish prisoners of war lying in the wilderness in the border areas, know the truth of this matter.

"Stalin betrayed us! He deceived our feelings! We have just bathed in peace! We are about to enter a state of war because of Stalin's curse alone!" Li Le complained loudly angrily, driving everyone's emotions.

Standing there, Manstein, who attended this speech, even believed that it was the perfidy of the Soviets.

The Führer has such a magic power, which makes people unconditionally choose to believe his words. Li Le is also glorious now, like the existence of a god.

"Then! Let our tanks tell Stalin! Let our planes tell Stalin! Let our battleships tell Stalin! Tell him that our empire will win! Our empire is invincible!" Fist, Li Le ended this speech.

"Organize reporters immediately to cover the border areas... Put the war hat on Stalin's head..." Li Le whispered to Goebbels as he stepped off the podium.

Goebbels nodded quickly and promised Li Le: "I have already sent a telegram back to Berlin, and more than 100 reporters will arrive at the border soon."

"This time it was God's help, and the Soviets cooperated flawlessly. They bombarded our countless border villages, and they can't fake it." Li Le smiled proudly, then restrained his smile and regained his sternness. expression.

"Victory! Fuhrer!" When he passed by the army general, all the army officers raised their arms like an arch.

Li Le also raised his arm and responded, "Victory! Germany!"

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