Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and seventy rest

A truck whizzed down the road, and Karjus was woken from his sleep by the noise. He lifted the blanket over himself at once, and yawned.

Before this sleep, he had not rested for 40 consecutive hours. When night came, his tank was still moving forward.

The attack speed of the German army is too fast, and such a speed depends on the troops running out without sleep.

In fact, there were not many real battles. After breaking through the defense lines of the Soviet defenders, the Germans spent most of the time on their way.

It may sound incredible, but in any war of mankind, the time spent on the road is more than the time on the attack.

An excellent general is a general who can restrain the troops, so that the troops can rush from the assembly point to the combat point without loss.

In ancient times when communication was incomplete, this was definitely a very hard job. Sometimes we have to personally go back and forth between the two ends of the team, constantly inspecting and supervising, so that a team can move forward in a safe and stable manner.

In modern warfare, information technology is becoming more and more powerful, and the troops receive more and more information.

But chaos still exists, especially in the vast area, any army must accept the test of chaos.

Originally, when a modern mechanical army was advancing, it was not easy to fall into chaos. But this is only an ideal situation, and chaos is everywhere in reality.

Why even today, 70 years later, do the teams still use various conditions to conduct long-distance maneuver training?

The reason is actually because there is a small chance that there will be problems with countless individuals in a unit, and these problems will accumulate and become the source of chaos.

If you don't train to find these possible problems on weekdays, then when the real problem occurs, it will cause a series of confusion.

The Germans have all sorts of problems now, and more problems than when they were training.

Killing from the territory of Poland to the hinterland of the Soviet Union in one go is much farther than the expedition to France.

After advancing more than 200 kilometers, the heavy weapons of the German troops have fallen into the stage of failure. Many tanks need maintenance, and many tanks are left behind because of various problems.

For example, the 505th Independent Heavy Tank Destroyer Battalion had 40 Leopard tanks at the time of the war, 4 barrel trucks, 2 maintenance vehicles and a dozen trucks at the battalion headquarters.

In the ten-day battle, none of the battalion's tanks were destroyed in the battle, which shows the excellence and advanced design of the Panther tank.

However, during the 10-day rush, a Panther tank drove off the roadbed and crashed into the gutter because the driver was too tired, causing the gearbox to be damaged and left behind.

There are also two tanks that stopped halfway due to malfunctions and have not returned to the team so far. What's more unfortunate is that another tank hit a mine and was directly blown up by two road wheels, paralyzed on the side of the road.

On the Leopard tank that was damaged by the mine, the first casualty record after the battle of the 505th Tank Battalion was born.

Five crew members, the driver and radio operator were killed, and the commander, gunner, and loader were wounded.

It is precisely because of this incident that the officers and soldiers of the 505th Tank Battalion realized the cruelty of the war and saw the real death with their own eyes.

In the past days, they were all sitting in the most powerful tanks in the world, just firing at the enemy from a distance.

This kind of battle is simple and lacks realism, so the officers and soldiers of the 505th Armored Battalion can treat such a war so commonly.

But now, those days are over, friends among them have died, and they have seen the tenacity of their enemies.

Pulling open the tent curtain, Karjus squinted at the sun overhead. The entire battalion was ordered to rest here for 10 hours, and now it is estimated that it is almost time to eat.

The war not only made people stay up late, but also disrupted everyone's meal time. From the beginning of the Soviet-German war, most of the German heads of state to the grassroots soldiers of the German army may not have time to eat on time.

Tyre was still sleeping in the tent, covering his military uniform messily, enjoying his sweet dreams sweetly.

The other tent was not so comfortable. Because of the treatment, the gunner and the commander enjoyed the double tent, while the other three had to squeeze into one tent.

When I think about it, I feel full of passion. The three big men in the tent are huddled together and snoring, which is really a scene that makes people laugh and cry.

On the highway, the car pulled the large-caliber artillery and drove past Karyus' tent with a slight bump.

On the embankments on both sides, the German soldiers carried their weapons, rushing forward one by one, walking listlessly.

It's not a good thing to travel on two legs, and they won't be much faster than mechanized troops if they walk like this for a day.

As infantry, they can only keep walking like this, always following behind like this. Go until the end of the war, or wait until the tank troops meet the city and stop themselves.

Tasting the dust rolled up by the car, these soldiers who haven't bathed for ten days are the most powerful army in the world.

If you just look at their clothes and the miserable appearance of beards, it is estimated that it is difficult to associate with the word combat power.

Climbing into his tank and picking out a battered cup from the luggage rack behind the tank's turret, Karjus yawned again wearily.

Along the way, he has passed too many places, so many that he himself can't remember where they are.

They fought at Tobinka and then captured Kobrin. Immediately from there, we proceeded to Beryoza.

One fight after another, day after day on the road. He looked numbly at the scattered Soviet soldiers, dejectedly detained, and walked past the tracks of his tank.

After pouring a glass of water from a gasoline bucket, Karjus began to clean his mouth with his toothbrush.

He had not had time to brush his teeth and wash his face for several days. There was oil all over his body, and there seemed to be sand rubbing and rolling in his mouth.

After rinsing his mouth, he spit out the liquid, which was not known to be gasoline or clean water, on the ground. Karius didn't even know the difference between brushing his teeth and not brushing his teeth.

Now his mouth is full of the smell of gasoline, as refreshing as 92 gasoline. After rinsing his mouth several times, Karjus poured the rest of the water into his stomach.

When was the last time a performance troupe in the army came to Lao Jun? In my mind, such a question suddenly appeared absurdly.

I looked at my black armored uniform, which had been rubbed a little because of the oil stains.

I wonder if those passionate girls will like such armored soldiers. I vaguely remember that the last time they were very popular with girls, many girls threw garlands around their necks to the armored soldiers.

It's just that at that time they were wearing dresses, and they took a shower on purpose. It was definitely not the sloppy appearance they are now.

"I don't know when we'll be able to go to Moscow and tie that **** stupid pig to the crawler track." Karjus muttered as he put the cup into the shelf behind the tank's turret.

Next to the cup is one machine gun drum after another. The armored troops in the attack will always try their best to bring some more ammunition in case of emergency.

Closing the lid of the glove box, and looking at the square-shaped turret because of the glove box, Karjus felt that his belly was so hungry that it was about to bulge.

There is no field dining car that provides good food service, even if there is a high-level command area such as the military department.

Soldiers in war spend half their time preparing their own food, and this is no exception.

"Card!" Another box hanging outside the turret was locked, and the keys were all in the hands of the tank commander.

It contains valuables carried by a tank, such as a strip girl's picture It may also be luxury goods such as cigarettes and chocolate... or food such as canned vegetables.

During combat, ammunition can be exchanged with each other, but food must be properly kept. It's nothing to have a few drum bullets stolen, just steal it back.

But if two cans are stolen, they will never be found. Any food is precious, more precious than life.

Looking at the not-quiet camp, and a few soldiers on duty standing on the high ground in the distance, Karjus twisted his can.

Little by little, until the entire rim of the lid of the can was unscrewed, he lifted the tin and tucked the fork in.

Inside is lunch meat that has a bad smell, but it is already a rare delicacy on the front line. Karjus stuffed it into his mouth while looking at the road in the distance.

Next to the road are still infantrymen carrying weapons. Most of them are still carrying Mauser 98K rifles, but the proportion is quite small.

There are also people with MP-38 submachine guns slung around their necks, which looks classy. And those soldiers with assault rifles are all non-commissioned officers and lieutenants with flowers on their shoulders.

These people walked forward in an orderly manner, but at this moment on the road beside them, they had transformed into another appearance.

The towed guns had all passed, followed by one truck after another. These trucks have strange things in the cabins, and they're covered with canvas.

Needless to say, Karyus also knew that those grotesque weapons covered in canvas were the legendary pipe organ, the terrifying weapon known as the Führer's hammer.

After taking a bite of the luncheon meat, Karjus felt like he was moved to tears: the gasoline-flavored salted and salted flour meat was so delicious.

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