Imperial Overlord

: Seven hundred and fifty-eight new soldiers

"Fight for freedom!" The soldiers with M35 helmets grabbed the Mauser 98K rifle with both hands, held the rifle in front of their faces like a sword, and shouted slogans loudly.

All the soldiers wore the standard SS uniforms, but the badges on the collars were a little different.

These soldiers use the relatively backward German Y-type tactical harness, which is not as advanced and easy to use as the H-type tactical harness.

Moreover, these soldiers did not have standard gas mask barrels, which seemed to be a lot less than the regular Waffen SS.

Standing in front of these soldiers were SS generals and various colonel and lieutenant-colonel officers. These officers had their hands behind their backs, reviewing the troops in front of them.

"Very good, they look very effective. I hope they can show the same spirit on the battlefield as they did today." The SS major general led by his hands behind his back praised the people in suits beside him.

"Our soldiers are carefully selected. They are willing to fight for the Third Reich! Defeat the Soviet Red Army!" The man in the suit said to the SS major general with a smug expression on his face.

Further afield, soldiers in SS panzer uniforms stood in front of their tanks, their heads held high, looking in high spirits.

Behind them are the refurbished products of a full 150 T-26 tanks. These tanks are welded with steel plates to form a square shape on the periphery of the turret. One is to increase the bulletproof effect, and it is also easier for friendly troops to identify.

All tanks are painted with black and white iron cross emblems, and the gray paint is completely distinguishable from the Soviet grass green paint.

Unlike most tanks of the Waffen SS, the armored vehicles of the regular German SS are all painted in camouflage, and there are few vehicles painted in gray.

The tanks in front of them are all painted in gray, using the German tank painting when they invaded France.

"The head of state has given this armored division the number of the SS. You are a regular army, not a servant army, nor a second-rate army. You are the main force of the SS in the true sense!" .

In fact, he didn't believe everything he said, because he knew that there were no SS troops, and they were still fighting with outdated and backward captured T-26 tanks.

All captured T-26 tanks were distributed to the minions, to the Italian Expeditionary Force, the Romanian Expeditionary Force, the Hungarian Expeditionary Force, and the Finnish Force.

The rest, in better condition, were reserved for tank training units or passed on as weapons to Vichy France.

Of course, a considerable part was used as an export weapon for debt repayment and paid to Spain as food and precious metals imported.

Only a small number of KV-1 tanks are still in service in the German army, and they are also used for secondary combat tasks in encircling and suppressing guerrillas and suppressing Yugoslavia and other regions.

To be honest, Germany has no extra steel to waste at all, so the captured weapons must actually be used to the best of their ability.

This means that the navy saved the steel of submarines and used it to build surface ships such as aircraft carriers, so that the navy could continue to develop.

At the same time, because there was no threat of aerial bombardment, the manufacturing plan of countless anti-aircraft artillery was cancelled, and the production of tanks was only barely enough.

Fortunately, the U.S. blockade became ineffective because of the Pacific War, and many imported materials such as food could continue to flow into Europe, easing the material pressure on Europe.

Otherwise, just the food item would be enough to give the managers of the Third Reich a headache.

"This division's troop number is the 15th Panzergrenadier Division of the Waffen SS." As he spoke, the major general gestured to the colonel on the other side of him and unfolded the flag in the hands of the flag bearer.

"At the same time! They are also the 1st Latvian Division!" Following the major-general's rhetoric, a flag was unfolded, and the emblem of the 1st Latvian Division and the 15th SS Grenadier Division fluttered in the wind.

"Hi! Hitler!" All the soldiers raised their chins and shouted the Führer's name. They were young people who were really willing to support the Führer and Germany in such a war.

Yes, in Latvia, and also in Lithuania, there are countless people who believe that Germany is waging a war of liberation and that the Soviet Union is the hateful aggressor.

Now that Germany has begun to ease its racial policy and relax the oppression of the occupied areas, the locals are more willing to cooperate with Germany and drive away those terrible Russian rulers forever.

"Give us the most difficult task! We are willing to fight the Soviets to the end!" The man in the suit is a politician in Latvia.

Under his leadership, the Latvian 1st Division and the Latvian 2nd Division have been successfully formed, but they lacked a little practical experience.

In another place, a panzergrenadier division in Estonia has also been formed. The number of the three divisions is the same as in history, but the combat effectiveness has been increased several times.

First of all, the three divisions have more troops than in history, and their training is more professional.

Even if there is less equipment, the weapons are complete and the ammunition is sufficient. There are at least 100 T-26 tanks in each division. The combat effectiveness is only higher than that of the average Soviet armored division.

Each of the three divisions also has three German teaching companies, and the above-mentioned combat units are all officers selected by the German SS.

If you count that each division has a Stalker tank destroyer company as an anti-tank company, these units are actually very strong.

"You will go to the battlefield tomorrow to fight the most vicious Soviet people... I hope God can bless you, and victory will be with you!" The SS major general raised his head and said some encouraging words after , turned around and walked off the podium.

The flag of the 15th Panzergrenadier Division fluttered in the sky, and the soldiers standing on the square maintained an upright posture. In front of the team, a row of MG-42 machine guns was neatly placed, looking majestic.

On May 23, with the help of the German SS, the conscription work in the occupied areas was in full swing. The 15th SS Panzergrenadier Division was formed on this day, along with the 19th and 20th Divisions.

Three divisions with more than 60,000 troops marched out of the three countries of the Mediterranean, heading towards Leningrad.

On the same day, the news that the artillery of the German Army Group Center began shelling Moscow was published in the newspapers and published on the front pages of the Berliner Zeitung and the Reich Zeitung. The news caused a sensation all over the world.

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