Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and twenty-two meetings that cannot be held

"Well done! Well done!" Wolf, Li Le nodded and praised with a smile after listening to General Adrian's report on the British Medal.

"The so-called shadows are the darker the more they are in the sun. They cannot be caught or touched. They are the eternal demons of the enemy!"

He knew that a large part of his shadow troops had just been deployed, and those all-pervasive intelligence personnel actually did not exist.

And these non-existent intelligence personnel can be anyone or not during the operation.

The enemy can never find these shadows, but the so-called shadows are like real shadows under the sun, everywhere.

Li Le's intelligence officers were not afraid of being caught. As many people were caught by the enemy, it was absolutely possible to say that they had caught the wrong people.

Catching the wrong one will only cause the opponent's loss, so Li Le wished that the opponent knew that there was an invisible and intangible shadow in his camp.

As long as the other party recognizes the existence of a shadow, the shadow will be more effective than ever.

This is also the magic weapon of Li Le, a traveler from the 21st century. He can naturally sow discord without paying any price for it.

Looking at the South City of London, a huge statue of Churchill was erected little by little, and the intention of the Germans to praise Churchill for the chief intelligence officer became more and more obvious.

"How could Churchill be a traitor, he died in battle!" Looking at his Prime Minister Attlee, British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden said depressedly.

"That's hard to say. He once ordered inspections of various departments, but no one has seriously investigated him..." The director of the Secret Security Bureau looked at Prime Minister Attlee, and said so without yin or yang. one sentence.

Of all the people present, 80% of them were vomited three liters of blood by Churchill's counterintelligence investigation in those days. Now, it's polite to bring it down.

How many people committed suicide in the face of various investigations and abuses, and how many people were wrongfully imprisoned in the end?

This is not the most pitiful, the most pitiful is that many people have been accused of traitors or suspected traitors, lost their bright future, and have not been vindicated yet!

"But the Germans sent fighter jets and shot down Churchill's plane. This is also an indisputable fact..." Dawding finally spoke and said a fair word.

But his words had no effect at all. Instead, he received a sneer from the head of the secret security bureau: "Who knows, is he really dead?"

Maybe many people can prove that Churchill did get on the plane that day, but no one can prove that Churchill's plane was indeed shot down.

The plane was shot down at sea, and the wreckage of scrap iron, in wartime, was as much as it wanted.

Maybe the Germans didn't shoot down the plane at all, but made a forced landing in a certain sea area. After Churchill cheated to death, even if he completed the mission, he escaped.

Anything, if you analyze it with a skeptical attitude, there are unfavorable derivations.

Even if Churchill committed suicide, until the investigation is clear, who can guarantee that he did not end up committing suicide because of leaking too many secrets of the motherland?

What's more, even if his plane was shot down by the Germans, there are many explanations that can continue to be analyzed.

"Maybe the Germans want to kill people and kill him." The Secret Security Bureau was originally responsible for local intelligence, and the director in charge could of course suspect anyone.

"Of course, another possibility is not ruled out, that is, the Germans just intercepted the plane and did not know that their ace spy was sitting in it." His analysis was perceptive, and it seemed that he had confirmed that Churchill was a spy.

Hearing what the other party said, Prime Minister Attlee squeezed his hand depressed and motioned for the other party to shut up: "Enough! Prime Minister Churchill is still trustworthy in his life, don't fall for the German tricks!"

Although he said so, in fact he didn't know whether Churchill was the German's internal response, because there were indeed many suspicious things.

For example, this life-threatening medal placed in front of everyone. Attlee put the lid on the medal, looked at his confidants, and wondered if there were any spies of the enemy here.

Although it is said that Germany and the United Kingdom are now in a state of peace, and there is no war between the two countries, the German spies are still German spies. If they are not found, it will be very troublesome.

This is like the CIA in the 21st century. Although they are allies, they also have a lot of hidden surveillance.

The United States has long wiretapped the telephones of senior bureaucrats in Britain, France and Germany, and used these wiretap content to serve its own national policy.

As a forced ally, the various decision-making influences produced by the British high-level leaders after knowing the existence of the German shadow spy force are incalculable.

"Let's put the matter of Prime Minister Churchill aside. The question now is whether we should admit that we are the puppets of the Germans..." Attlee said, putting down the medal box in his hand.

Sir Anthony Eden waved his hand and said in disapproval: "What a joke, I have nothing to do with the Germans, why should I wear the medal they gave me?"

"Just because you signed the contract, you can't wash it in your life." The British Chancellor of the Exchequer said sneeringly.

Sir Anthony Aiden slapped the table, gritted his teeth, looked at the other party and shouted: "You didn't sign? Yesterday's 50,000 tons of imported grain from the United Didn't you hand it over to the Germans to repay the loan? "

"I'm doing it for the country! If you work hard during the negotiation, maybe we've already paid off the debt!" The other party refused to give in and countered.

"If it wasn't for the fact that the army had lost too much space, would I be so passive at the negotiating table?" Pointing to the bad-faced Dodding and the Minister of War, Sir Anthony Eden was already speaking out.

"Enough! I said enough!" Prime Minister Attlee yelled angrily, patting the table hard.

He had tried his best to restrain himself, but he felt that this meeting could not go on.

The Secretary of the Navy, Commander-in-Chief Somerville resigned, and Air Force Fighter Commander Dawding looked pale and looked like he might faint at any time.

The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are fighting here, and he, the Prime Minister, is even suspected by the secret security bureau...

In such a desperate environment, how to keep all the departments working has become a huge problem that he cannot solve.

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