Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and twenty-six retreat

"Sir! You must leave!" An officer stood behind Bradley, standing at attention and saluting.

A rubber raft is docked on the shore of Midway Island, and the US submarine responsible for the retreat is still on standby at periscope depth at this moment.

"Let me drop all the soldiers and leave alone?" Bradley frowned, looking at the navy captain in charge of the retreat.

"Sir! According to the pre-war arrangement, you and General Rickman Kelly Turner are both on the evacuation list..." The captain was also embarrassed, and spoke to General Bradley.

Midway was originally a small island, and more than 2,000 soldiers could be accommodated on this island.

The United States has strengthened the strength of one division and one brigade. The total number of troops exceeds 40,000, and it is impossible to place all of them on Midway.

Most of the soldiers are still deployed in Hawaii, not all of them are on Midway.

If 40,000 people were really to be transported to Midway Island, they would be crowded together, and it is estimated that even the beach would be full of people.

Therefore, in fact, the US military deployed here 2,500 soldiers, which is already very dense.

In addition, 500 pilots and their commanders, more than 200 officers and soldiers at a radar station and water supply station and a power station, the total number has exceeded 3,000.

The fortifications that were urgently repaired on the island were densely packed. Although the Japanese shelling was very violent, it did not hurt the US military.

About 200 soldiers were killed because they were too dense, and there are still more than half of the defensive positions on the island that can be used.

In this case, Commander Bradley gave up his subordinates and chose to run away. Where did he put his face?

Bringing soldiers here, watching these soldiers die, then slapped the **** and left? What is this called?

"I brought them here. If I can't take them away, I should accompany them to die here..." Bradley said as he looked at the second lieutenant in front of him.

The second lieutenant was obviously unwilling to leave, and continued to persuade: "Sir! Your command is not needed here, you have completed your mission! According to the order, you must leave!"

There's really no need for Bradley here, because there really isn't much to command here.

The Japanese would soon land on Midway, and the American troops on the island would surrender to the Japanese after desperate resistance.

Their existence is to prevent the Japanese army from jumping over the wall to attack Midway after winning, but the navy has been defeated and they have no chance of winning.

Bradley is here to arrange the entire operational plan, he is responsible for arranging the deployment of troops, and is responsible for formulating anti-landing counterattack tactics with General Turner.

Now, the overall arrangement has been completed, and on an island of less than 3,000 people, there is absolutely no need for two generals to command operations.

"Boom!" On the airport runway in the distance, another cloud of black smoke was set off. The damage caused by the large-caliber artillery shells of the Japanese army to the island was more serious than anyone imagined.

"This is the president's order! If you don't implement it, I will order the soldiers to force you to leave." The second lieutenant was also a little flustered. He didn't want to die in such a ghost place inexplicably.

He was just ordered to follow the submarine to pick up all the important officers on the island. If you were killed by Japanese artillery shells, it would be really bad luck.

Bradley looked at the military police standing at the door with his hands behind his back, nodded helplessly, and followed the second lieutenant out of the headquarters.

The sun hit him in the face, and the passage to the trenches outside the door was filled with disgraced American soldiers.

These American soldiers held Springfield rifles in their arms and waited for the Japanese to wash up on the beach and attack their pre-set defensive positions.

The Springfield Rifle, also known as the M1903 Rifle, has pretty good long-range accuracy, but it's just a matter of looking at the years, it's actually quite old.

Now, the U.S. military has no large-scale equipment of the later-famous M1 Garand rifle. A large number of American troops still use old-fashioned Springfields.

This weapon, like the Mauser 98K, is a bolt-action rifle that can only fire one round at a time.

The advantage is that the air tightness is good, so the long-range shooting accuracy is high. However, the shortcomings are also very obvious. There is no firepower continuity, and it cannot continuously shoot to suppress the opponent.

The Mauser 98K rifle, as the name suggests, is an improved version of the 1898 German Mauser rifle. The Springfield 1903 rifle was born in 1903... The rifle weapons of the World War II era actually have a very long "revolutionary history".

Boarding the boat, Bradley saw the island where he was just now, under the bombardment of Japanese battleships, it was crumbling like an egg.

General Turner was already waiting for him in the boat, and it seemed that General Turner was being carried away from his command by the soldiers. Turner's face was not very good, obviously his stubborn character made him do some unnecessary resistance...

Bradley's boat was bumping in the waves. Fortunately, the Japanese air raid planes had left, and it was still a very safe place.

At this time, Nagumo Chuichi was busy saving his three wounded aircraft carriers, and he had no time to pay attention to Midway Island, which had no counterattack ability.

What's more, Midway Island now has 6 battleships' main guns to suppress, and they can't make any tricks.

If such a slap-sized place can still take off aircraft to fight under the bombardment of more than 40 heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 300 mm, then the Japanese navy will not need to fight, and it will be a direct retreat.

It was under such a circumstance that the U.S. military submarine dared to approach the vicinity of Midway Island and start a retreat plan.

Bradley arrived at Midway on a transport ship, and now he can only leave by submarine... This is definitely a great irony for a general.

MacArthur failed to leave, leaving behind a famous saying I'll be back, Bradley left quietly, he didn't say a word.

There were waves on the calm sea, and then the submarine's conning tower surfaced. The soldiers inside couldn't wait to lift the hatch, allowing the seawater left on the enclosure to fall into the submarine.

Bradley, who visited the submarine up close for the first time, with the help of sailors, climbed the submarine's conning tower and drilled into the narrow interior of the submarine.

As the hatch of the submarine was closed, the interior of the submarine suddenly became dark. The fierce sunlight just now was completely isolated from the iron shell at this moment.

Bradley narrowed his eyes, adjusting to the darkness in the submarine. The diesel engine began to roar, the submarine began to dive little by little, and soon the sea returned to calm, and there was no more waves.

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