Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and seventy-eight dangerous enemies

His tank trembled slightly, then shook violently, followed by the entire tank and began to move forward, leaving behind a cloud of blue smoke.

The three tanks drove forward in the slightly fading fog, followed by soldiers of the Wehrmacht who were ready for battle.

These German soldiers have experienced hundreds of battles, from Poland to France, there are their footprints and figures. They are the most powerful infantry in the world, no doubt about that.

Even with half of his body exposed, Karjus could feel the rhythmic roar of the engine inside the tank.

The houses of the small village in the distance could already be faintly seen, and the soldiers of the Wehrmacht had set up another machine gun behind a gap in a fence next to the field, followed by the sound of the bolt being pulled.

Karyus knew that they were now very close to the possible line of defense of the Soviet army, so he had to get into the turret of his tank and closed the hatch.

"Joseph! Search for the target directly ahead! If you find anything, fire it immediately." He ordered while closing the hatch.

"Understood!" Joseph pulled the bolt of the heading machine gun in his position, making a clattering sound.

The bullets are loaded, the battle is ready, no one knows what will happen in the next second, everyone is waiting restlessly.

"Kent! The flanks... have... anything found? Hiss...hiss..." In the earphones, the company commander's voice became a little vague.

There seemed to be a little bit of interference in the radio, which was not good news, and the lack of communication in battle would have severely negated the advantages of the German forces in cooperation.

"Boom!" When Karjus was still thinking about the bad communication, he felt his chariot shake slightly. He knew that the sound just now was an explosion, but he was not sure what exactly exploded.

It may be that the tank on your side opened fire, or it may be the explosion caused by the falling of the enemy's artillery shell.

In the slightly dim and cramped tank cockpit, he didn't know anything, and everything around him could only be determined by limited observation and lookout to determine what was going on.

"Damn!" After he complained, he quickly shouted to his gunner: "Till! Hold on! Has anyone found the target? Car 2! Kent! What happened? Are you firing? Answer quickly. !"

"Hsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseded headphone with Kent's answer: "1... drive... hell!"

The leaky house suffered overnight rain, the battle had just begun, and the communication in the tank became unstable. The sound of the current interference made Karius feel a little irritable.

"Fire!...Fire!" Another voice shouted at the same time. Inside the tank that appeared to be the company commander, he was giving orders to attack his men.

"Bastard! The company commander opened fire! Erich! Stop!" Karjus got up from his seat and hurriedly tried to open the hatch above his head: "Car No. 2! Fire smoke bombs! Cover Captain's Tank! Quick!"

"Smoke...bomb! I fired it!" Kent in Car No. 2 replied slightly more coherently, it seemed that the communication was just a habitual ups and downs: "Fire!"

"Boom!" As soon as he opened his hatch, Karjus heard the loud noise of the cannon outside. Fortunately, he was still wearing headphones, otherwise he probably couldn't hear anything now.

Car No. 2 opened fire, and the dust that was blown up by the airflow forced him to retreat back into the tank turret, closed the hatch and cursed loudly: "Damn it."

"Stop! Erich! Stop! I'll say it again! Stop! You bastard!" Karjus felt a sense of fear in his heart and kept yelling.

It stands to reason that the Soviets would never put such a huge pressure on him. There are few weapons that can threaten the Panther tank at such a distance, but today he still feels the danger.

Like the instinct of a beast, Karjus felt that today's Soviet troops seemed a little abnormal, and the irritability lingered in his heart.

Eventually he felt his tank come to a stop, so he pushed open the hatch again and got out.

Holding up the binoculars hanging on his chest, he took a careful look at the small village in front of him. Because of the morning fog, he still didn't find anything.

In the telescope, he saw a few Soviet soldiers firing at the company commander's tank. The other party didn't use tracer bullets, so he couldn't see if there were any other Soviet soldiers.

"Where did the explosion just now come from?" He frowned, hoping to find the culprit.

Unfortunately, his efforts failed. When a bullet hit his hatch, Karyus realized the danger and resolutely retracted into his tank.

"Tyr! What did you see? I didn't find anything!" Karius, who had retracted into the tank, asked his gunner before giving up.

"You didn't find anything when you went out. My field of vision is so narrow, what else can you find? Hell!" The gunner complained, and continued to use his scope with a fairly high magnification but a rather narrow field of view to search for the position of the enemy.

The gunner also has an observation mirror with a wide field of view, but because of the morning fog, the observation mirror cannot effectively search for the target.

Therefore, Tyre can only use this method to observe with the high-magnification scope aimed at the artillery, hoping to find some clues.

"Tyr! It's 11 o'clock! Do you see those infantry? Don't aim, just shoot the grenade!" Since you can't find the target, kill the enemy you can see first. Karjus's attitude is very firm, and he will fight the enemy as much as possible.

Although he didn't see the enemy tank, Karius still didn't dare to be careless, and quickly pressed the throat communicator to give a loud command: "William! Armor-piercing bullets! Ready to reload! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

He felt that the turret of his tank was slowly turning with his command, and the cannon in front of the turret was pointing in the direction he needed. At this time, Karjus found that the smoke emitted by the No. 2 vehicle was drifting over, which seriously affected his vision.

"Damn it! What a mess!" Although there have been many battles, today's battle has always been full of chaos.

The German soldiers who followed Karjus were firing fiercely, and the sound of machine guns was dense. But because of the fog, Karyus couldn't see the fierce battle situation at all.

"Did the infantry find anything? Ask them which direction the enemy is in! I can't see it! I can't see it!" Karyus shouted dejectedly into the radio.

"Hssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of them."

"Joseph! Adjust the radio again! I can't hear anything, hell!" In desperation, Karius could only order to adjust his radio frequency at this time.

"Boom!" At this moment, Karjus felt a huge vibration of his tank. Because he didn't hold the handrail beside him tightly, he was shaken to and fro.

Quickly grabbing the things around him, Karjus realized that his tank was firing, but he didn't observe the battlefield, so he couldn't see where the shells went.

In fact, Tyre aimed at the distant Soviet positions, and a high-explosive grenade did have a suppressing effect.

The explosion suddenly made the Soviet machine guns misfire, and the German soldiers took the opportunity to advance a short distance.

"The company commander's tank is reversing! I saw him reversing." Erich, the driver, shouted to Karius.

"Move on! We can't cover those infantrymen by stopping here! Over the smoke bombs! It's bad enough to have a thick fog blocking the view." Karius gritted his teeth and braced himself to move on.

"The Russians...have...tanks!" the company commander's radio said.

Karjus listened to this reminder and didn't know what to say - the Soviets have too many tanks. What kind of tanks are they? Could you please clarify?

If it is a t-26, there is basically no difference between having it and not having it. But if it is a big guy like kv-1, then it has to be treated with caution.

"Boom!" At this time, the No. 2 car fired its high-explosive shells, and a house in the Soviet village collapsed, sending out even thicker black smoke.

Obviously, the No. 2 car did not find its target at all. I don't know whether it was for its own courage or to vent its anger. It opened fire at will and hit a building directly in front.

It was clearly a blind shot that didn't seem to do anything other than make finding the target more troublesome.

Karyus's tank was passing through the smoke formed by the smoke bomb little by little, and at this moment, the loud noise that provoked the battle happened again.

A huge artillery shell flew out of the small village and directly hit the side of the 1st company commander's car that was reversing.

About ten meters away, the black smoke formed by the explosion almost drowned the company commander's Panther tank.

At this time, Karyus was sticking his head out of the car to direct the direction. He could see clearly that there was an enemy attacking them, and it was an enemy that looked very dangerous.

"Company commander! Company commander! Someone is attacking you! Speed ​​up and reverse! Quickly speed up and reverse!" Not knowing if the other party could hear him, Karius held down his intercom and shouted desperately, hoping that the other party could hear his reminder.

"I know...I am...reversing...covering...covering me!" The company commander also seemed to realize the danger, and was desperately reversing, hoping to get rid of the enemy's deadly attack.

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