Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and eighty-nine resignation

"The headquarters of the 178th Army did not take a step back in the end... Maybe Comrade Garrilev, the commander of the army, has already died..." Putting down the phone, the officer looked at Marshal Budyonny's face and said.

Budyonny nodded, and then waved his hand without saying a word, indicating that the other party should stop saying this.

The enemy shelling began again, and the whole earth seemed to shake. Everyone in the headquarters had not seen the sun in the sky for two days, which made Budyonny desperate.

As the Soviet positions were gradually compressed, the German artillery fire became more dense and precise.

Before, it was necessary for the German sniper team to go forward to observe the command artillery fire at a distance, but now it is possible to directly suppress the Soviet army through blind shooting.

After all, they only have a defense area of ​​​​tens of square kilometers now, and it is not particularly difficult to bombard them with artillery shells.

The reason is very simple. Some places cannot hide soldiers. These places include the edge of the line of control between the two armies and some areas that were bombed to the ground.

After excluding these areas, there are only a few square kilometers left where the Soviet army hides.

Covering this area is much simpler than shelling dozens of kilometers of rolling defenses along the Somme defense line.

"Hello? Where did the artillery hit? Yes, I'm the headquarters!" Grabbing the phone, the Soviet officer asked the other side of the phone amid the dust falling from the roof.

The person on the other side of the phone obviously didn't understand the situation, and the answer was very vague: "We heard the sound of gunfire, but no shells fell nearby."

Budyonny pushed away his chair at once, stood up and walked towards the door of the basement: "What's there to ask, don't you know if you go out and take a look!"

Now he is no longer a marshal commanding hundreds of thousands of troops. At that time, he couldn't go to the front line to inspect for himself, so he could only confirm the enemy's attack point by phone.

But now, he is already on the front lines. At this time, I still asked by phone, what's the use of pretending to be this arrogant?

Seeing that their marshal was about to venture out of this fortified basement, the officers under him quickly put down their work and stepped forward to stop it.

"Marshal! The shelling hasn't stopped! It's dangerous to go out now!" An officer stopped in front of Budyonny and tried to persuade him.

"Get out of the way! I'm a soldier. What's wrong with a soldier facing the enemy's artillery fire?"

And for the current Budyonny, there is no essential difference between being killed by a shell and shooting himself in the end.

Death in battle and suicide, anyway, are not glorious things for a general. It doesn't matter which one you choose, Budyonny wants his own death to be determined by fate.

Pushing aside his subordinates, Budyonny opened the door in front of him. Then he saw the tired eyes on the faces of the huddled soldiers staring at him.

Because the place to hide is very small, the corridor at the entrance of the basement of Budyonny's headquarters is also crowded with soldiers who have been replaced and rested.

After all, it is very safe here, and it is also necessary to ensure the safety of Marshal Budyonny, so it is generally reserved for the elite troops, and the soldiers are also more effective.

The soldiers holding their weapons all looked at Budyonny who pushed open the door. The marshal had not left his headquarters for two days.

The range for the marshal's activities is getting smaller and smaller, and the enemy's mortars can be fired here, and the surrounding environment is not safe at all.

The battle outside was still going on, and because the door was pushed open, the sound of shells exploding was even louder.

The sound of continuous machine gun fire in the distance could be vaguely heard, and the number was indistinguishable.

The air was filled with the stench of men's sweat and the faint smell of sulfur, the battle was already near, and the air was clouded by the shelling.

Looking at the soldiers who wanted to stand up from the ground in the corridor, Budyonny motioned for everyone not to stand up.

He opened his mouth and said slowly: "Soldiers, you are the pride of the Soviet people! It's my incompetence, Budyonny, that has brought you to where you are today."

As the marshal went out, he said this to cheer up his soldiers. When he reached the door, he saw the sandbag sealed outside the door.

There was a machine gun on the sandbag, and several officers and soldiers were watching the impact point in the distance with binoculars or the naked eye.

It seemed that the direction in which the shells fell was still some distance away from his headquarters, and the danger was not as great as imagined.

Budyonny picked up the binoculars in his hand and looked in the direction of the German shelling. A half-collapsed building blocked more than half of the view, but the black smoke could still be seen rolling towards the sky.

"In that direction, which troop is defending?" Budyonny recalled the years when he was the commander of the regiment and commanded the battle.

The officer behind the sandbag bunker at the entrance saw his marshal coming out, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly replied: "Comrade Marshal... there may be the 277th Division's station there. Their division suffered a lot and just repelled a German attack."

Using flesh and blood to repel the German steel torrent, the loss can be imagined how heavy. A regiment in a battle, there may be only one battalion left.

A battalion is likely to be wiped out in a single battle, leaving no one left. The battalion commander became an officer who could be killed at any time, and the brutality of the battle was evident.

Budyonny, who was holding a telescope, heard his subordinate's answer and continued to ask: "How many reserves do we have, if we have enough..."

He only asked half of the and he couldn't keep asking. He thought of the tired soldiers resting in the corridor behind him, and he could imagine how many reserves there were.

"Forget it! Send someone to the division headquarters of the 277th Division and tell them to retreat a block back if necessary to relieve the pressure." Budyonny, who was moved with compassion, said.

Hearing this order, his subordinates glanced at the back of his own marshal and reminded him, "Comrade Marshal... The 277th Division flanks, but the 178th Army has been crippled..."

The 178th Army that has been crippled? Hearing this number, Budyonny felt very familiar. He thought back a little, and remembered that just now, the military headquarters of the 178th Army lost contact.

"..." He knew that he couldn't say anything else, whether it was the 277th Division or the 178th Army, they could only rely on themselves and resigned themselves to fate.

Today, Long Ling has replaced a new computer. The original one has been used for many years, and it really does not work. It's just that the input method has to record the habit again, and the typing speed is obviously affected.

When the dragon spirit recovers, make up for it! 8)

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