Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and fifty-one ethnic conflicts

This shell cut through the air in an instant, spanned a short distance, and hit the front of the turret of the kv-1 tank.

Almost at the same angle and in the same direction, the shell also hit the shield of the kv-1 tank, and the huge impact suddenly penetrated the armor there.

At such a close distance, the penetration performance of the 88mm artillery is completely sufficient, and the front of the turret of the kv-1 tank obviously does not have such a tricky inclined design.

Here is a nice looking arc, but this one doesn't have much inclination in the lateral position of the front closest to the gun barrel.

It is unrealistic to fully use the thickness of the armor to resist the power of the 88mm gun. Even in 1945, the German 88 was still a deadly threat.

So, the shell penetrated the turret of the KV-1 and caused indescribable damage to the Soviet crew members inside.

The shattered armor fragments rampage in the narrow space, and after hitting the human body, it will form a cutting effect, severing the muscles and smashing the bones.

If these fragments hit the shells stored in the tank's body, it would detonate, tearing the entire tank apart in a flash.

The explosion happened of course, the turret of this kv-1 tank was lifted into the air because of the explosion, and then fell to a short distance.

The base where the turret was originally installed is now only a circular void, from which flames churned and looked alive.

No one saw the occupants of the tank come out, because after seeing what was happening, no one doubted the fact that everyone in the tank was dead.

The Soviets fell back again, as more German aircraft arrived, and the German infantry that followed had also entered the village.

Timoshenko hoped to stick to the idea of ​​​​the periphery of Brest, but it only lasted for more than an hour before it came to nothing.

The loss of the flank made Brest where he was in a precarious situation. The Germans didn't seem to have any intention of rushing into the city to fight in the streets, they just bypassed the city and advanced further afield.

"If the Germans occupied Tobinka, we would be almost completely surrounded." Timoshenko was a sergeant general, and he only analyzed the situation from the most professional military perspective.

If his troops lost the rail line, a massive retreat would be a luxury. Encirclement is inevitable, and the end of the army will come later.

He tried to convince himself not to think about the so-called punishment of Stalin, because he was determined to stick to Brest.

Now he is thinking about the way out for the hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers around him. If he and hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops were wiped out in Brest, the entire Western Front would collapse.

If such a tragedy really happened, then the German army would basically be able to kill Minsk unimpeded.

If Minsk is lost, the whole of Belarus will be handed over. It is worth thinking about whether the Soviet Union has lost these places and whether there is any hope of victory.

"It is also possible to walk from the road, and retreat from the direction of Kobrin." Khrushchev chose the direction of retreat for himself, and at the same time, there were more than 200,000 elite Soviet troops walking with him.

These troops are what Timoshenko asked Khrushchev to take away. If these troops are lost on the Brest front line, there will be almost no troops in front of Moscow.

Obviously, this is also Timoshenko showing his favor to Khrushchev. He could die in Brest, sacrifice for his own name and honor, but his family must have a better ending.

Khrushchev reciprocated, promising that Timoshenko would take care of his wife, children, and children after returning to Moscow.

"The Germans are already attacking Tobinka, you must leave now! You will be overtaken by the German troops on the road, and you won't even be able to reach Ivatsevich!" Timoshenko pointed to the map to Khrushche. The husband emphasized.

The speed of the German army's advance was more terrifying than the Soviet high-level calculations. After defeating the Soviet troops, the German army only took two days to hit the periphery of Brest.

At this rate, the Germans will be able to reach Minsk, capture it and attack Smolensk in a week at most.

"The German mechanized troops are more effective than we imagined. After you go back, you must try your best to tell Comrade Stalin what happened on the front line." As a dying man, Timosin What my brother is doing now can be said to be selfless.

In his opinion, as long as the German Army Group Center has the intention of going north, they will soon encircle the troops on the northern front of the Soviet Army and wipe out the Soviet Union's northern corps near Vilnius.

Once the northern corps has a mistake, Leningrad is almost declared to be lost. At that time, the only hope of stopping the Germans from continuing to attack will be on Khrushchev.

"I'm leaving now! If Comrade Stalin doesn't let me go to Minsk, I'll build a defense line in Baranovich." This is the biggest compromise Khrushchev can make now. He only has so much authority to dare to. One step beyond the pond.

In Timoshenko's mind, there was a more terrifying possibility that he didn't mention, that is, the German troops let go of their thoughts of going north to Moscow and detoured to the south.

The big thunderstorm plan that did not happen in history, the Soviet Union launched and executed in advance in this time and space.

In the thunderstorm plan, the focus of the Soviet Union's attack on the Axis group was Romania and other areas on the south side.

Because the Soviet Union wanted to destroy an important oil-producing area of ​​the Axis powers as soon as possible, destroying the war potential of Germany and Italy.

It is a pity that this offensive direction has long been speculated by the German side. The best direction for the Soviet Union to attack Germany is here.

Brauchitch is not stupid, Keitel is not stupid, and Li Le, a transmigrator, is not stupid. The German army deployed a large number of troops in the south, waiting for the Soviet Union to attack.

Unlike Army Group Center, most of the German troops deployed in Romania and other regions were traditional infantry.

Their purpose is to build a large and deep defensive position, waiting for the Soviets to come to the door. As of March 23, the Soviet army had been attacking for three days, almost standing still.

The Germans gained an advantage in the frontal center, and the troops attacked Brest, and the flank of the Soviet southern regiment was threatened, and the attack stopped on March 24.

And if these elite Soviet troops were encircled and annihilated in Ukraine, the blow to the Soviet Union would be fatal, and it was the last thing the Soviet Union was willing to bear.

Watching Khrushchev hurried out to escape for his life, Timoshen was unavoidably sad. It's one thing to be ready to die, but quite another to actually face it.

The Germans had captured Verkhović, and Bialystok had already hoisted the **** red flag. The collapse of the central region has already occurred, and there is absolutely no way to stop it.

"Report!" An officer hurried in, stood at attention and saluted, reporting: "Comrade Commander... Tobinka has just fallen..."

"Falled? I have 20,000 people there!" After hearing the news of Tobinka's fall, Timoshen couldn't calm down.

If Khrushchev's retreating troops were overtaken by the Germans, it would be meaningless for him to stay here.

At that time, everyone will be annihilated, and his retreat will make the 200,000 elites have no support for the town, and will only be destroyed faster.

In order to cover Khrushchev's retreat, he deployed two infantry divisions, a total of 20,000 troops, on Tobinka.

"White... Soldiers of the Belarusian ethnic group mutiny... When the Germans arrived, there was a change of flags." The officer swallowed a mouthful of saliva and replied.

He couldn't help but be nervous. If Tobinka was lost, Brest would have been surrounded on three sides.

Needless to say, the front is already occupied by the German army, and Mallorita and Mocrane in the southern region are already in the possession of the German army.

Now the Tobinka in the north is lost There is only one road left in Brest, to Kobrin in the rear.

If the road is finally cut off again, they can be considered completely surrounded.

If the surrender is known, the whole family will be implicated, and it takes courage to die here, not everyone is willing...

Therefore, the officer is now in a rut, thinking about whether he should find an opportunity to persuade Timoshenko to retreat to Kobrin.

"I knew it, I knew it!" After hearing what happened, Brother Timoshen understood everything.

The Soviet Union seems to be united, but in fact the internal contradictions have a long history. The Great Purge brought Stalin the power to speak out, and it also dissipated the popular support of the Soviet Union at the grassroots level.

In addition, the contradictions between the Russians and the Belarusian and Ukrainian minorities are becoming more and more irreconcilable, and the anti-Soviet voices in Ukraine and Belarus have actually been noisy for a long time.

In this case, the German invasion was like a key that opened Pandora's box, directly detonating various ethnic conflicts within the Soviet Union.

It is precisely because of this that it is only natural for the Belarusian people to mutiny collectively at such a critical time and create trouble for the Soviet Union.

"Immediately issue an order and pass it on to the commanders of the various armies! Disrupt the second-line troops recruited according to the region, and move the troops from Ukraine and Belarus from the most critical places!" Timoshenko was helpless, and also only remedy.

Now that he was devastated by the worsening battle situation, he clutched his chest, found a chair and sat down, before continuing to order: "Hurry up and tell Comrade Khrushchev... let him go! Go! Go now! Go now!"

"Yes!" The officer stood at attention and saluted, and quickly turned to leave.

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