I also know that once the Ice Fire Warlock is approached, there is no time to drive the elemental force, and it is actually very fragile.

Mona and Ying greeted each other directly with fists and feet in order to quench the fire.

Gan Yu hesitated for a while, but also followed.

Pai Meng fox fake tiger might, followed everyone, waving small fists.

The four of them surrounded and beat the lost "Ice Firefly Warlock" to the ground.

I just heard repeated begging for mercy: "Don't fight, don't fight... It's me, it's me!"

Chapter three hundred and eighty fourth

Righteous siege!

What a great opportunity to vent!

You can vent your anger at the fools harassing Liyue.

You can vent your dissatisfaction with attracting bees and butterflies in summer.

You can vent your anxiety about not being able to find your brother.

You can vent the frustration of not being able to eat delicious food.

The atmosphere is brought up, who is willing to stop first?

Xia Xia, who was beaten and kicked, was treated like this because she came back too late and made them worry, so she endured it.

But after hearing the voices of "Stinky Fools!" "Let you make trouble everywhere!" "Go tell the lady not to come back!", only then did he realize that he was mistaken for Fools.

Isn't this a wrongful beating? He quickly shouted and begged for mercy: "It's me, it's me! Stop hitting..."

Gan Yu, who made the most gentle shot, was also the first to stop.

"Mr. Xia Xia?" She bowed her head and bent down, and saw the pitiful eyes cast over her: "Mr. Xia Xia! How is it you!"

Gan Yu's exclamation made Ying and Mona stop their atrocities.

Only Paimon is still waving her little fist, anyway, the strength is small, just like a massage.

"Summer...you!" Mona looked at the person in front of her, and she had to read it several times before she dared to confirm: "Why are you wearing the clothes of the Ice Fire Warlock? No, why are you dressed like this!"

The inside is almost naked, and the outside is covered with the coat of the Ice Fire Warlock.

Xia Xia didn't know how to explain it. She shyly tightened her cuffs and said succinctly, "Practicing swordsmanship with someone else broke my clothes, so I changed one..."

He didn't lie, but it shouldn't be as simple as "practice swordsmanship" or "broken"...

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was surprised, Xia Xia bent down and got out of the encircling net.

He went to the salute for the first time, turned over a new piece of clothes, then hid behind the stone and quickly changed into it.

A second ago, Xia Tian felt ashamed and shrank his body like a pervert.

After changing clothes, he straightened his chest immediately and forcibly deleted the memory of the shame he had just lost.

But Mona didn't forget, she leaned into Xia Xia's ear and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you hooking up with another Ice Fire Warlock?"

"What are you thinking about! I don't have that much time." Xia Tian patted her head, wondering what she was thinking about all day.

Just as he was preparing a fire to burn off the Ice Fire Warlock's clothes and embarrassing memories, he was stopped by Mona.

"What are you doing?"

"It's pretty, maybe it will be useful in the future?"

Mona and Ying have discussed it several times. They always think that Ice Ying Warlock's clothes are very beautiful, and the big ears of the hood are very cute.

I've wanted to get a set to wear for a long time, and now it's my wish.

But he must not let Xia Xia know, otherwise, with his perverted level, he will definitely let his COS Ice Firefly Warlock do "that kind of thing".


Next, it's summer confession time.

For Mona and the others, it was only a few hours, but for summer, it took five days.

I don't know how much time it will take to describe it in detail.

So I made a very concise summary: "I went to a space that seemed to be an abyss, and I met the owner of that underwear again... Her name is Silk, her identity is unknown, but she is super strong and taught me Some swordplay."

"Really? That's it? Nothing special happened?" Mona was dubious, her eyes were like a lie detector scanning Xia Xia's face. .

Xia Xia said all the truth, and naturally had a clear conscience: "Really."

Mona raised doubts: "You stole her underwear and almost drowned her, and then she not only doesn't care, but is willing to teach you swordsmanship? Is she a fool?"

Xia Xia spread her hands, and some guards said, "Isn't this clearing up the misunderstanding? She's not that unreasonable..."

Mona still wanted to ask, but Ying came over and said, "Okay, just come back safely."

Paimon followed closely and urged: "That's right, hurry up and make barbecue! I'm almost hungry!"

As a debt, Xia Tian took the initiative to undertake the barbecue job.

Normally, Ying should be brought here. After all, Ying has a wealth of experience in the field of survival, but Xia Xia seems to have no experience in this area.

But I didn't expect that summer was actually very skilled, and the heat was well controlled. It didn't seem like the first time.

The final taste cannot be said to be unparalleled, but it can be praised.

"Did you roast meat before?" Paimon was surprised, this was better than Ying's roasting.

Xia Tian scratched the back of his head: "Didn't I practice a lot these two days..."

"These two days? When?" Mona said she had no impression at all.

"The flow rate in that space is faster than this side. It's considered that you have stayed for several times and roasted the meat a few times, otherwise you will starve to death."

Xia Xia's addition made Mona find something suspicious again: "Eh? How many days did you stay? With that Skok woman?"

"I'm starting to think again, haven't I?" Xia Xia held up a bunch of barbecue and stuffed it into Mona's mouth, and corrected it with a little seriousness: "She taught me swordsmanship, and she is also my master. Very rude!"


Given the attractiveness of summer to women, Mona is skeptical.

With delicious meat, I got some vegetables and roasted them for Gan Yu to eat.

Everyone eats deliciously, except in summer, I have no appetite.

Thinking of the last time with Scock, he knew it was useless, but he still chose to attack, so he couldn't finish the meal well.

If I were given another chance, I might wait until I finish eating.


Yesterday because of the overcast sky, there were no stars at night.

But today is a clear sky, and of course the sky is full of stars at night.

Mona wanted to show off her astrology and took Ying and Gan Yu as audience.

And in summer, lying on the grass with eyes closed.

In the past five days, the word "tired" has been highlighted, and he has been in a state of double tension both mentally and physically for a long time.

Now that you relax, you can't be like falling apart, as if your body doesn't belong to you.

Tiredness is naturally written on his face.

The neck was touched by the cold hands, which was very comfortable, and the fatigue was instantly dissipated.

Xia Tian opened his eyes and thought it was Mona, but he didn't expect it to be Gan Yu.

I was a little surprised by such an initiative.

Gan Yu said softly, "Mr. Xia Xia, you seem very tired and unhappy."

Xia Xia smiled and reached out to touch Gan Yu's cheek: "Can Gan Yu already sense that others are unhappy?"

Gan Yu is not a person who is good at prying into other people's hearts, otherwise she would not have misunderstood that Li Yuegang wanted to drive her away.

"Only Mr. Xia can detect, because if Mr. Xia is happy, I will be happy, and if Mr. Xia is unhappy, I will be unhappy."

The innumerable love words were said by Gan Yu like some kind of established fact.

"I'm just a little tired, maybe I've practiced too much swords these days! Don't worry about me."

In addition to being moved, Xia Xia still didn't want her mood to affect other people.

The great astrology show is about to start. If Gan Yu doesn't come back to join in, it will definitely make Mona angry.

"Mr. Xia, take a good rest, maybe when the sun rises tomorrow, all the troubles will be solved."

Gan Yu left a sweet smile.

Then he ran back, sat beside Ying, and enjoyed Mona's performance together.

I don't quite understand what Gan Yu means, maybe it's a blessing?

When will the sun rise tomorrow? How can it be so easy to solve... Let's find the ideal "home" first!

The deep night sky reminds me of the same deep abyss dome.

It's just that the moon here, the stars here, in the abyss, can never be seen.

Turning his head, he looked at Ying and Gan Yu who were amused by astrology, as well as Mona who was angry because of their laughter, and Paimon who was overwhelmed by being regarded as the object of astrology...

Suddenly I thought of the similarities between Si Keke and Gan Yu.

They all have a life far beyond that of a human being, and at the same time they have a loneliness far beyond that of a human being.

Gan Yu's loneliness is the loneliness of the soul that inhumans have nowhere to turn to in the crowd.

So, with summer, the support that summer brings to her, and the approval of others, she will walk out of loneliness and usher in bright sunshine step by step.

What about Skok's loneliness? How long will the loneliness that has lasted for thousands of years last?

Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh.

The only thing that can be done in summer is to finish the things at hand quickly and fulfill the promise.

Next time you go to see her, bring some more delicious food!


He doesn't know yet.

His meeting with Skok came from the miracle of one in a billion.

And miracles only happen once.

Chapter three hundred and eighty fifth Gan Yu's bravery

The stars light up the lamp, and the mountains and forests become very quiet.

There are warriors guarding their safety not far away, so the girls can sleep at ease in the cave.

As an immortal bloodline, Gan Yu doesn't need so much sleep.

Although she is nostalgic in the embrace of summer, she has more things she wants to do.

There is a pretty figure under the moon, riding the wind across the mountains.

Came to the Immortal Mansion of True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing the Wind and brought the "Boundary-seeking Pan" with the temperature of summer.

Because I didn't discuss it with Xia Xia, I was a little nervous, like a thief who took something, and my heart was beating "thumping".

This is the first time she has done such a "bad" thing.

True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Feng was in the depths of the cave, sensing the arrival of Gan Yu, and opened his long-closed eyes.

There seemed to be dissatisfaction, surprise, and resentment in his eyes.

"True Monarch Liuyun." Gan Yu called out softly, with his hands behind his back unnaturally: "I have something to ask for True Monarch Liuyun."

She was unnaturally shy, yet so familiar.

It seems to have changed back to 3,000 years ago. The little unicorn who wanted to fly for the first time would ride on his back, or tremble in fear, or roll over by the wind...

"What's the matter?" True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing just glanced at him.

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