Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and eighty-three bombed Minsk

Above the sky, a bomber formation of 40 bombers was working hard to check their targets. They were under the clouds, and the darkness looked spectacular.

A bombardier turned helplessly at the aerial map in his hand: "Pilot! I can't find any terrain check points that can be compared!"

"Shut up! Since the start of the war, when have we found a checkpoint on the ground?" a pilot retorted.

On another plane, the navigator also reluctantly repeated the question: "The following is not the area we are going to bomb! We didn't even fly to the edge of that area."

"Yes! Blind people have seen it, this is not Minsk!" Someone complained on the radio.

As long as they are not blind, they can see that there is not a city directly below them, so they did not fly over Minsk at all.

"The navigation plane went wrong! I said it long ago! We couldn't find the reference provided by the reconnaissance plane half an hour ago!" The radio was full of complaints.

In the ju-88 bomber closely following the pilot plane, the driver also complained: "There is not even anti-aircraft fire here, and there is no military target below us at all! What should we do now?"

"How do I know what to do? The group of idiots Stuka who just returned took up our flight path, and then we deviate from the original goal!" The navigator said helplessly.

He was also full of anger at this time: "The tower let us make way, now it's okay, we can't even find Minsk!"

The air force commander in charge of the frontline command didn't want to make a pointless quarrel. He asked loudly: "Okay! Stop arguing! Who knows what to do now?"

"If you can't find the target, go back! This is the most direct way." The navigator suggested helplessly.

"No one objected?" The commander asked an interesting question. Who would object to returning to the voyage? So soon the proposal was passed: "Then let's go back!"

"This is Bomber Formation 3 heading to Minsk! This is Bomber Formation 3 heading to Minsk! We didn't find the intended target for attack! Please return! Please return!" The captain of the pilot plane called from the headset. .

"This is the control tower, I can't confirm your location! There is a plane returning on the current route! If you have enough fuel, just wait for a while." The voice of the ground command station came from the earphone.

The captain of the navigation plane had no choice but to nod in agreement: "Tower, I'm going to continue flying west for 5 minutes. The flight formation will attack any hostile targets found. We'll return after that!"

"The tower approves your request! Please record the route and keep the intercom on! Watch your direction!" The tower's voice in the headset rang again, and then there was only the hiss of electricity.

"Here is the navigator! Follow me to adjust the route! I can see a railroad track below! We fly along the railroad track, and we should be able to find the station." The captain of the pilot plane made a general call again.

"Plane 1 understands! We saw the rails!" The plane behind replied.

"The second plane will follow you!" The pilot of the other plane also said.

The bombers began to turn in the sky, following the rails that could be seen, in a southwesterly direction.

After they flew for a few minutes, a huge city appeared on the ground in the distance - yes, they found Minsk.

"Keep your course! I see Minsk! The train station is in front of us!"

A few minutes ago, they hadn't found their target. After only a few minutes, everything was back on track. How could it not be exciting?

"Attention to all planes! The machine gunners are all in place! We may encounter anti-aircraft fire and Soviet fighter jets! All planes in the bomber group are on first-level alert." The commander commanded loudly in the intercom.

With the sound of his orders, the shooters on the German ju-88 bomber pulled the bolts of the weapons in front of them and prepared for battle.

After he issued the warning order, he notified the pilot plane: "Pilot plane! Pilot plane! Use the battlefield channel to contact the fighters in the nearby airspace and inform them to perform **** missions! Also, please don't attack friendly forces!"

"The pilot understands!" The navigator's answer came from the headset.

"Boom! Boom!" The Soviet air defense forces on the ground apparently spotted the German bomber formation flying in the distance.

They began to fight back with anti-aircraft guns and other weapons, but it seemed that the accuracy was a bit poor. The entire German bomber group was too lazy to avoid them, and even their bombing preparations were not disturbed.

"Fly over the target area!" The commander's lead plane issued an attack order: "Open the bomb bay! Start dropping bombs!"

The fuselage of the ju-88 bomber began to tremble, and the bomb bay under the belly began to slowly open in the chaotic airflow.

One after another, fifty German bombers were ready to drop bombs, all the bomb bays were opened, and their sights had been pressed on the city.

"Bomber No. 1 starts to drop bombs!" "Bomber No. 2 starts to drop bombs!" "Bomber No. 3 starts to drop bombs!" From the earphone, there was a confirmation of bombing one after another.

In the shrill sound of air defense sirens, the German pilots clearly felt the tremors of their aircraft. It was a heavy bomb, free from the shock of the plane.

One bomb after another was thrown out of the plane by the bomber, and the bombardier looked at the bomb and shouted, "Maybe this will be our city tomorrow!"

"If you don't drop the bomb today, it might not be our city tomorrow!" another bombardier laughed.

Following his words, the bombs that were thrown to the ground finally collided with their targets, instantly bursting with a thousand-fold energy, igniting a fire, causing sand and gravel to splash away, forming black smoke columns one after another.

"Boom!" On the ground, Belarusian civilians who had just experienced two bombings had to face their third bombing.

Dense bombs fell, and the sound of explosions came one after another. Such is the cruelty of war, destroying a beautiful city beyond recognition.

"My God! Let this end soon!" A refugee hiding in the suburbs prayed to the sky while looking at the densely packed German bombers in the distance.

Of course it will not end, the bombing of Germany has just begun, and it will certainly not end just because of a prayer.

Fifty ju-88 bombers can carry dozens of tons of bombs and pour them into a city, which will definitely cause immeasurable losses.

As the refugees prayed, the explosions in the city seemed to intensify, and the German bombers crossed over the city and then sped away on the other side.

The third bombing of Minsk ended today, with a total of 150 ju-88s dispatched by Germany to attack the city.

The main attack area was placed in the city, the purpose is to disintegrate the local people's confidence in resistance. The Germans dropped a total of 300 tons of bombs in the bombing, and almost half of Minsk was blown to rubble.

The Soviet troops stationed or retreated to Minsk had only a small number of anti-aircraft artillery weapons, and could only watch the German planes wreak havoc on their heads.

On the ground, on the tank advancing towards the town of Smilovich in the south of Minsk, Karjus raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance.

He saw the plane in the clouds, so he picked up his telescope and looked at the returning bomber group: "That's our bomber, it looks like it just attacked Minsk!"

"You're right!" William, the loader, who also opened the hatch and ventilated outside, nodded.

"Look at those damned guys, they can fly! We attacked a distance of ten days, and they flew there in an hour!" Just as some infantrymen envy tank soldiers, naturally there are also tank soldiers who envy the pilots in the sky.

It's great to be a You can rest far from the front lines, eat hot meals most of the time, and even enjoy good wine.

Many airports are deployed on the fringes of cities, so it has become a commonplace for pilots to enjoy life in the city, and everything about the Air Force seems to be very good.

They don't have to fight in tight, oily spaces, or feel the mud and bumps of the road...

But what the armored soldiers didn't know was that the pilots had to fight in the cold sky, and they might even have to parachute to escape at an altitude of several thousand meters.

These poor pilots sometimes fall into the icy North Atlantic waters and feel the piercing cold.

Everyone is envious of each other, but they don't know that the other person is envious of themselves. Everyone's work has something to boast about, and there are also dark corners that are unknown.

"The bombing has started, which means that we are about to attack Minsk! We must move faster! We will reach Smilovich before night falls today!" Karjus said firmly.

"Maybe the Soviets will deploy heavy troops for us there!" said Kent, the commander of the 112 car in front of Karjus, over the radio.

"What's going on, we'll find out soon." Karius narrowed his eyes, put down the telescope in his hand, and said slowly.

You can see those bombers without binoculars. In the sky above, these ju-88 bombers fly in groups and look domineering.

"No matter how violently they bombed, it's up to us to go to Moscow in the end!" After saying this, Karyus ended the conversation and closed his mouth.


The 8th is more, Long Ling continues to code words, try to update chapter 9 today

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