Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and six passive America

"Gentlemen, the number of warships in our hands is too small now." Nimitz, the commander-in-chief of the US Navy who was ordered to do so with his hands behind his back, concluded with a frown.

Recently his troops have suffered repeated setbacks, losing the Philippines and Malaya and many other islands.

Even the defensive center of gravity such as Rabaul has been controlled by the Japanese army, and the only option for the U.S. Navy other than being sunk is to retreat.

The USS Langley was sunk while delivering fighter jets to Australia, another major loss for the US Navy.

Although the USS Hornet served in time and injected fresh blood into the US Navy, the battle situation was still very passive.

"The work of converting cruisers into independent-class aircraft carriers is already underway, but before Christmas this year, no new aircraft carriers will be added to your troops." An admiral explained helplessly. .

The US Navy's heavy battleship force still has some surplus, but the speed is too slow to meet the new Japanese battleship force.

In terms of aircraft carriers, the United States has only one fleet aircraft carrier, the newly commissioned USS Hornet, which can still operate.

As for the aircraft carrier USS Assault, which was drawn back from the Atlantic, the actual combat effectiveness is not high.

The aircraft carrier USS Ranger did not participate in the Pacific naval battle in history. It served in the Atlantic until it was demolished in 1947.

But now, the United States has no major naval battleships that it can handle, so it has also been transferred back and added to the Pacific Fleet.

Nimitz has only such a warship to deal with the new aircraft carrier fleet of the Japanese Navy, as well as the terrible battleship group.

Even if they don't want to admit it, senior US intelligence personnel have already learned from the Third Reich that Japan has a new type of battleship.

Although the Third Reich was very secretive about this, a battleship named Yamato was confirmed to exist.

If you add the Nagato-class battleships and Kongo-class battlecruisers, the Japanese battleship forces will crush the current United States in terms of speed and number of artillery pieces.

Pearl Harbor, the Pacific transit station, was almost scrapped, and the U.S. fleet had to retreat to Norfolk to assemble and stand by.

Before the strategic function of Pearl Harbor was restored, the Americans could only fight with the Japanese fleet from the distant homeland to the Pacific Ocean, relying on logistical supplies to persist in the battle.

The good news is that although Japan destroyed the Pearl Harbor of the United States and destroyed the huge fleet of the United States, it did not destroy the huge heritage of the United States.

Now, the United States still has the world's most powerful transport fleet, which can easily support the supply task of the American fleet, allowing the United States to move freely throughout the Pacific region.

"The president's intention is to enter a state of counterattack before the Independence-class aircraft carrier and the new battleship are commissioned." Nimitz opened his mouth and denied the suggestion of waiting for the new ship to be launched.

He must take the initiative to annihilate the Japanese fleet as much as possible, and dispel the panic that the west coast of the United States is about to be invaded by Japan.

"All Japanese in the United States have been centrally controlled. If the war is not over, they will have no personal freedom." The army general assured President Roosevelt who was sitting in the first place.

"We have 1,000 fighter jets on the west coast, and if the Japanese go to war with us offshore, we'll be sure to repel their attack," General Eisenhower added, looking at Roosevelt.

Marshall, however, disapproved of this. He fiddled with his pen, shook his head and said, "If the war breaks out offshore, Los Angeles and San Francisco will be over."

"The question now is, if the Japanese land on the west coast, what will we do?" an army general asked Marshall.

Before Marshall could answer, another army general on the side shook his head and said, "Defending the west coast will not solve the problem. If the Japanese land in Canada and attack south, the damage will be even greater."

"On the west coast there are only 4 divisions of the garrison. Our 20 expanded divisions are under training and have no actual combat experience..." Marshall said helplessly.

He is good at operation, but he needs to be given time to operate... The Germans blitzed the UK, and before he could operate, the UK was defeated.

Now the Japanese sneak attack has suddenly destroyed almost all of the United States' previous combat readiness. He has to operate for at least a year before he can accumulate the same wealth for the United States.

"20 divisions are not enough to solve the problem, at least 40 divisions are needed!" Eisenhower, as the head of the US military, opened his mouth to ask for benefits.

American divisions are not Chinese The main division in Jiang Zhongzheng's hands may not even have 10,000 people, but the American division has more than 30,000 people.

The strength of 40 divisions adds up to more than 1.2 million people. If you count artillery and armored vehicles, that's an astronomical figure.

Even the United States, with its deep pockets, cannot possibly arm so many soldiers in one go. Roosevelt felt a headache, looked at Eisenhower and said, "Compress it!"

Eisenhower is also asking for a lot of money, waiting for Roosevelt's repayment on the spot. He paused and thought for a moment, then gave a more reasonable number: "If there are 7 more divisions, the Army will still have a chance to fight."

In fact, he also knows that the possibility of the Japanese directly invading the United States is really not very large. But the possibility of Japan's invasion of Australia is infinitely high.

As long as the United States does not mobilize, then Australia is in danger. Once Japan controls Australia, it will be very difficult for the United States to turn over in the Pacific.

"The threat of the Germans still exists, after all, we are also sparing no effort to support the Soviet Union." Marshall added to Roosevelt: "Although Germany does not seem to have an immediate ill will with us, they should know some of our assistance."

"This is indeed a problem. If the German Navy joins the war against the United States in a year, then our advantage will become our disadvantage." Roosevelt nodded gloomily and admitted.

The United States is a Sanyo country. Its natural geographical advantages allow the United States to take advantage of the war, but it also makes the United States have considerable hidden dangers.

If Japan and Germany go to war against the United States at the same time, the advantage of attacking from two fronts will become the disadvantage of being attacked by the enemy.

This is also the last thing the United States wants to see happen.

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