Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and twelve Japanese fleet pressed on

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The Japanese battleship fleet was pressing on, and Bradley on the American land looked at the sky dejectedly. An American P-40 fighter was chased by Japanese planes to hide in Tibet.

Whether it is on the European battlefield or on the Pacific battlefield, the US P-40 fighter jets cannot overwhelm their opponents, and their status is very embarrassing.

German fighter pilots were so familiar with the performance of American fighter jets that it was as if they had flown them themselves...

Well, now they did, and when the British surrendered, the Germans captured at least 100 of these planes.

Japanese pilots also know this aircraft very well, and the Japanese Navy's Zero fighter is more flexible and aggressive.

For American pilots, the Zero fighter can be regarded as a very strange aircraft, it is simply the pinnacle of flexibility.

It stands to reason that a fast-flying fighter jet cannot be too light because of its structural strength.

But the Zero fighter broke the rules. Its speed could be described as very fast in 1941, but its agility was even more terrifying.

American fighter jets are usually unable to bite the tail of the Zero fighter in a dogfight, and if they are not careful, they will be bitten back by the Zero.

"We have to lose an average of two planes to shoot down an enemy plane..." Looking at the battle in the sky, Bradley said depressedly to his deputy, General Turner of the Marine Corps.

General Turner was also very depressed, because he worked continuously on the island for 20 days, in order to build various fortifications to resist the possible arrival of the Japanese army.

His troops built strong fortifications on the island, but he and Bradley knew that these fortifications could not withstand the Japanese heavy 381 or 410 caliber artillery.

Once the battleships of the Japanese Navy entered the waters near Midway, the fortifications around the island would inevitably be suppressed.

Even more deadly, if the Japanese army got closer, they could easily bombard the airport facilities on the island and destroy more than 400 American P-40 fighter jets.

Without these fighters, the Navy's carriers couldn't fight, and they had to retreat.

Lost the naval counterattack, Midway's defense looked impregnable, but everyone knew the outcome was not optimistic.

In fact, Bradley was too pessimistic. Although he saw that three or more of his planes were shot down, only one plane was shot down by the Japanese army, but the Japanese army could not afford this battle damage ratio.

This is the war of 1941, and every Japanese pilot is the elite of the carefully selected elites.

If 100 pilots were lost in a naval battle, the Japanese Navy would probably cry, not to mention the loss of more pilots.

Unfortunately, Bradley did not think of this, he just saw that his fighter jets were being "slaughtered" by Japanese aircraft.

"Don't we have an elite fighter unit? Why don't we take off to meet now?" He looked at the commander of the army aviation side and asked.

"The 70 planes were used to cover the aircraft carrier formation to launch an attack at a critical moment, and they can't move now..." The commander of the army aviation replied helplessly.

The preparations of the United States may be more detailed than the Japanese Navy imagined. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the army aviation itself, the US Hainan Airlines and the army aviation have jointly formed an elite air combat unit.

The force uses Army Air Force P-40 fighter jets, but is staffed with a Navy pilot for every three planes.

The purpose of such equipment is to confirm that one's heading is accurate, and to be able to identify the position and accurately find the attack target when flying on the vast sea.

Once the U.S. found the location of the Japanese carrier force, the planes could take off and dash to the location of the Japanese fleet to cover the attacking naval air force.

It is precisely because of knowing their own inadequacies that the U.S. Naval Air Forces and Army Air Forces conduct effective task division.

The planes taken off by the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier unit only have the task of attacking the enemy's aircraft carrier;

Therefore, at this time, the US offensive force is still waiting anxiously, waiting for their turn to play.

At this moment, on the bridge of the battleship Nagato of the Japanese Navy, a combat staff officer spread a message: "General Nagumo called to ask: The second batch of planes to bomb Midway is ready, do you want to continue the attack? "

"Attack! Since we have the initiative, let's go all out to attack the enemy!" Yamamoto Fifty-Six glanced at the commander of the reconnaissance unit who was still doing nothing, and instructed.

He still has not found the main force of the US Navy, and the Midway Island in front of him is the primary target he wants to attack.

Instead of waiting for the US fleet that may never appear at, it is better to concentrate on paralyzing the airfield on Midway Island first.

As long as he kills the airport first, it is hard to say whether the inferior fleet of the United States dares to come.

Although it is tempting to lure the US fleet out to fight a decisive battle and take the opportunity to annihilate the US fleet, Yamamoto knows that perfection cannot be pursued.

As a qualified general, on his shoulders is the fate of the country. The most important thing at this time is to make your own choices and prioritize your own strategic deployment.

As for praying for your opponent to make a fatal mistake, that's something only arrogant idiots do.

First lose the strategically important Midway Island, and then mobilize the obviously disadvantaged fleet to send a wave of people. The Americans are stupid to do this.

"Tell Nagumo Chuichi that if the reconnaissance force fails, he will maintain the frequency, send carrier-based aircraft to continue bombing, ensure air dominance, and cover the battleship fleet from approaching and shooting!" Fifty-six commanded through gritted teeth.

As long as half an hour later, at most 45 minutes, he can fire and shoot, making the airport on Midway Island in the United States completely unable to participate in the war.

After 45 minutes, regardless of whether the US fleet was nearby, it could only retreat sadly and give up this strategic location.

When he takes Midway and runs it for 2 months, he can invade Hawaii and hold the still ruined island of Oahu in his own hands.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto Fifty-Six felt a little distressed - knowing that he could capture Hawaii so easily, he would not have exploded so thoroughly in the first place...

Of course, this was just a random thought, and he himself knew that if Oahu had not been completely destroyed in accordance with the bombing plan drawn up by the Germans, then whether Japan would have been able to go so smoothly now, I still don’t know.

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