Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and eighty-six future development direction

There is an old saying in China, "The country is easy to change, but the personality is hard to change". The character of a person is not easily changed, let alone the character of a country.

It is indeed easy to change who makes the country, but it is very difficult to fundamentally change the character of a nation and a country.

Germans hate Jews, and it's not just Germans who hate Jews, most countries in Europe hate Jews.

Russia during the Tsarist period had done mass expulsion and massacre of Jews. Although it was not as systematic and **** as Nazi Germany, it was also very brutal.

At the same time, after Hitler came to power and the Third Reich excluded Jews, there were anti-Semitic voices in France and the United Kingdom, and even the United States had similar activities.

It's just that, before they had time to do what Hitler did, Hitler started to do it first.

In fact, most of the reasons for this large-scale anti-Semitic wave around the world are because the Jews themselves are too closed and arrogant.

In the midst of the world financial turmoil, Jews manipulated capital to make huge profits, but they were unwilling to integrate into their own country and regarded themselves as aliens.

Therefore, in the eyes of local civilians in these countries, they are parasites that do not fit in groups, and of course they should be eliminated.

If you want to compare, Jews are similar to those who make money in the country, but hold foreign nationality, and say that I am actually a foreigner.

Such people are often hated, because people have some hatred for the wealthy, coupled with nationalist thoughts, it is strange to like this kind of people.

It is precisely because of this that when someone in power comes forward and decides to kill all these people, the people who eat melons are actually very supportive.

Now, the Führer has given these Jews a chance to rehabilitate. Of course they should work hard and dedicate all of themselves, including their lives, to the Third Reich!

"Prisoners of war should be managed properly. After all, we can't detain them for a lifetime. After their release, they are all factors of social instability." Li Le was really scared, and the Third Reich once again took the old path.

If they don't think about their relations with the Ukrainians and the Belarusians, Germany risks losing support in both places again.

"The world is huge, but Germany is small." Li Le said to the officials in front of him in a heavy tone.

When he said this, he paused, made an emphatic delay, and continued: "Even if we are invincible, it is impossible to conquer the world with millions of troops."

"So we need helpers. Italy is not enough. We need more helpers. Ukraine and Belarus will be our bases for conquering the Soviet Union!" This is not the first time Li Le has been in front of his subordinates. , emphasizing the matter of winning over Ukraine and Belarus.

In fact, these two places are indeed worthy of his attention: the place where Belarus was occupied by the German army can be said to be the occupied area with the best security.

Everyone cooperated very well, and the settlement of the guerrillas went very smoothly. Many of the Soviet prisoners held in Belarus were even managed by surrendered Belarusian troops.

"If we manage these places well, we can get 1 million reliable soldiers in 1942 or 1943." Li Le conservatively gave his estimate.

If he really needs it, maybe Belarus and Ukraine can mobilize 2 million people or more against the Soviet Union.

With these 2 million people, the total number of the German army and its servant army can be raised to about 10 million.

At that time, even with the assistance of the United States, the Soviet army could not surpass Germany in terms of total strength, and it was impossible to talk about counterattacks.

"I need to reduce taxes in these places and restore it to the level of our native farmers. The Soviet Union has imposed too many burdens on these places, and we are here to liberate them!" Germany needs a slogan, and a righteous reason to continue the war .

"My head of state, we are already implementing your request. So far, at least in Belarus, the people are stable. Our investment has paid off, and this is a good start." An official told Li Le said.

"Having a good start, let's not relax!" Li Le ordered again before looking at another group of people.

This group of people can be said to include scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors from financial consortia.

Their identities are very complex, but they have only one purpose. There are many development directions in the hands of the head of state, and these development directions are also new profit points for making money.

For example, the research and development in the field of microwave radio and the research and development of new equipment such as transistors are all good things that can make a fortune in the eyes of businessmen.

Li Le needs funds to support the research and development and subsequent popularization of these technologies, and the funds of German businessmen also need an investment environment.

The front line is still at war, but at home, war is definitely not the main theme. Everyone is still focusing on development, but the state is a little too tense.

The factory is working overtime to produce, and the construction team is also building day and night. The skyscrapers in the city and the wider and wider roads have become the fastest changing aspects of Germany in the past six months.

"My head of state, the popularization of alternating current, we have already started An official in charge of electric energy opened up and reported the recent achievements of his department.

There are thousands of technologies in the power grid. The use of alternating current is indeed convenient for power generation and consumption, and it is also the mainstream power delivery method in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Now Germany is working hard to popularize alternating current, and at the same time standardize the electricity consumption standards throughout Europe.

Sometimes, capital racks its brains and spends countless standard planning, machine guns and cannons can be done in a month.

If you can't convince the other party, then using cannons to speak is barbaric, but sometimes it does save time.

Another representative of a new home appliance company talked about the latest research and development progress: "The research and development of the motor has also been completed, and everything is going well."

With small and cheap motors, home appliances such as washing machines and range hoods can be popularized to the civilian class.

And these details, on the one hand, can really improve people's happiness index and consolidate the rule of the country; on the other hand, they are indeed an indispensable part of the military field.

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